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Appel 2012-05-21 10:04


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4169971)
Who here thinks we might get limited releases for:

MG Exia R2
MG Age-1 Normal (Flat)
MG Age-2 Normal (White)

since bandai is throwing around so many of these limited kits lately i think the R2 and the white AGE-2 have a really good chance to be released like that.
the AGE-1 flat doesnt have a chance at all though in my opinion... only the "A" is covered up, at least the white AGE-2 would have to be molded in a different color :P

suiton629 2012-05-21 10:08


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4169996)
since bandai is throwing around so many of these limited kits lately i think the R2 and the white AGE-2 have a really good chance to be released like that.
the AGE-1 flat doesnt have a chance at all though in my opinion... only the "A" is covered up, at least the white AGE-2 would have to be molded in a different color :P

Well, they could include parts for the Zefuld Launchers (the backpack thing), and also clear yellow parts for the eyes & camera.

Oh and I hope that Gundam AGE-2 Dark Hound comes out as well eventually.

I'm still a bit concerned as to why Bandai isn't releasing the Woolf suits in MG...

RGE-B790CW Genoace Custom
WMS-GB5 G-Bouncer

suiton629 2012-05-21 10:22

Hey and uh..

I've been wondering.

Do you think that later, Bandai might release a MG Wing Gundam Zero (TV) and a newly molded MG Wing Gundam Zero Custom??

Bashfulz 2012-05-21 10:30


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4169971)
Who here thinks we might get limited releases for:

MG Exia R2
MG Age-1 Normal (Flat)
MG Age-2 Normal (White)

the Age-2 Normal (White) has a pretty good chance as it is only a color variation. As for the other 2 it won't be that simple as they'll have to make changes to the mold, they'll probably come out as regular releases whenever they get made.

Chiu_fan 2012-05-21 10:52


Originally Posted by Detective-san (Post 4169153)
I didn't know we had something like that. :twitch:

And I didn't know you are also in the Philippines!:heh:

Anyway, I just joined the IPMS in my city. And apparently my first task is to build at least one kit to their quality standards for the upcoming nationals that we are going to host this coming October. Since the members who are joining the Military category are total beasts(someone built a 1/350 F/A-18 Hornet and opened up its canopy and added an ejection seat with awesome detail!:twitch:), I was just thinking of going for the Sci-fi category. I'll either do my Unicorn Gundam custom build, F-15C AC0 Cypher colors, or the YF-29 Durandal Sheryl Marking ver. to be displayed on the event.

I also heard that some Gundam fan groups will also come to this event probably with some kits of their own to be displayed. Once October comes, I'll share the pics.

suiton629 2012-05-21 12:37


Originally Posted by Bashfulz (Post 4170032)
the Age-2 Normal (White) has a pretty good chance as it is only a color variation. As for the other 2 it won't be that simple as they'll have to make changes to the mold, they'll probably come out as regular releases whenever they get made.

You think those will be regular releases? I feel like Bandai is going to make them a limited edition release and then if sales are good, maybe make it regular... Kind of like what they did with those LED units for the 00 MG kits. =D

I mean with all my involvement and presence in the GunPla community, I would hope that someone from Bandai has been notified of my persistence and desires. =P

Yes I know I sound like a broken record and I sound to be a bit But when there is something I really want, I go all the way. =D

Appel 2012-05-21 13:53


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4170198)
You think those will be regular releases? I feel like Bandai is going to make them a limited edition release and then if sales are good, maybe make it regular... Kind of like what they did with those LED units for the 00 MG kits. =D

I mean with all my involvement and presence in the GunPla community, I would hope that someone from Bandai has been notified of my persistence and desires. =P

Yes I know I sound like a broken record and I sound to be a bit But when there is something I really want, I go all the way. =D

if by "involvement and presence in the GunPla community" you mean your constant "I WANT THOSE KITS!" and your 10 comments in the previous gundamguy contest where you were only supposed to leave a single comment then no, im sure they havent noticed you :P there is a difference between being involved and just wanting something. the first one gets you more attention and the latter makes you look like everyone else, just slightly more annoying.

RX93-2 2012-05-21 14:40


Originally Posted by xxnike629xx (Post 4170019)
Do you think that later, Bandai might release a MG Wing Gundam Zero (TV) and a newly molded MG Wing Gundam Zero Custom??

Nothing wrong with the wing zero custom MG (keep your overblown complaints about it)

suiton629 2012-05-21 15:12


Originally Posted by RX93-2 (Post 4170310)
Nothing wrong with the wing zero custom MG (keep your overblown complaints about it)

1. can't even hold the buster rifle without any fidgeting.
2. feather pieces are super loose
3. lack of full inner frame
4. uses the old style of stands...can't even fit on an action base 1

If they remolded a new one in the same quality as the other EW Wing MG kits, there wouldn't be so much of an issue.

Also, the Wing is the lead suit of the series so I was very disappointed when they reused the old MG Wing Zero Custom for the MG Wing EW.. :frustrated:

RX93-2 2012-05-21 16:36

1: Model kit, not toy. able to be fixed within 5 minutes.
2: Layer of glue or paint, looseness isn't bad in the first place.
3: Who cares? It has enough frame and its perfectly serviceable
4: Use the normal action base connectors supplied with Action Base 1, Have some patience.

Not seeing the major flaws, some suits like GP01, Alex, GP03, Ground Gundam deserve a redo much more.
Also the Wing Version Ka came 6 releases before the WZC, so WZC used the wing ver Ka frame and not the other away around.

maknaedik 2012-05-21 19:29

Are there any kits that nike complained and whined about all over the net that has been fulfilled yet?

Anyway, do you think there's a good chance that MG DB will come next right after Age-2N? Since they did it with Age-1, most of us will think that they will. But so far, it hasn't been announced while Age-1N, Titus and Spallow releases has been mentioned altogether.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2012-05-21 20:22


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4170620)
Anyway, do you think there's a good chance that MG DB will come next right after Age-2N? Since they did it with Age-1, most of us will think that they will. But so far, it hasn't been announced while Age-1N, Titus and Spallow releases has been mentioned altogether.

The chances are VERY high considering AGE is still a hot property and AGE-2 (& its variant) is a main Gundam. bandai only have to rebuilt few parts from the Norm version. So, those who’s waiting for MG DB shouldn’t worry, I guess ;).

And yeah, Nike's posts has become more & more annoying. He just keep asking the same thing even though some posters already answered it for him REPEATEDLY :eyebrow:.

Appel 2012-05-22 02:51


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4170620)
Are there any kits that nike complained and whined about all over the net that has been fulfilled yet?

Anyway, do you think there's a good chance that MG DB will come next right after Age-2N? Since they did it with Age-1, most of us will think that they will. But so far, it hasn't been announced while Age-1N, Titus and Spallow releases has been mentioned altogether.

i think that depends on how well the AGE-1 sparrow and titus sold. if the variations didnt sell too well and most people just got the AGE-1 normal then they might hold back the DB a lttle to increase the demand at least a little bit.

MakubeX2 2012-05-22 10:21

HasuMasu 2012-05-22 10:24

Huh, so it's supposed to be able to open outwards too?

Shame the model doesn't.

MakubeX2 2012-05-22 10:28


Originally Posted by Detective-san (Post 4171448)
Huh, so it's supposed to be able to open outwards too?

Shame the model doesn't.

Glad you noticed that.

If you compared the HGUC, MG and animated version of the Banshee, you noticed we never have a definative version of how the Armed Armour is supposed to look and worked.

Blamed Bandai in their haste to make the toys sells.

HasuMasu 2012-05-22 10:32

And since the model came out before its appearance people didn't even know? That's not cool.

pumpkins 2012-05-22 10:45

sooo.. an OVA version to correct this? :(

Appel 2012-05-22 10:53

i didnt notice that yet. that really is a shame...
but the banshee is essentially just a recycled unicorn. maybe they just didnt want to spend as much money on developement. plus im sure that this isnt the last time we saw that mold being used, maybe a future version will indeed fix it.
and its also true that this weapon looks a little different on the HG version.

im currently building my HG danazine. its a very fun kit, especially since its so very different from other bandai models^^ i have finished the head and the neck section, it really is a pretty cool model and very detailed. its impressive how far the HG line has come!
so far i can recommend this guy =D

MakubeX2 2012-05-22 11:05


Originally Posted by Appel (Post 4171490)
i didnt notice that yet. that really is a shame...
but the banshee is essentially just a recycled unicorn. maybe they just didnt want to spend as much money on developement. plus im sure that this isnt the last time we saw that mold being used, maybe a future version will indeed fix it.
and its also true that this weapon looks a little different on the HG version.

The size of the Armed Armour on the HG is in tune with the linearts, but their size is enlarged on the MG to accomodate the transformation machism.

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