What would be the best way of obtaining the mag??
ill get mine in hobby search o.o like almost all my gunpla and gundam related stuff
i think amazon or ebay is much easier
Yes! I found the Gundam Models forum! Yay! I have a Gundam section on my website that I'm working on!
Oh, by the way I'm new here and I'm a Gundam Model fan as-well! Nice to meet all of you! ^_^ |
Im a new at building gundams, do you guys remove the pieces from the frame using a clipper or just your hands?
Yeah it would be wise to use clippers for MG's and up. Wait, will nail clippers be better than hands?
but it really comes down choice, no matter what you do, they will always be some form of sprue mark left on the piece when it comes off the runner, so you'll need to sand it down |
I use cutters to take them off the frame, use nail clippers to clean up the stubs and emory board a.k.a nail filer to clean it up. Careful though when filing... don't file to hard... |
WIP MG Exia R1
Ive noticed not to many people are posting pics of their WIP kits or finished kits these days so i thought id toss up a few pics of my MG Eixa. Im not a pro or anything and dont know have an air brush so i use tamiya spray paints and hand brush the finer details. Im about 90% done just need to do a few panel lines and i wanted to adda few wires hanging out here and there. So this is what i have done so far. I also added a bit more damage because the kit was way to clean for its own good being in the R1 mode and i just picked at it with a exacto knife and filled in the areas with some silver sharpie then dry brushed some gunmetal over the sharpie then a little titanium gold dry brush action over the gunmetal and the edges of the kit. For the cape i used one of them tan cloth bags you get at the super markets and spray painted it on both sides with german gray spraypaint. This is the first kit i ever put damage on and im happy with the look so far. Ill post one pic and if your interested enough to look at more pics ill post a link under the one there.
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y21...a/IMG_0085.jpg Link to more pics: http://gundam-eclipse.com/topic/2141...x=0#post201815 |
Awesome! Battle Damage!
damn i did finish my MG exia but i didn't do any battle damage cos i don't know how to im bad at doing it O_O
can any one give me some pointers in how to do the B damage and not break the kit XD http://img.dannychoo.com/fauna/useri...0844_22734.jpg |
(does that make sense? LOL!) Emory Board A.K.A Nail Filer... Oh and Exactor Knife. (scratch, cuts, saber damage, rifle, etc.) Paint thinner, I heard some people use nail polish remover... and cue tips... (Thin out the paint to give a faded look to a damaged area.) If you careful... I've seen someone use a lighter... yes the kind that smokers use. (To get that real burning damage) I might just go and buy a "SD GRADE or FIRST GRADE", to show you. :p I'm sure there are a lot of ways to do battle damage and a lot of people here have different techniques. So consider mine 1 way to do it. ;) |
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