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Sety 2006-06-25 04:40


Originally Posted by GameraBaenre

Just a question but how do you make those convincing damaged areas?

kct 2006-06-25 04:50

A GFF/CR figure is also already quite detailed, and were Katoki creations, so you can see his touch there.

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-06-25 12:44

for damages u may use anything depending on to which level of damages you want to take it to as this one is kind of heavey damaged ? not sure but you may use heated crafting and modeling tools, mini drills and wethering tools .....

GameraBaenre 2006-06-25 13:24


Originally Posted by Sety
Just a question but how do you make those convincing damaged areas?

I first marked off the areas I wanted damage on the kit that was in test fit mode:
Big damaged areas was done with a dremel and a sanding bit, whilst the bullet holes were done with a hobby knife, cutting a dent in a circular motion.
After everything is painted, clear coated, panel lined and flat coated. Some dry brushing techniques, pastels/pigments were added to "dirty" up the kit. Then a final flat clear coat was applied.

Sety 2006-06-25 15:43

Some amazing kitbashes I came across......
Strike Rouge mod
Destiny mod
Not sure but I think this is a Justice/Buster mod into Akatsuki

Not sure what this is but its awesome.

SD Zeta


And this is just...a masterpiece

A really nice Nu Gundam job, I believe this too is a kitbash.

And a battle scarred Wing Zero Custom

And these ones are.........just unspeakably amazing...........

dardel 2006-06-25 18:00

hi, i just finished my very first gundam model kit ever, the MG Gundam MkII A.E.U.G. ver. 2.0. i don't have an airbrush nor a compressor so i just snapped it without coloring (i don't have much money), i know that coloring it has the best result, but well ... take a look >_>

anyway, i have the MG Zeta Gundam ver. 2.0 too. but i'll paint this one. i wonder if mr.color steel is a good choice for the inner frame.
at last, i wanted to ask if any1 here has built the MG nu and/or sazabi? i want to order some MG kits for summer, and, besides the MG f91, which i want to pre-order, i'm not sure if the sazabi and/or nu have any critical flaws of anything like that.

edit: almost forget, the photos of the mkII are before aplying the decals

nightbringer360 2006-06-25 19:37

Personally, I'd take the Nu over the Sazabi. The Nu is a lot more solid and stable than the Sazabi is (although my fin funnels were rather floppy and didn't connect to each other right).

The Sazabi has no screws or die-cast metal parts whatsoever like the Nu does, and so therefore is a bit more fragile - the funnel racks a particular nuisance.

Nesty 2006-06-26 00:09

hmmm steel colour for internals, not sure if that would work perfectly or not, i'd try something less shiny first say sea dark blue or something similar i suppose. try and colour the mecha in photoshop to give urself a better idea of how u want to clours to matchup ^_^

dardel 2006-06-26 00:44


Originally Posted by nightbringer360
Personally, I'd take the Nu over the Sazabi. The Nu is a lot more solid and stable than the Sazabi is (although my fin funnels were rather floppy and didn't connect to each other right).

The Sazabi has no screws or die-cast metal parts whatsoever like the Nu does, and so therefore is a bit more fragile - the funnel racks a particular nuisance.

well i want to order 2 maybe 3 MG models, the f91 and two others. nu and v2 are my favorite MSs (well the no.1 for me is zeta, but already have the MG ver2.0), but the v2 isn't available as a MG (any1 with info about what's the quality of the 1/100 v2?), so for the moment the candidate is nu but the MG version doesn't look much possable at least for me >_>
and for other MS, i want to start ordering from the most parts-using kits, so i hope sazabi is a good choice (i like that desing, and ... it's char's MS ^^). any recomendations about picking UC MG MS?

kct 2006-06-26 01:01

You want plenty of parts? Try Ex-S Gundam, or something like a Full Armour ZZ Gundam or a FAZZ. Now that's plenty.

My question in the previous page is still not answered.

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-06-26 06:08

Which is ?

lighthand 2006-06-26 10:07

Nu and Sazabi are both great kits. But my current fav is still the Zeta Ver 2.0

For internal parts try using gunmetal, it'll have the shinning look without overkill.

kct 2006-06-26 20:31

My question is this.


If I could get my hands on the pic of that, many thanks. Hopefully someone will make a V2.0 version of that, it looks nice. Or maybe someone here can do that all one needs to do is to mod the shield and make it black >.> .

jbui 2006-06-27 01:49

60$ CAD for MG Zeta v2.0? is that a good deal?

dardel 2006-06-27 02:27

i paid 150 USD +- for both MG zeta and mkII ver.2.0 (well, only the taxes were around 50 usd >_< )
lighthand: gunmetal .. what producer? since i was looking only for mr.color stuff, since almost everywhere i read ppl recommend that colors. hm so i'll order the MG nu and sazabi, thx for the points about this kits.
oh btw, what's new about the MG F91? i heard something like polycap-less

GameraBaenre 2006-06-27 03:01

Small update on my current project I'm trying to finish up for Anime Expo...

Nesty 2006-06-27 14:27


Originally Posted by jbui
60$ CAD for MG Zeta v2.0? is that a good deal?

that's a steal, everyplace u go to in toronto for that model is over 90 dollars. i got my zeta v2 as a present from my uncle who told me it would be around 70 yen in hongkong

lmao gamera that's a wicked mecha haha very fun ^_^

hope to hear how it goes man at the con as well as some possible vids :P

Siegel Clyne 2006-06-27 22:28

1/100 Infinite Justice Gundam Sales Ranking in Japan (May 2006)
Nihon no Omocha Jouhou

Uriage Rankingu Jouhou

Kongetsu no Omocha Uriage Besuto 5

2006.6.16 Koushin [2006.5gatsu]

Ippan Omocha

1. Yuugiou Ofisharukaadogeemu Dexyuerumonsutaazu -POWER OF THE DUELIST- ([Bandai] / 150 yen) NEW

2. Gougou Gattai DX Daibouken ([Bandai] / 5,775 yen) DOWN

3. Dexyuerumasutaazutoreedingukaadogeemu DM-18 Besuto Charenjaa Kakuchou Paaku ([Takaratomii] / 157 yen) DOWN

4. Beena TM Hontai ([Segatoizu] / 13,440 yen) UP

5. 1/100 Infinittojasutisugandamu ([Bandai] / 2,730 yen) NEW
Japanese Toy Information

Sales Ranking Information

This Month's Toy Sales Best 5

06/16/2006 Update [May 2006]

General Toy

1. Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game Duel Monsters -POWER OF THE DUELIST- ([Bandai] / 150 yen) NEW

2. Gougou Gattai DX Daibouken ([Bandai] / 5,775 yen) DOWN

3. Duel Masters Trading Card Game DM-18 Best Challenger Booster Pack ([Takara Tomy] / 157 yen) DOWN

4. Beena TM Hontai ([Sega Toys] / 13,440 yen) UP

5. 1/100 Infinite Justice Gundam ([Bandai] / 2,730 yen) NEW

GameraBaenre 2006-06-28 00:31

Completed page:
Progress page (all the way at the bottom of the page):
Sample pictures:

kct 2006-06-28 00:38

Looks awesome.

Between a Z Plus C1 and the Z Plus A1, which would be a better choice? Or I should go for a Zeta 2.0?

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