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suiton629 2013-01-07 11:16


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4501738)
U mean this year? Its 2013 now XD

As for all the above: Totally correct

1. Bandais hands full
2. AGE and Wing are STILL being pushed despite UC and DESTINY
3. 00 is still very recent unlike Wing or DESTINY (soon not to be I guess)
4. Once Bandai gets these out of the way we will obviously start to see more of Suiton's list as options start to dwindle for other series


So it's an official list that most people know about now eh?

The Glory of the Defeated campaign as well as Metal Build Exia/Exia R3 gets me hopeful for Wing and 00 for 2013.

Oh and please don't forget to those living in the US, I have a GunPla giveaway contest..

The details are in that video. =)
Enjoy & good luck to whoever wins.

Lime soda 2013-01-07 11:21


Originally Posted by ForwardUntoDawn (Post 4503299)
I don't typically do panel lining because A) I'm too lazy and B) I'm not sure if there are other pens that have similar results as Gundam markers :heh: That said, I might give it a shot if I can get the right tools. The exposed psycoframe is brilliant :D

You can experiment with using a mechanical pencil to do some panel lining. I used a .5 mm one for my MG Blue frame after being frustrated with making mistakes with the gundam marker. It looked alright if not better than a black gundam marker in places except the mouth and certain other places where you want the line to really stick out.

I sketched the lead's tip on a 45 degree angle to get a nice pointy edge. The edge would become blunt after a few uses so I had to resharpen it but I didn't really mind because it was easier to line the panels and clean up after. It only works best with bright colors like white though.

But it's been a while since I kept to date with kits so maybe there's a new marker out or some new way to panel line.

maknaedik 2013-01-07 11:59


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4503215)
It would be a very nice surprise if the opposite happens though. Having a Gundam that can transform into a dog in MG will be very exciting. :D

Well, I actually want a submarine gundam XD

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-01-07 12:06


Originally Posted by maknaedik (Post 4503373)
Well, I actually want a submarine gundam XD

You speak my language, bro. And I also find that Chaos has the lamest-looking MA-mode in SEED-verse (even Raider looks better), so I’m not expecting much from it. And this comes from someone who actually own 1/100 Chaos XD.

suiton629 2013-01-07 12:54

What exactly is this again? Was anything confirmed?
I am hoping this is like a 2013 MG Wing campaign and we get:

MG Wing Gundam Zero (TV)
MG Wing Gundam Zero (Endless Waltz) Remastered
MG Nataku EW
MG Heavyarms Kai EW
MG Sandrock Kai EW
MG Epyon Kai EW
MG Tallgeese II EW
MG Tallgeese III EW
MG Mercurious EW
MG Vayeate EW
MG Leo (and variants) EW.

Skye629 2013-01-07 16:22

Well I guess we know now what the new HGUC Banshee is gonna have, may get it and paint the psychoframe green or something if Bandai does not do it for me (and possibly switch up the weapons etc since I have both HGUC Banshees already)

The thing thats really getting my attention though is that new backpack, wonder what it is and how it would look in destroy mode

Znozzy 2013-01-07 18:02

whatever it is, please dont let it be a giant gundam face on his back.

But it looks like its going to have more V-fins .. so, Banshee evolved to the Peacock?

suiton629 2013-01-07 18:46


Originally Posted by Znozzy (Post 4503683)
whatever it is, please dont let it be a giant gundam face on his back.

But it looks like its going to have more V-fins .. so, Banshee evolved to the Peacock?

I think Giant Gundam Face is reserved for Seravee and Seraphim only.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-01-07 18:55


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4503717)
I think Giant Gundam Face is reserved for Seravee and Seraphim only.

Nope. Try watch G Gundam.

FalsePrime 2013-01-07 22:39


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4503424)

What exactly is this again? Was anything confirmed?
I am hoping this is like a 2013 MG Wing campaign and we get:

MG Wing Gundam Zero (TV)
MG Wing Gundam Zero (Endless Waltz) Remastered
MG Nataku EW
MG Heavyarms Kai EW
MG Sandrock Kai EW
MG Epyon Kai EW
MG Tallgeese II EW
MG Tallgeese III EW
MG Mercurious EW
MG Vayeate EW
MG Leo (and variants) EW.

Nothing was confirmed aside from the name at the bottom of that picture. Outside of TG using Leo Frame they have said nothing when it comes to Wing MG's aside TG 1.

kakakka 2013-01-07 22:58


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4503725)
Nope. Try watch G Gundam.

They have Mobile Fighters with Giant Gundam Face at the back?

EDIT: Oh yeah, today I went to my nearest anime store, and found the RG Zeta. I am so tempted to buy, but I haven't finished my RG Justice yet. I wonder how long I'll hold on.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-01-07 23:16


Originally Posted by kakakka (Post 4503988)
They have Mobile Fighters with Giant Gundam Face at the back?

Suiton only mentioned Giant Gundam Face. Not necessarily at the back. So, this Gundam counts:
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)

kakakka 2013-01-07 23:25


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4504009)
Suiton only mention giant Gundam face. Not necessarily at the back. So, this Gundam counts:

He replied to Znozzy though, who talk about Gundam face at the back.

There're also other Gundams with Giant face other than from G Gundam, just to throw in.

Rising Dragon 2013-01-07 23:26

Are you guys really, really making that big a deal out of the semantics?

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-01-07 23:37

Well, I was paying attention to what I quoted. I know full well the context of what suiton is talking about. I quoted his comment just to stress that there are other Gundams with giant gundam faces (not necessarily at the back) out there. Then comes kakakka who brought this “at the back” thing while quoting me.

kakakka 2013-01-07 23:45


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4504030)
Well, I was paying attention to what I quoted. I know full well the context of what suiton is talking about.

... as he was talking to Znozzy, which he also quoted. You're playing on the semantics too much.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-01-07 23:52


Originally Posted by kakakka (Post 4504040)
... as he was talking to Znozzy, which he also quoted. You're playing on the semantics too much.

My point is: I created a new topic while quoting him.

If znozzy & suiton’s conversation is “Topic 1”, then I created “Topic 2”. Then you came and brought Topic 1 to my Topic 2.

PS: I quote suiton precisely because he didn't mentioned "at the back". ;)

EDIT: In case you still don't understand, Yes, I did play with semantics when I quoted suiton. I don't do it often, but I was just in the mood for that at the time ^^.

Znozzy 2013-01-08 06:23

Let me rephrase:

Please don't let it be a giant gundam face anywhere on its body, there, problem solved. Proceed

suiton629 2013-01-08 08:51

Looks like Bandai's Wing Master Grade line is strongly hinted at?

suiton629 2013-01-08 10:51


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4504046)
My point is: I created a new topic while quoting him.

If znozzy & suiton’s conversation is “Topic 1”, then I created “Topic 2”. Then you came and brought Topic 1 to my Topic 2.

PS: I quote suiton precisely because he didn't mentioned "at the back". ;)

EDIT: In case you still don't understand, Yes, I did play with semantics when I quoted suiton. I don't do it often, but I was just in the mood for that at the time ^^.

You must've been bored.

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