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GameraBaenre 2006-04-13 23:41

Sd kits are very fun.. quick little builds. I finished one a couple of months ago:

OmegaZEROCustom 2006-04-13 23:51

I really like that metallic look. I need to learn how to do that. It seems much faster than the gloss black->chrome->clear color method. (And now that I have read your site, I see that you said so

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-04-14 03:05


Originally Posted by Meehlimo
what mobile suit or gundam is on this stand i cant seem to indentify it

That MS was designed by Hajime maybe thats why it looks similar to gundam, where its somethinh MK-II from SuperRoboWars

srb 2006-04-14 03:47


Originally Posted by The_Marshal_AEB
That MS was designed by Hajime maybe thats why it looks similar to gundam, where its somethinh MK-II from SuperRoboWars

A Hückebein. It's a Gundam in all but name.


Not a chance Toys R Us would have NG SEED models since they never came into the US.
Yes they did, they were the new "Skill Level 2" kits.

JanthraX^ 2006-04-14 09:52

wow that Hückebein has some nice lines i always liked the Z and ZZ for their smooth lines and sleek shape, due to them being Variable MS's
that looks really nice and the those yellow vents are just sexy

Sety 2006-04-14 10:06

I raise you one with a Huckbein MKII

Meehlimo 2006-04-14 11:03

btw what grade is it? HG i hope. It looks like a heavily modified wing zero custom frame.

OmegaZEROCustom 2006-04-14 11:15


Originally Posted by srb
Yes they did, they were the new "Skill Level 2" kits.

You have to be kidding me. I looked though the product catalog with an employee at at least 3 different Toys R Us stores and we never found anything below the High Grades. Thats odd. I wonder if they started coming out after I gave up on trying to get the kits from them and just started buying online.

Sety 2006-04-14 11:27


Originally Posted by Meehlimo
btw what grade is it? HG i hope. It looks like a heavily modified wing zero custom frame.

That particular kit is a 1/100 Resin kit, same for the other one, but onyl the Huckbein MKII 1/100 resin is currently in stock.

Theres a 1/144 Huckbein, Huckbein MKII and MKIII injection kit though, they're probably slightly higher than High Grade if you want to compare to the Gundam models and slightly larger. But from my experience do need abit of painting and plastic cement.

Huckbein MKIII
Huckbein MKII

RedFrame 2006-04-14 11:53

what good it does to peel off akatsuki gold chrome :confused:

Meehlimo 2006-04-14 12:43

yea personaly i think the gold on the akatsuki was perfect ciz in the anime it was a dark yellow gold.

and thanx for the info on that kit i was hoping it would be a HG 1/144 but i kinda knew it wasnt u would have seen it b4:(

GameraBaenre 2006-04-14 13:27


Originally Posted by RedFrame
what good it does [do] to peel off akatsuki gold chrome :confused:

To paint it maybe?

Some folks don't care for the gold color. And to properly paint it, you need to remove the chome for the paint to stick.

Also if one works on removing the seam lines and sanding all the little tree nubs down; it'll definatly look much better repainted. There's also endless modification possibilities.

Newtyped 2006-04-14 13:32

one more question,
is there any products (liek paint or watever)
that i need to get started?
being 14, i only get like 20$ a week, so can i have cheep minimum recomandations?

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-04-14 14:25

get basic colors 1st of course black, white, red, blue... acrylics are in good price and they can be thinned with thinner or anything else even if its water (but not lot of it :p )

Newtyped 2006-04-14 14:34

where do i buy this stuff?
dont i need brushes?

OmegaZEROCustom 2006-04-14 14:47


Originally Posted by GameraBaenre
To paint it maybe?

Some folks don't care for the gold color. And to properly paint it, you need to remove the chome for the paint to stick.

Also if one works on removing the seam lines and sanding all the little tree nubs down; it'll definatly look much better repainted. There's also endless modification possibilities.

Yep, GB once again hits the nail on the head :). Sanding and seam sealing will obliterate the chrome as it is anyway, and while I do like the mirror finish, having used the chrome silver>cler yellow method,it gives off a far more attractive gold color than the "yellow" mirror.

Plus, by stripping it down, you can give Akatsuki a paintjob that seems more Cagalli-esque...I'm going to be doing this scheme down the road at some point.

Akatsuki Rouge

Got that from Gundam Evolution. I might do a Strike-scheme for the Shiranui (for Neo)and do a second Oowashi with the Rouge scheme for Cagalli, as well as their gold counterparts.

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-04-14 16:09

Of course ull need brushs start with some flat one for the big surfaces, small one for everywhere, and a verrrry tiny one ( 000 ) for the panels or for any details, and later you may start using sprays, you can buy colors and stuff like that from bookstores, hobby stores, online, anywhere and practice on SD or 1/144 nonscale :D dont waste good models ;)

Newtyped 2006-04-14 17:59

how much do brushes cost?

SlugZilla 2006-04-14 23:59

Feast your eyes on the Gyaaan! HLJ has updated their sites for preorder. The beam saber has a light up gimmick. :cool:

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-04-15 00:14

prices depends on the manufacturer brand name and many other factors ... I buy Tamiya's products where they have 2 styles of the 000brush one for 5$ and the other for 15$ where the diffrent thing is the grip

And I reall want that Gyan (yesssss a 2.0 frame)

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