When RG system first appear in Episode 13/14 then fully deployed at 15, people mused about "Inb4 RG version happening"
And it does happen, except no one cared by this point due to Build Knuckle overuse :p |
Uh, hi! I guess I'll ask this here since it seems like the sort of place filled with people who are actually used to building Gunpla and what not, lol. I'm not exactly the biggest Gundam fan, but lately have gotten more into it thanks to Build Fighters. A couple weeks ago I decided to give SEED a go, and surprisingly ended up digging the series quite a bit, in spite of some of its flaws.
One of my favourite things from it, however, was that sexy Freedom Gundam that Kira gets. Liked it so much, in fact, that I suddenly became interested in acquiring a Freedom kit. I've never built Gunpla before, so I'm wondering if the RG Freedom would be doable for a first kit, and if anyone's ever put it together, how does it look even when put together by a complete newbie? lol. I guess I'm mainly afraid that not knowing japanese might be a hindrance when it comes to assembling all the pieces. That and my complete lack of tools and what not. |
For what it's worth I HIGHLY recommended against getting RG as debut works
Trust me, the complicated and fragile nature of an RG could make even experienced builder cry. If you must, get the MG instead, but even that has to be done carefully. I have few links that will help you a lot The guide (Basic of the basic): https://docs.google.com/document/pub...es3lMO5pHZKu5o And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw...p-By-Step).pdf Kawaguchi Gunpla tips : http://youtu.be/44glv1cJQ1E?list=PLJ...l16VWLB3AClick |
Thanks for the links! I'm actually at work now, so not a lot of time to read over it, but I'll give them a thorough check once I'm home. Still, and as annoying as this might seem, if not the RG then I suppose the HG Freedom (this is a remaster version that came out more recently, from what I understand?) would be my best bet? I saw the guy on that basic guideline said "not recommended for beginners" re: the RG, so yeah, haha.
I was just captivated by the RG because it seemed more detailed (duh), and also the fact that some parts where the HG seems to relies on decals had actual paint, which definitely seems to look cooler. I guess it's also somewhat related to my terrible painting skills (at least for other things in my life), so... haha. |
There's not much difference between old and Remaster beside plastic color, and in my humble opinion, it might be subpar kit for it's age, but there are worse stuff out there. What's more, it's very cheap. :p
When in doubt always go to dalong http://dalong.net/review/seed/sr15/sr15_p.htm |
Lol, the difference between that painted kit in Amiami's page and the one there in Dalong, which I'm assuming is it put together straight out of the box, is quite amazing! :p
And hah, when I was browsing through kits earlier it did seem like the new ones, from 00 and BF and what not seemed to be looking a lot better than those old SEED HGs. Still, I feel like I must own a Freedom (and I'm looking at a Justice too, for the pair! lol), and if the RG's a no go for starters, I might go with the HG. Airbrushing is a total nope, but I'd like to at least get the black/grey parts in the wing done with paint. I'll probably look into it and try not to ruin the kit, whenever I get around to it, lol. And I guess whenever I can actually get the kit I'll come bug you guys again! |
Haha, I'm aware there must be a ton of good kits to start out with, and I actually dig a bunch of the 00 designs, but I'm not sure if I'm weird or just very hard headed, but I definitely must start with the Freedom! It was kinda /the/ MS that clicked with me and made me want to grab one of these to begin with, so now I'm kinda set on giving it a go.
Still, I guess I was misunderstanding stuff. Looking at the guide posted here before, as well as what you just said, bigger doesn't mean harder. I was under the impression, initially, that MGs would be harder to assemble than 1/144 kits, but I guess it makes sense that RGs would be the most 'complicated', considering the amount of detail they have and how the whole thing must be designed to accommodate that. With that out of the way, the MG Freedom is definitely looking good. Slightly more expensive, but then it's also bigger and I can't say no to that! Plus, my favourite feature of the Freedom, the wings, seem to be looking really nice in it, and apparently you can even handle the two cannons independently from the rest of the wings, which makes up for cool poses. |
Just placed an order for the MG Tallgeese III. As a Tallgeese lover, that was hard to resist.
I wonder if Bandai will get back to releasing other MGs for Gundam Wing units... |
Admittedly though, I do think MG Freedom looks better straight out of box since it doesnt have all those panel line(plus it comes with a stand) Oh and that MB Gold Frame :hyper-^v^: |
Another option would be to buy a few cheap starter kits first for practice, then going on the RG's since you also seem to be interested in the Justice. It happens that so far, the only place to get a good Freedom/Justice pair is in the RG line, since the HG's are subpar If you do have to have a Freedom for your first kit ever though, the MG is a perfect place. A bit pricier than HG's, but you generally get what you pay for Also feel free to ask around on here for help, some of us (like me) have been building these things for years :) |
Why do I have the urge to buy 3 of these? (probably cuz I freaking love my HGUC Ez-8)
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pV3KQugrqZ...4354354354.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-k6NqhejBTF...46361497_n.jpg |
I really love the background for the Bear Guy F!
Also I find it kind of weird how the Ez8 beam rifle has a super short barrel. I wonder if it will have a hidden function? Or is it just show? |
I would say it's probably just for show. But given how the lead Ez8 appears to be a close-combat MS (I'm guessing those are shock knuckles?), a short-barrel Beam Rifle is actually more practical in close range combat.
Dunno how I missed it before but MB Destiny beam wing effect parts!
I need!!! They should have been included with the MB before but whatever, too hyped to stay angry at this money grabbing scheme! My MB Destiny will have them beam wing effects!:hyper-^v^: @Skye629 I feel your pain cause I want 3 Ez-SR as well but can only make do with getting 1 for now cause I also will be getting a GM cardigan, Bearguy F(think everyone needs a bearguy in their collection and I love that family concept there:D), Gehennam Type Space, possibly a G-Arcane(rather liking that one quite abit), still need to pick up a 0 Gundam, Throne Drei, Astraea Type-F........then theres the MB Laevatein to get as well!!!! Not to mention the Armored Core kits I want and various other model kits I like to get(I try to avoid ship models cause I don't have space for them but damn they are at the top of my most wanted list, they just looks great) It's one stupidly overly expensive hobby in the end:upset::heh: @Blue-Kun making these models aren't hard compared to the stuff that requires glue and alot more effort to make them look fantastic but your first model will more than likely be a poor effort if you've never done this before so you probably don't want to waste your effort and money on a more expensive RG/MG than a simple HG. Go with the HG Freedom first so you get a idea of how things work then put 110% into the RG/MG after. |
They really couldn't have done a better picture with the box art? Not even have F and Puchiguy both do a punch or some hug or something? That art just screams "eh".
Soooooooooo guys I need a little help, lol.
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) Welp, I think I dun goofed. HOw exactly am I supposed to spray flat coat again? I did I think it was a 3-5 second bust, moving my hand up and down so that the spray hit the gunpla in a wave pattern. And then I did a couple more sprays for good measure... I've also been told I need to let the can sit in hot water for a bit? |
Can't tell too much from the pic but judging from the collar maybe you have frosting after the topcoat? Humidity affects topcoat severely so avoid topcoating if you had rain in your vicinity or it is going to rain.
Letting the can sit in hot water and going from side to side is impt but the real key imo is to do thin coats. Overspraying tends to leave a thick gobble of topcoat if it's really bad and it's hard to fix by then. |
...Welp yeah, I was topcoating while it was raining. Damnit.
I hear that window cleaner can remove topcoat without any ill effects? |
The only thing window cleaner do ill effect for is stickers
Now if we're talking about OVEN cleaner... |
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