Thanks for the answers guys, one more question: can i change the Overflag form (aircraft to robot, robot to aircraft) without much hassle ?
I will definetly get an action base to keep it on aircraft mode. |
Is the Z plus 01 a good model? And the Unicorn?
And going a little off topic how are the old patlabor models (especially the Griffon)? All being MG. It's for this Christmas |
For upcoming Christmas I don't expect to get any Gundams. Shame really :( |
How are the no grade 1/100 Kyrios and Dynames kits, for those who have them?
I thinking of getting either one of them if they are good, but the question is which one has more value? I heard Kyrios has good pose-ability, but Dynames has more "stuff"... |
Here are some pics: Spoiler for Dynames photo spam:
the 1/100 Dynames looks far better then i thought it would, HG kits truly are getting close to MG detail.
P.S. I do really like the design of Seravee, its just the gundam head backpack just seems strange to me. Bulky gundams are awesome by the way. |
You should get kyrios and dynames its worth it
thats right get both, if possible make things a bit more easy on your self.
1. The arms pop out quite often. Better to take them out, then put them back in when transforming. 2. Always make sure that you properly raise the entire head - including the underlying neck assembly - before you transform the torso if you're transforming from flight mode to MS. The neck assembly is the lock that keeps the torso secure in flight mode, hence if your torso assembly doesn't budge for some reason, that's probably the cause. *** Now to wait for the scans of the HG Arios to be released today... |
Hey, im debating currently weither to get a HGUC Nu gundam or a MG Nu gundam. Which one do you guys think is the better kit and for a Nu Gundam fan? I heard the MG nu gundam was huge and the HGUC is almost the size of an average 1/100 gundam. Anyone have any personal experiences with these kits? pros cons?
can't wait for 1/100 cherudim... still no news on it's boxart yet???
Quote: GN Beam Shield? That's interesting But most importantly....CLEAR BEAM SABER PARTS!!! |
Regarding the HG 1/144 line, the January release is Gadessa right? What comes after that?
I'll leave the juicy translations to you as always :D Also, nice to see they did include the SEED stand as well. |
Feddie GNXIII means another repaint of the GNX model. Wow, BANDAI is sucking up our pockets.
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