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Appel 2012-04-09 10:10


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 4098599)
about to do finish hguc delta gundam, left the right hand & legs. my comment for the chrome gold, it is better than hg 1/144 akatsuki as when you do, there is no fingerprint marks unlike previous kit which is a good thing as when doing akatsuki the fingerprint marks can be annoying

well, at least that means that the extra price for the chrome plating is worth it^^ but personally i still wouldnt want to pay more than your average MG for a single HG!

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-04-09 10:36

Damn, if Bandai decide to make Delta into MG, I'm sure it will cost arms and legs :uhoh: (assuming they use the same or better chrome plating).

Butagami 2012-04-10 17:22

Yup, I'm guessing it'll be 8000¥ at least, and probably higher. Not that much into shiny suits myself, so I'm not really bothered by it, but still... Would be funny if it were more expensive than some PGs (at least strike is only like 12000¥). Well, funny as in "haha, I'll have to live in a box in the park now"-funny.

suiton629 2012-04-10 17:31

Haven't seen many SD Age-1 reviews online aside from 2OldForToys, rrobert...

Appel 2012-04-10 17:37


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4101005)
Haven't seen many SD Age-1 reviews online aside from 2OldForToys, rrobert...

there arent really a whole lot of people who review SD kits. i suppose thats because they are so simple and most people in the west go directly for the HG and MG models.

duotiga 2012-04-10 17:54


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4098726)
Damn, if Bandai decide to make Delta into MG, I'm sure it will cost arms and legs :uhoh: (assuming they use the same or better chrome plating).

What I'm wishing for is not chrome gold but Matt gold or similar to what they did to the hg1/144 gyphs set (zeta, mk2 & hyakushiki) that kind of gold for hyakushiki.

prefer this kind

suiton629 2012-04-10 18:44


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4101016)
there arent really a whole lot of people who review SD kits. i suppose thats because they are so simple and most people in the west go directly for the HG and MG models.

I usually go MG, but occasionally I get SD.

Appel 2012-04-11 10:05

my used MG nemo arroved today^^
i wont post any before/after photos. partially because im ill and i totally forgot to take a before photo but mainly because its really just the nemo. nothing was broken or badly built and it arrived in one piece at my place.
im also done weathering it. the parts are out of the water now (i will explain later) and are drying right now. after that i will apply top coat and once that has died i will post some photos^^
but im already happy with how it turned out! the youtube tutorials that i have watched helped a lot.

suiton629 2012-04-11 10:14

I have a question about hand painting.

I have those bottles of Tamiya X series paints. I think they're acrylic. So does that mean I can take a little bit of paint and then mix it with plain water to paint the kit? Like I do that, and then paint again, let it dry, paint again, etc? And then put on a Tamiya matte finish top coat.

Appel 2012-04-11 10:58


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4102265)
I have a question about hand painting.

I have those bottles of Tamiya X series paints. I think they're acrylic. So does that mean I can take a little bit of paint and then mix it with plain water to paint the kit? Like I do that, and then paint again, let it dry, paint again, etc? And then put on a Tamiya matte finish top coat.

yeah, tamiya X paints are acrylic and can be thinned with water^^ but dont use too much or the paint will get too runny and forms pools in corners.
the way i do it i just dip my brush in water to make it wet and then i dip it into some paint. usually thats enough water to make the paint behave properly. just try it first on a seperate piece of plastic to make sure you are satisfied with the ratio between paint and water.

suiton629 2012-04-11 11:13


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4102337)
yeah, tamiya X paints are acrylic and can be thinned with water^^ but dont use too much or the paint will get too runny and forms pools in corners.
the way i do it i just dip my brush in water to make it wet and then i dip it into some paint. usually thats enough water to make the paint behave properly. just try it first on a seperate piece of plastic to make sure you are satisfied with the ratio between paint and water.

Well I plan on doing this...

Get paint on a cup or something. Get a dropper and put in like a drop of water, check the paint, and add more water as needed til it has that milky consistency as I've read a lot of people go for...

Bashfulz 2012-04-11 11:18


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4102265)
I have a question about hand painting.

I have those bottles of Tamiya X series paints. I think they're acrylic. So does that mean I can take a little bit of paint and then mix it with plain water to paint the kit? Like I do that, and then paint again, let it dry, paint again, etc? And then put on a Tamiya matte finish top coat.

The X doesnt mean acrylic, just check the bottle. It should be stated somewhere whether it is enamel or acrylic.

edit: this is enamel:

this is acrylic:

not too hard to see the words enamel or acrylic...

suiton629 2012-04-11 11:24

But acrylic I can thin with water?

Whenever I start making my GunPla kits, I plan on sanding off the nubs and then hand painting everything. I tried that spray paint but they were expensive and I think they were lacquer...they smell so bad.


Bashfulz 2012-04-11 11:28


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4102384)
But acrylic I can thin with water?

Whenever I start making my GunPla kits, I plan on sanding off the nubs and then hand painting everything. I tried that spray paint but they were expensive and I think they were lacquer...they smell so bad.


yes. water works.

suiton629 2012-04-11 11:31

Question though.... Is the plastic different on MG, HG, SD, etc?

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-04-11 12:01


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4102395)
Question though.... Is the plastic different on MG, HG, SD, etc?

From my experience so far, the plastic of SD, HG, & MG kits is pretty much the same (I have some kits from all three categories). Still, in some particular kits, some parts are made from different material like the rubber feet & palms/fists from MG God, the rubber inner frame shoulders from MG Alex, the rubbery V-fin from MG V Gundam, etc. I don’t have to mention about clear parts and effect parts, right?

suiton629 2012-04-11 12:09


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4102437)
From my experience so far, the plastic of SD, HG, & MG kits is pretty much the same (I have some kits from all three categories). Still, in some particular kits, some parts are made from different material like the rubber feet & palms/fists from MG God, the rubber inner frame shoulders from MG Alex, the rubbery V-fin from MG V Gundam, etc. I don’t have to mention about clear parts and effect parts, right?

I don't think anyone actually paints the clear parts and effect parts... =P

Appel 2012-04-11 12:09

all bandai models use polystyrene for the armor and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) for the frame (except for the AGE-1 which seems to use PS for everything). i dont know what the polycaps and effect parts are made out of though.

also, my nemo is pretty much done^^

i especially like how the shield turned out!
the dirt on the armor is essentially actual dirt^^ i still had some pigments that i got at a games workshop store. i mixed them with water and just poured the solution over the pieces :P then i realized that actually too much dirt stuck to the armor so i threw every piece into a washing basin with warm water.
i think the result looks very natural because thats how the dirt set on the armor! and i love that.

suiton629 2012-04-11 12:11

So what's different about the different plastics?



suiton629 2012-04-11 12:12

Mega Size 1/48 Gundam AGE-2 Normal - Hobby Japan (May Issue)

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