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Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-04-15 05:01


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 4108668)
You know, I am usually averse to recolors of any type...

But dammit, I suddenly want an MG of the white AGE-2 that just showed up... :eek:

I share your feelings, man. I’ve been wanting a purely white gundam for so long. Well, Freedom kinda come close but it’s not perfect. Also, G-Exes, G-Bouncer and Byaku Shiki don’t count. MG White AGE-2 would be a dream come true.

Oh yeah, I finally finished assembling my Heavyarms. Right now, it’s just snap-fit only. I need to paint the missiles silver, put some decals, and panel-line it later.

Spoiler for The walking arsenal ^_^:

This is a fine kit. Almost everything in this kit is solid, including the hinges for the missiles’ storage rooms. The "Rambo Knife" is a bit loose but not on the annoying level. Articulation is very good for an arsenal MS. The gatling gun can be easily held fine with only one arm. The structure of the magazine reminds me of Zaku’s pipes. It’s flexible enough without being loose. It’s even more flexible than the cable from Epyon’s beam saber.

The downside: the hands. I really don’t like the hands they use for MG Wing EW series. It might be best for simple weapon like beam saber, but for more intricate weapon like big guns, it’s hella annoying. The peg is located in a difficult position. Also, the replaceable palm itself might come off if you play with it too much. I’d prefer to have MG SEED Destiny’s hands with solid palms, movable fingers and simple pegs for holding H-Arms’ gatling gun.

casval cehack 2012-04-15 05:05


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4108678)
I find it too white, but Wolfe's uniform looks good on him.

Age-3 Orbital (and the other one) spotted here :)

The Girage is there too.

What are the chances of getting (atleast in HG) an Age-2 Woolf, yet another Adele (Guncannon ver.) and maybe an Age-1 FLAT with Zefuld Launcher?

GN0010 Nosferatu 2012-04-15 05:11


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4108743)
The Girage is there too.

What are the chances of getting (atleast in HG) an Age-2 Woolf, yet another Adele (Guncannon ver.) and maybe an Age-1 FLAT with Zefuld Launcher?

I'd say the odds are fairly good. Nearly every AGE MS has been added into the HG 1/144 line. Don't see any reason to stop now. I'd expect it at some point or another. If Bandai bothered to make the Diva colored Adele, there's no reason they can't make a the cannon version.

maknaedik 2012-04-15 05:21


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4108743)
The Girage is there too.

What are the chances of getting (atleast in HG) an Age-2 Woolf, yet another Adele (Guncannon ver.) and maybe an Age-1 FLAT with Zefuld Launcher?

All they have to do with the new Age-1 is too add plates for the Zefuld Launcher and that's it. The white in the chest is already there in HG so it's quite possible. The Adele with Guncannon ver looks cool and I think it has enough chance of getting one. Age-2 white is an easy release for Bandai so I'm pretty sure it'll get an HG too..

Thankfully, the Girage doesn't look as bad as I thought it would be in HG form. The AG is, well, looks good for an AG of course.

Sir Dearka 2012-04-15 05:38


Originally Posted by bio9205 (Post 4107349)
Yeah, the RD Buster caught my eye when I first saw pics of it. Does it come with a stand?

Yup, it does come with a stand. This was one of many reasons why I understood that the high price is justified! :)

casval cehack 2012-04-15 05:40


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 4108749)
I'd say the odds are fairly good. Nearly every AGE MS has been added into the HG 1/144 line. Don't see any reason to stop now. I'd expect it at some point or another. If Bandai bothered to make the Diva colored Adele, there's no reason they can't make a the cannon version.

Good point. Still among the single episode appearance MS, the red Shaldoll (big cannon) and the Defurse are still absent from the line.


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4108759)
All they have to do with the new Age-1 is too add plates for the Zefuld Launcher and that's it. The white in the chest is already there in HG so it's quite possible. The Adele with Guncannon ver looks cool and I think it has enough chance of getting one. Age-2 white is an easy release for Bandai so I'm pretty sure it'll get an HG too..

Thankfully, the Girage doesn't look as bad as I thought it would be in HG form. The AG is, well, looks good for an AG of course.

The Age-1 HG and MG has no attachment points at the back...maybe it will snug fit on the grill and/or the spoilers.

I believe the white Age-2 is Bandai's way on compensating itself for the lack of a 3rd wear for Age-2.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2012-04-15 05:45


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4108777)
Good point. Still among the single episode appearance MS, the red Shaldoll (big cannon) and the Defurse are still absent from the line.

The Defurse is easily explained off because it's huge. It would have to be a foot high to be accurate to the show.

The red Shaldoll didn't do a thing, at all. All it did was hover with the cannon for a few seconds. The Adele cannon is a mass produced suit seen in action. It did more in the show, and has more cause to be made. Same goes with the Falsia, it only had one appearance, but did a lot, thus getting a kit.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-04-15 06:01


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4108777)
I believe the white Age-2 is Bandai's way on compensating itself for the lack of a 3rd wear for Age-2.

I’ll be twice as happy if only the one who became white is Double Bullet. I’m fine with AGE-2 Normal’s color due to its dominant blue, but Double Bullet really needs the white recolor instead of the "spectacular" red & blue :heh:.

casval cehack 2012-04-15 06:04

Geera Zoi is a boss in Age's first chapter; they could adjust the scale for the Defurse (HG Mechanics?) gunpla.

Knowing Bandai's "graciousness", they'll probably bundle the Zefuld Launcher with the prospective Adele Cannon.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2012-04-15 06:10


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4108817)
Geera Zoi is a boss in Age's first chapter; they could adjust the scale for the Defurse (HG Mechanics?) gunpla.

Knowing Bandai's "graciousness", they'll probably bundle the Zefuld Launcher with the prospective Adele Cannon.

The Zefuld Launcher will probably just be with the inevitable AGE-1 Flat.

maknaedik 2012-04-15 06:31


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4108777)

The Age-1 HG and MG has no attachment points at the back...maybe it will snug fit on the grill and/or the spoilers.

Thanks for pointing that out. Maybe in the MG, they could easily swap of the plate for the back and drill some holes in it so the bagpack can be attached. But in HG, I can't think of any.


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4108777)
Good point. Still among the single episode appearance MS, the red Shaldoll (big cannon) and the Defurse are still absent from the line.

Red Shalldol T_T I'm still hoping it comes out with its big ass cannon.


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4108777)
I believe the white Age-2 is Bandai's way on compensating itself for the lack of a 3rd wear for Age-2.

Yeah, and they advertised it having 2 or more wears. So I guess that explains it.

firefox 2012-04-15 14:22

My latest creation, the 1/100 Dynames gundam. Where to start to praise this model, it's fantastic for it's price. It's got everything you wnat except a MG internal frame.

I give it 9,5/10.

Next up is a 1/100 seed model :)

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-04-15 14:46

Yeah, the 1/100 from 00 lines are very good except for 1/100 Virtue/Nadleeh. From what I heard & saw, Nadleeh’s “hair” is a pain and it doesn’t have it’s own weapons. Virtue’s head looks ugly. Its shoulders are too narrow which makes it looks “fat”, not “big” or “bulky”. I’ll just wait for the Gundams from 00 season 1 to be MGed (in five to ten years, I guess) to collect them all. [end rant]

Znozzy 2012-04-15 18:44

The Nadleeh's hair isnt too good, but it isnt a bad kit, the 1/100 Virtue/Nadleeh is one great kit, nice movement (minus the legs due to the Virtue's armor blocking it)

Tbh, i'd rate it second after the Exia/Astraea kits in the 1/100 00 line

firefox 2012-04-16 05:58


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4109401)
Yeah, the 1/100 from 00 lines are very good except for 1/100 Virtue/Nadleeh. From what I heard & saw, Nadleeh’s “hair” is a pain and it doesn’t have it’s own weapons. Virtue’s head looks ugly. Its shoulders are too narrow which makes it looks “fat”, not “big” or “bulky”. I’ll just wait for the Gundams from 00 season 1 to be MGed (in five to ten years, I guess) to collect them all. [end rant]

I've heard the same negative from a friend who built it.

So far i've build the 1/100 astraea, Tieren, Flag and now Dynames. Apart from the Flags weapon hold problem they are all excellent!

casval cehack 2012-04-16 06:19


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4108812)
I’ll be twice as happy if only the one who became white is Double Bullet. I’m fine with AGE-2 Normal’s color due to its dominant blue, but Double Bullet really needs the white recolor instead of the "spectacular" red & blue :heh:.

Asem could have insisted both Age-2 wears to be recolored white. Afterall, he probably spent more time in the DB than the Normal. Wishful thinking would be Bandai releasing a white Age-2 gunpla with both wears included (online store limited perhaps?).


Originally Posted by Znozzy (Post 4109753)
The Nadleeh's hair isnt too good, but it isnt a bad kit, the 1/100 Virtue/Nadleeh is one great kit, nice movement (minus the legs due to the Virtue's armor blocking it)

Tbh, i'd rate it second after the Exia/Astraea kits in the 1/100 00 line

IMO, Nadleeh needs flowing, barbie-like hair option for the cables in order to be a great kit.

Znozzy 2012-04-16 07:00


Originally Posted by casval cehack (Post 4110614)
IMO, Nadleeh needs flowing, barbie-like hair option for the cables in order to be a great kit.

Barbie like hair? that'd be .. strange. softer plastic though for a more cable like feeling instead of the current pieces you get would be nice though. but it could be worse

kakakka 2012-04-16 08:28


I don't know what kind of barbie-like hair you're talking about, but it is going to be weird.

Appel 2012-04-16 08:39

hair like that would only cause more problems. it would be too light and too thin and sooner or later it would look like a total mess.
cables also wouldnt work. getting so many of them into the right postition is pretty much impossible. you also cant really bend them evenly.

duotiga 2012-04-16 09:35

hg 1/144 nadleeh rubber cable wld be the best

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