DANG! That looks AWESOME. Just having both the Astraea and Exia swords sold it for me.
I always thought the GN Spatulas looked goofy. But the F2's spike ball thing looks even goofier. But the problem is, is that the spike ball was the kit's selling point. All the other accessories look completely lackluster compared to it. So you kinda HAVE to use it. I know it isn't really original to just give the original Astraea kit both the default Astraea weapons and Exia's weapons, but those two swords just looks fricken spectacular. 199% sold. |
The thing i like about 00 kits is that you can do so many variant of it =P
That price tag looks veeeeeeeerrry familiar...
LOL does it means that it'd be available at the same time as Japan? :heh:
Like the Exia cone setup thats being advertised for this Astraea for example is also available for the Astraea F kit, just that they did not mention it. Also, I am of the opinion that the selling point of the Astraea F kit was more of the extra other MS weapons like Dynames's Handguns, Kyrios' Hand Missles, Ahead/GN-X III's NGN Launcher in conjunction to the GN Hammer rather than the hammer alone. Exia's swords were sort of part of it as well, unofficially. Quote:
Yes, Bandai did it on purpose I believe from a long time ago so they can take advantage of the rerelease. Not that I blame them, they're business company that wants to make as much money as they can; like most other companies out there. Not that I'm complaining, I have a thing for Anno Domini series variants as well. I'm hoping they'd make one for the HG Cherudim, Arios and Seravee infact. |
HG 00 Qan[T] is out it seems. No much balancing issue with the kit, but it does have problem holding the combined sword |
wwooo....cant wait to get it XD
00 Qan[T] boxart
Spoiler for 00Q Boxart:
Spoiler for HG 00Q manual:
Spoiler for HG 00Q manual:
Spoiler for HG 00Q manual:
Spoiler for HG 00Q manual:
Spoiler for HG 00Q manual:
Credit: The guy who got the HG 00Qan[T] early ---------------------------------- From the Google translated review, the reviewer is commenting that its very similar to the HG 00 it seems. Which is the best thing in the world for me, since I happen to be a big fan of the HG 00 Gundam lines. I reckon the "Shield as thruster" pose position will be my favourite. Its symetrical and it looks cool, essentially its almost just 00 Raiser but simplified and less bulky. I just wish there was a stand so we can make the Sword Bits fly around, as in make them appear as flying alongside the 00Q. I have a strange feeling their saving that for the TA version.......Bandai is Bandai afterall. Kudos to Ebikawa for great 4 evolving Astraea lineage designs. |
So anyone got the HG 00Q for the weekend from my tip off or is the price too high for ya ?
^How much does it say anyways, I cant make it out from the pic.
But alas, I do not think I can go there and get it. Is the shop from Singapore btw? I'll just get it a month from the release like I always do T_T |
Well I'm heading off to Causeway Point soon... check out the Comics Connection over there.
=3 |
back of the box Spoiler:
Looks like this confirms all the future release of Wing's Version Ka. lineup. And what's that on the lower left corner ? |
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