but then grand slam? :eyespin: |
I usually use 2 basic techniques in weathering, Washing and Dusting. In washing, I just simply apply paint(thinned to about 1:3 paint to thinner ratio) to the surfaces that will be weathered, let the paint dry then rub those surfaces with a cotton swab(preferably, I'd use a microbrush). Add VERY little thinner if it doesn't want to come off and just be careful when erasing. As for dusting, you just simply take the brush provided by weathering sets or brushes used in make-up and lightly dust the compounds, powders or pulverized dirt onto the target surface. If you want some build-up, dust some more. As stated earlier, you can find a lot of weathering techniques(or other modeling techniques you'd need/want to know) from modeling magazines like Fine Scale Modeler. It pays to know how to build scale military models because I learned a lot from them. From seam removal, to pre-shading, to filters. |
That being said, it is a good choice. You will get good results with practice. Dry brushing works too.(google it) You can do dry brushing, with acrylic paints! :) Oh yeah, for all of you looking at the metal build destiny. For that kind of money, I could make two MGs look like that. Coloured even... 170 dollars is way too much imo. If you want that though, go ahead. Nothing against having what you want. I just think it's too expensive for the looks. |
As for the metal build....well it is a collectible, so people are mainly paying its high cost due to collectibility and bragging rights :P (like most collectibles) |
Pretty much done still some panel lines and metal decal left to add. The instuction manual missed some parts in the pelvis area, didn't mentioned thats parts should be swapped out,i only noticed due to the different images from one step to another....
@RobotCat : i just use a black caligraphy brush then wipe off the excess, i painted the shoulder a lighter green and the dark green parts into a camo green. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.n...43452343_n.jpg |
I was as surprised about hearing salt used for weathering as you are but it does get results when done properly. The many uses of salt!:D |
It can stand with all the loads on it!
Now which stand shld I use http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o...ps4107726f.jpg |
A lot of good tips come from odd ideas. Just gotta be cleaver and resourceful. Quote:
Seeing these guys getting a model kit would be a dream.
Spoiler for g gundam:
These are really awful design though.
I dont want these shit. |
A cowboy Gundam Maxter? Give me that shit right now! Do it, Bandai! :D @jimsbeanz: *staring at the massive Kshatriya* :love: |
So before you go into wishing for these manga only suits, let's see if Bandai will even do the other Shuffle Alliance suits. At this point, it's more likely that Bandai will do an HG 1/144 of the Devil Gundam. |
If Bandai do make it, then wow, what a nice surprise. If they don't, well, that's absolutely fine. Quote:
Customs always suck ass. That's why I don't buy from like HLJ.
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