Call my cynical but I think Bandai will release a whole new R2 MG instead of just a conversion kit, despite having almost the same frame. Not only can they retain most of the Exia MG casts, they can also market the R2 at a normal MG price.
is there any Exia R2 reviews?, thought its obviously essentially the original exia with a few extras
It is. |
so no reviews? cuz ive seen the image of the runners, just want to see someones review
It's always best to test the colour on the corresponding plastic before committing to painting. By the way, I just realised that as I am translating the colour names from Japanese Katakana to English, there may be cases where the Japanese name differs from the English name on the paint jar label. You may wish to bring your manual along or remember the Japanese name when you buy the paint so that you can get the right colour you want. |
i still have 3 days before my exam
so today i continue my virtue/nadlee i start to sick with this thorns :p http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/p...968_resize.jpg i add some detail to the blades change the design a little and add tube for the connection of the blades so it still can sepparately from the shaft http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/p...971_resize.jpg http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/p...973_resize.jpg and................................. it's done!!!.......................sorry i lied it still not done http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/p...976_resize.jpg it still only 50% finish for the axe but what do you think ? i still need to modif it again so it can be use by both nadlee and virtue but for nadlee it will not be used as axe :p by the way i give you some hint about the wood doll i bought earlier maybe there will be no WIP next 4 month because i'll go home to indonesia at 19th june for 3 week only |
HGUC Hi-Nu Review Looks like one of the best HG kit out yet. But too bad I've just invested heavily on a new Monitor for Full HD gaming and viewing purposes. |
thx a lot for the help really appreciated |
Hi-Nu is shorter than Nu? That's not right...
Still... An awesome work of art =) |
It is actually. The Hi-Nu's official stats since the beginning only give it a head height of 20 meters - 2 full meters shorter than the Nu's head height of 22 meters. Thus the Hi-Nu being smaller than the Nu is accurate.
Actually, the Hi-Nu Gundam is not actually the upgrade to the Nu. In story, the Nu never existed: it was always the Hi-Nu all along. Kinda like how Endless Waltz makes it so that it was the Katoki ver. Gundams that fought in the final battle of the TV series.
----- Edit: HG Susanowo features from Bandai HobbySite: Quote:
http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...erations/3.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...erations/4.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...erations/5.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...erations/6.jpg http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...erations/7.jpghttp://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...erations/8.jpg |
hmm the Susanowo kit doesn't look quite as bad as it did in previous pics
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