HG Farsia Review on manual & Runners
http://www.gunjap.net/site/?p=59161 might getting it due to this: Step 11, mount on action base 2 & tilted together!!!! http://www.gunjap.net/site/wp-conten...12/04/7159.jpg |
What are those transparent wires made of? They should be easy to cut, right?
Those wire things are fabulous, you can adjust their length or something like that--I think.
while still slowly doing MG Banshee..doing some boxarts comparisons
Boxart comparisons Banshee Spoiler:
Unicorns Spoiler:
Unicorns Ver Ka Spoiler:
HG Unicorns & Banshee Spoiler:
IMO, the Unicorn HD + MS Cage box is the best. Fiery...and still sealed? |
yea is still in mint seal
Heres the current as of now with the Kitbash
I might want to strip down the main Vents a little & That one wing is just a quick application, I might swap it out & make something new. |
there is an italian seller on amazon who sells a ton of gunpla... for italian people the prices arent bad. its about the same as if you ordered it at HLJ.
however, shipping to germany is pretty expensive. id pay about 40€ for a HG kit that way :T not worth it. although he does have some expo exclusives like the clear HG zeta with the mega launcher. |
I do wonder, why people want to buy those clear kits? :confused: Do they want to see the inner frame of the kit that bad? Or is it the clear armor that’s appealing? Either way, I’m never interested in those clear kits. Not even once. I prefer my kits to have solid forms :heh:.
@Dragonar Fan: Nice job there. Some custom painting will make it perfect :). |
i suppose they are really just for hardcore collectors who want them only for the sake that they are rare expo exclusives. with the right light the expo zeta does look pretty neat though: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2dTRaxXfr3...s1600/zeta.png but a problem is that fully clear kits are a lot more brittle than the solid versions. |
^ It looks great, not really sure about clear-kits myself but I understand the appeal.
i like those clear-color MG kits.. :) not those HG clear or those 30th anniversary colorless clear pieces. really like how you can sort of see through the armor for this MG strike rogue. :)
http://kidskits.files.wordpress.com/...9042010671.jpg |
Age-3 boxart. Great focus on the BFG.
http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/290/age3r.jpg |
cool box art, the box art for HG age gundams are all good :))
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