Anyway, beautiful design and it’s nice to see Full Burner no longer has “clown feet” like the old MG. On the other hand, RG Destiny's feet is a turn off. The HG's feet is way better. |
IMO the clown feet is still there....just less pronounced Now though, we have 2 0083 RGs, so one more spot, most likely GP-02, we need Gato to fight Kou lol |
As for Strike HD Kai's color: it's still a prototype color. I won't rely on that until I see the finished product (remember Rozen Zulu). But yeah, the blue is a bit darker compared to the original. |
Are we forgetting the unexpecting announcement of MG Crossbone X-2 ver ka? @@
be getting Strike HD just to be perfect strike =x |
I’m curious whether the online-exclusive Sword-Launcher Perfect pack use identical sword and cannon like the previous MG or is it also an updated version? (outside of the new connectors to Aile pack of course)
About MG Crossbone X-2: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8D4tuiLZeo...rP46_xvfuQ.jpg I really hope that this is not an online exclusive kit. I've been waiting for this MG longer than MG Justice. I want this to be cheap like MG X-1 so that I can buy it right away. Thus, I'll hold my personal celebration for this release until there's a further confirmation whether this is an exclusive or regular item. |
*Opening a bottle of Coke + popcorn* And now awaiting for MG X-3 and MG Crossbone Ghost :p. |
Quick progress report on the Vigna Gina: *Seams filled in the shoulders, arms, legs, feet, and torso *Hollow parts filled in the head, skirts, and calves *Plenty of spare putty put inside the feet and calves [there were some gigantic gaps visible on the backs of the calves past the thrusters, letting you see right into the hollow calf cavities], giving it a fair bit more weight and stability in the legs *Most of it basecoated in GW Astronomican Grey and joint parts in GW Boltgun Metal. Edit: Guys, help me out. Can't remember what's behind the crossbone suits' visors- are they mono-eyes or binocular? |
^ Looking good from here. Keep it up.
Also, I wish you could do something about Vigna Gina’s “wing thrusters”. I always think it’s too far down and makes the kit look uncool ;). |
Something like a Vigna Gina Cannon would be cool if I had a Guncannon-type lying around, haha. |
So I finally broke down and bought a Wing Gundam(TV)... I went with the 2010 MG. Anyone have any major issues with the kit? Anything I should look out for?
Spoiler for Box art:
't read this blurry kanji) item. But I still doubt that it is still an exclusive with that price tag. Quote:
EDIT: Unfortunately, it seems that X-2 really is an exclusive kit due to what chiu-fan said and the same red banner as another exclusive item which is RG Destiny's WoL: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-w4n_ZqA5oG.../s1600/11y.jpg Oh well, I'm still extremely happy that X-2 got MGed at all since, before this announcements, I doubted that this kit will see the light of day. Anyway, my celebration is not for nothing and I will get X-2 for sure ^^. @Providenceangle. I don't have the kit, but some also said that the wings can get loose over time. |
I don't mind loose parts. I more concerned with parts breaking or what not.
Finally got the clear eyes done for my HG age 2. I can use this on other kits now. Only problem I have is making clearance for the led inside the head. End up cutting away a lot of plastic. I'll have to glue the pieces in, once they are painted. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...psec6302b7.jpg http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w...psa1c72b9c.jpg |
Sometimes Bandai can treat the fans pretty well. They're like a pimp sometimes. Often backhanding us across the face, but later apologizing.
http://gundamguy.blogspot.com/2013/0...x-9901-dx.html |
Just be a little careful with the hooks parts in the backpack which allows the wings the go up, I broke mine while being careless |
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