I don't think 1/100 has HG?? For 1/100 I think gunpla only has 1/100 and MG 1/100
And I am totally not a coordinated person but I could still handle 1/144...so don't worry too much (besides, HG 1/144 is cheaper :D) If you don't like to paint, make sure check some sites to see how the unpainted version will look like... (Eg...sometimes they will give you a white beam saber...or even worse, no beam saber at all)..one site I like is dalong.net...that site shows the unpainted version and will show you what accessories each model will have Last thing, purely my experience, is perhaps you better think twice before buying a model that has a big backpack...not all models (especially HG 1/144) come with a stand, and a model has a serious weight issue can really frustrate you at times I hope it helps a bit XD |
I sometimes still find myself referring to 1/100's as "HG 1/100" at times... |
Not really fussed about the LEDs - I just hope for some special stands or display options to showcase the sword bits in use and some red beam effect parts for the Raiser Sword (or is it called something else since its not OO Raiser anymore?).
Any chance we might get RD Harute, Zabanya, and Raphael/Seravee II?
As for the release dates, hard to tell. I'd say it'll be another full year till all the RD 00 movie MS are released. I bet we won't get the RD Brave till next Spring. Robot Damashii figures have a very slow release schedule. |
Heck, after seeing the scratch build of Zabaniya, I could use a 1/100 anytime.
Without Nghee khiong, where I could get all the news now? :( We need a well-informed person here, not biased towards any of the series. I felt the same thing NK did but never thought he'd experience what he has experienced so far. The Gundam community is indeed filled with scary people :/ |
I just read Ngee Khiong's final post. He brought up something I really didn't notice, since I'm not that into Gunpla, but I appreciate his point of view, and more importantly, his work on his blog. It's helped me a lot so far, and I applaud him for his hard work.
Sir Dearka, NK posted some (actually, a hell lot of) links in his final post, maybe you could source for them there. I'm not too worried, doesn't matter if I'm up-to-date with the news, as long as the kits I want get released. Also, thanks for the heads up, Nosferatu. I knew you were the guy to go to for RD. :D I've only been buying HG 1/144 so far, eager to try out RD but a bit hesitant due to the steep prices. |
Yeah, I know about the links, bio9205, but y'know, gathering all the news from so many sites... I am a lazy man and I can't help but think Ngee Khiong was doing the work (which is helluva lot of work).
After buying a Gundam RD, I just think they are not of such quality as Geass ones, so I stopped buying them. My only hope in 1/100s (which I prefer over 1/144 HG, but so few kits are released here) and Master Grades... |
I prefer HG 1/144 for the variety.
MG 00Q isn't quite looking like what I expected. It just doesn't have that insanely epic feel MG Exia had to it. |
what i see Bandai Strategy for 1/100 is that they are focusing more on MG line instead of the normal 1/100 scale since MG is alot more popular.
HG1/144 is for they release for the different variety of suits (which now i convert to mainly hg1/144 collector) |
Anyway, something about the MG OOQ's chest doesnt also seem to be consistent with the lineart. The chest armor seems a bit out of place, if u know what I mean (It takes a bit of familiarity with the 1/144 HG, which I think is VERY accurate to the lineart). Also, what's so special about the sword bits swivelling to the side of the shield? Unless it can act as some sort of claw? Or is it to reveal the beam gun its supposed to have? |
I have been madly in love it for some reason in the last one week ago after I managed to create custom handles for my Sword Bit on the HG and pose them in a flying position using some creativity and materials. (hint: bamboo sticks and some plasticine) And yeah, 00Q can use the Raiser Sword with the buster rifle and the HG manual confirms there is a beam gun in the shield. Although I don't think it's been showcased model-wise or hoe it looks like. ========= Custom magazine 1/100 Arios Ascalon: http://c.imagehost.org/0770/14ca9d6b809488.jpg http://c.imagehost.org/0073/14ca9d6a46aff2.jpg http://c.imagehost.org/0851/14ca9d6af200fa.jpg http://c.imagehost.org/0250/14ca9d69bcb38b.jpg Credit: Homeless. |
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