I dont care what how much I'll buy, the problem is when to ship because lot of stuff beeing released in July, others in August and some at Sept :s
So I think I'll go for an order on the end on June to cover june+july items and order on end of August to cover August+sept items and after that I'll enjoy my life with nothing to eat :D |
just a question, a 1/144 dendrobium, how big is that exactly?
I dont post much, but have been following this thread for a few months.
I'm just curious, have there ever been any modeling projects with the tv series version Wing Zero? I havent seen any myself, but havent really going through extensive searching. |
good idea, id better check it out. the new dendrobium that they are re-releasing at the price of 294,00 yen is a better engineered version i presume right?
Hmm, does it say anything about a dvd included? I remember the last time they released the Dendrobium, it had a few freebies included...
As promised, shots of my complete S Gundam:
http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f3...a/IMG_1175.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f3...a/IMG_1177.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f3...a/IMG_1178.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f3...a/IMG_1180.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f3...a/IMG_1181.jpg |
ooo very nice nightbringer, i thought the rifle on the S Gundam had a radome?
hey nightbringer, is that a 1/100 or a 1/44 ^_^ nice build too :P curious, the stand that ur using, is it soft enough so that it doesn't damage the paintjob?
That's my 1/100 MG S Gundam. I don't think I did too badly for my first properly painted model.
Took me 4-5 months of on-off painting -_- JanthraX^ - AFAIK only the Ex-s' rifle and the Z-Plus C1 has a radome on it. Nesty - the stand is nice and soft, but the metal bit has a tendency to scratch the paint if you position it wrong. |
aahh thanks for clearing that up nightbringer ^_^ as for the paintjob, for a first try that's really good. my first one is now a test dumby of a gundam nt-alex haha >_<
My Blue Destiny Unit 01/02 GFF Model, really nice show piece quite flexible plenty of pieces, 2 stand one for it 2 stand on and 1 which holds the suit up.
(apolgies for the poor quality images a very old digital camera and bad camera skills.) |
i've seen the resins for the "blue destiny" models, and damn they look awesome, i might be picking that one up myself too ^_^
Yes, I know it's not Gundam, but figure I'd post my most recent kit I finished... Macross Zero anyone?
Completed page: http://www.gamerabaenre.com/vf0s_completed.htm Progress page: http://www.gamerabaenre.com/vf0s_prog.htm A few sample pictures: http://www.gamerabaenre.com/thumbnai...%20008_jpg.jpghttp://www.gamerabaenre.com/thumbnai...%20014_jpg.jpghttp://www.gamerabaenre.com/thumbnai...%20012_jpg.jpghttp://www.gamerabaenre.com/thumbnai...%20026_jpg.jpg |
wow GameraBaenre, that is really nice, i especially like the laser burns on the head lasers. I have to say i like the Gerwalk mode of the VF-OS.
That looks great. Great detailing on it. One question though, in the pictures #23 and #24, there appears to be a red glow of sorts coming from the visor, but I don't see that same glow in any of the other pictures? It there an LED or something in there, or just a stray light?
I'm guessing reversing the knee didn't require any repainting since it looks like you did it the same day you posted the original images. I had the same problem the otehr day with my MG Strike I'm working on. I put the elbow joints into the lower arm assembly backwards and had to tear it all apart to fix it. Pain in the ass... |
The red part on top of the head was painted with a special type of paint that changes colors. Goes from red to green, depending on the angle you look at it (in person) /angle light hits it.
If you are talking about the visor itself; then it may be the lighting. The visor is painted with clear green. Inside the head there's another clear piece that I painted clear red with the center lens painted black. |
Yeah, I like that spot on the head. I noticed some subtle changes depending on the angle of the picture. What kind of paint is that anyway? Only kind I know of that does that is some that Dupont makes. As for the visor, that was what I meant. Now that you mention the clear red inside, it makes sense. The lighting must be reflecting off the clear plastic and causing that red inside to reflect, giving it that glow look I'm seeing. |
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