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EMbr12 2009-06-11 20:29


Originally Posted by evolution_ayu (Post 2446639)
Since no one replied to you, I'll try to help. This is the colour guide ripped from the 1/100 Justice Gundam.

Body Pink - White (40%) + Pink (30%) + Yellow (20%) + Red (10%)
Body White - White (100%)
Body Brown - Mahogany (100%)
Backpack Purple - Red (40%) + Pink (30%) + (Purple 30%)
Joint Gray - Neutral Gray (100%)
Camera Eye Green - Yellow Green (100%)
Yellow - White (50%) + Yellow (40%) + Red Brown (10%) + Black (tiny bit)
Sensor Blue - Sky Blue (100%)

I have mixed colours for the same model but in 1/144 scale before. I believe that this guide is good enough as it uses primary colours. For yellow, if you want to scrimp on effort, you could try White (50%) + Yellow (45%) + Red (5%) to obtain a similar result. As for the sensor and eye colours, you can use other methods such as clear colours over Silver or whatever you fancy.

Thanks a lot. Appreciate the help... :)

LoweGear 2009-06-11 22:14


Originally Posted by M_Flores (Post 2448415)
Plus, the Tallgeese III kit allows you to swap between Tallgeese and Tallgeese II, I don't see why they can't do this for Exia to R2.

Depends on the kit. The "HG" Tallgeese III was simply the No Grade Tallgeese II kit (since that one had the extra Tallgeese I head) with extra parts runners added on. Some conversions, like the 1/100 Astraea and Avalanche Exia could not be converted back into the base Exia form despite using pretty much the same frames. The degree of interchangeability would depend on the actual engineering used in a future MG Exia R2.

Un1ver5e 2009-06-11 23:42

Call my cynical but I think Bandai will release a whole new R2 MG instead of just a conversion kit, despite having almost the same frame. Not only can they retain most of the Exia MG casts, they can also market the R2 at a normal MG price.

Exia_00 2009-06-12 00:11

is there any Exia R2 reviews?, thought its obviously essentially the original exia with a few extras

MakubeX2 2009-06-12 01:27


Originally Posted by Exia_00 (Post 2448588)
is there any Exia R2 reviews?, thought its obviously essentially the original exia with a few extras

It is.

Exia_00 2009-06-12 01:39

so no reviews? cuz ive seen the image of the runners, just want to see someones review

MakubeX2 2009-06-12 01:59


Originally Posted by Exia_00 (Post 2448679)
so no reviews? cuz ive seen the image of the runners, just want to see someones review

evolution_ayu 2009-06-12 03:27


Originally Posted by EMbr12 (Post 2448309)
Thanks a lot. Appreciate the help... :)

Always glad to help a fellow modeler! :D


Originally Posted by LordStrike (Post 2447348)
hey is there a way you can help me out whit the 0 Gundam Blue like you did whit that post plz i soo want to finish my 0 Gundam looking good

From the manual of the 1/144 HG O Gundam, the recipe for Blue is Cobalt Blue (85%) + Indy Blue (10%) + White (5%). If you do not have Indy Blue, I believe that omitting it and adjusting the proportion of White should yield a visually identical colour.

It's always best to test the colour on the corresponding plastic before committing to painting.

By the way, I just realised that as I am translating the colour names from Japanese Katakana to English, there may be cases where the Japanese name differs from the English name on the paint jar label. You may wish to bring your manual along or remember the Japanese name when you buy the paint so that you can get the right colour you want.

LoweGear 2009-06-12 04:11

Action image of the MG Exia:

Sworra 2009-06-12 04:38


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2448820)

What a beauty. Like its calling out to us saying " Come buy me" haha. :)

MakubeX2 2009-06-12 05:08


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2448820)
Action image of the MG Exia:

It will actually be better to show the completed kit in it's out of box build without the add-on effect here for those of us with neither the skill nor time to sand, paint, etc.

LoweGear 2009-06-12 06:32


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 2448859)
It will actually be better to show the completed kit in it's out of box build without the add-on effect here for those of us with neither the skill nor time to sand, paint, etc.

From the already released out of box images of the MG Exia, it doesn't really look much different (I was under the impression that the MG Exia shown at the Shizuoka Hobby Show was an unpainted model) :heh:

Vandalier 2009-06-12 07:40

i still have 3 days before my exam
so today i continue my virtue/nadlee

i start to sick with this thorns

i add some detail to the blades
change the design a little
and add tube for the connection of the blades
so it still can sepparately from the shaft

it's done!!!.......................sorry i lied it still not done
it still only 50% finish for the axe
but what do you think ?

i still need to modif it again
so it can be use by both nadlee and virtue
but for nadlee it will not be used as axe :p

by the way i give you some hint about the wood doll i bought earlier

maybe there will be no WIP next 4 month
because i'll go home to indonesia at 19th june for 3 week only

MakubeX2 2009-06-12 08:57
HGUC Hi-Nu Review

Looks like one of the best HG kit out yet.

But too bad I've just invested heavily on a new Monitor for Full HD gaming and viewing purposes.

LordStrike 2009-06-12 09:31


Originally Posted by evolution_ayu (Post 2448778)
Always glad to help a fellow modeler! :D

From the manual of the 1/144 HG O Gundam, the recipe for Blue is Cobalt Blue (85%) + Indy Blue (10%) + White (5%). If you do not have Indy Blue, I believe that omitting it and adjusting the proportion of White should yield a visually identical colour.

It's always best to test the colour on the corresponding plastic before committing to painting.

By the way, I just realised that as I am translating the colour names from Japanese Katakana to English, there may be cases where the Japanese name differs from the English name on the paint jar label. You may wish to bring your manual along or remember the Japanese name when you buy the paint so that you can get the right colour you want.

thx a lot for the help really appreciated

StratoSpear 2009-06-12 10:42

Hi-Nu is shorter than Nu? That's not right...

Still... An awesome work of art =)

LoweGear 2009-06-12 10:45

It is actually. The Hi-Nu's official stats since the beginning only give it a head height of 20 meters - 2 full meters shorter than the Nu's head height of 22 meters. Thus the Hi-Nu being smaller than the Nu is accurate.

Patriot's Blade 2009-06-12 11:08


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2449218)
It is actually. The Hi-Nu's official stats since the beginning only give it a head height of 20 meters - 2 full meters shorter than the Nu's head height of 22 meters. Thus the Hi-Nu being smaller than the Nu is accurate.

post Size Miniaturization development era in MS research?, oh noes!, it got shrunk! :heh:

LoweGear 2009-06-12 13:08

Actually, the Hi-Nu Gundam is not actually the upgrade to the Nu. In story, the Nu never existed: it was always the Hi-Nu all along. Kinda like how Endless Waltz makes it so that it was the Katoki ver. Gundams that fought in the final battle of the TV series.



HG Susanowo features from Bandai HobbySite:


Originally Posted by Ngeekhiong
Introduction on Bandai Hobbysite reveals new features for the upcoming HG 1/144 Susanowo:
- Beam Chakram is made of clear part, and as all of Bandai's latest Gunplas comes with clear colors for the clear parts, I assume that the Beam Chakram will come in clear orange as well.
- The components on Susanowo's waist are his thrusters, with deployable claws
- Newly designed double-insertion type joint for the thigh joint, unlike the order single joint for Flag and Enact.
- Two ways to mount the sabers: individually on the waist thrusters, or on the rear for the combined version.
- Display base included.

Critias 2009-06-12 17:23

hmm the Susanowo kit doesn't look quite as bad as it did in previous pics

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