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Astrana 2008-03-13 03:03

yep, not sure about MGs, but HGs for sure, just like

Seed, Seed Destiny, Destiny Astray, Stargazer...

JackRydden224 2008-03-13 04:03

Most main suits from an animated Gundam series has gotten the MG treatment for the excepts of V/V2, X/DX and Wing/Wing Zero (TV). So chances are that Exia will get the MG treatment.

As for the 1/100 Flag, I'm pretty sure Bandai will release all of its variants because some suckers (like me) will buy all of them LOL.

mangatron 2008-03-13 04:17

Some more large pics of Gunpla courtesy Gunota:

MG Launcher/Sword Strike Gundam
MG Zaku Minelayer
HG GN Arms Type E + Gundam Exia (Trans-Am Mode)
HG Gundam Throne Drei

My thoughts on these:

-I really need to buy a two of those MG Strike Sword/Launcher packs so I can attempt a Blast Impulse killer :heh: (lol, like that last pic on the page, "Sord Strike" :heh: )
-I'd get this Zaku mine Layer soley for the backpack. Hmm....
-I like Mobile Armors. Heck, I think I'm the only human alive who likes the EAF Mobile Armors in Gundam Seed/Destiny :heh:
-If you want to see the Drei head more closely, nows your chance. I have this weird thought of making a Gundam Aliens :heh:

duotiga 2008-03-13 07:22

release today

StratoSpear 2008-03-13 09:10

My bro just bought the 1:100 Scale Gundam Kyrios... By the grapes, the model is freaking huge.... even larger than 1:100 Exia... Can't imagine how massive Virtue will be.

My lists of bought Gundam 00 models w/ comments:

-HG Graham's Union Flag(My first 00 model, but crap it can't hold it's rifle well and it can't even hold the plasma blade.... Shame)

-HG Dynames (My second model and, i gotta say, it's cool... The sniper eye gimmick is truly a remarkable feature to be integrated into a HG model. Drawback: No GN Pistols... Uwaaaah:()

-HG Kyrios (Cool model, but the wings at the knee makes the Gundam look... odd. As for the transformation.... By far the simplest Gundam-> MA transformation i've seen. Looks elongated when transformed though...:heh:)

-1:100 Exia (Looks decent, but the weapons are awesome! However, due to the design of the hips, the legs' vertical movement is limited... You can't pose the Exia kneeling:twitch:)

-1:100 Kyrios (Quite huge... Never expected Kyrios to be bulky. One improvement, no "disintegrations" needed in order to transform Kyrios to Flight mode and it looks way better than the HG version when transformed.)

One note to add: If you own the HG Kyrios, you'll find that there are hardpoints behind it's legs... My guess is that it's for the multi-purpose container thingy....:twitch: Any opinions? I can't find any container hardpoints for the 1:100 version... but I may be wrong.

LightningZERO 2008-03-13 18:55


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 1457901)

I'm gonna get this one. The Exia is nicer than expected, but still there will be one real Trans-Am Exia release in the future and I will still get it :D

philmein 2008-03-13 19:03

Typically I don't buy HG 1/44 model kits because of their size and lack of details, but this GN Arms + Exia looks goddamn beautiful and stunning. If one of you guys get it, please gimme a short review and if it's good, I may consider getting it in the future.

Shiro-Oh! 2008-03-13 20:16


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 1457901)

After learning about Dynames' own GN-Arms, I don't think I'll be able to purchase this baby; I'll wait for the Type-D.


Originally Posted by philmein (Post 1458917)
If one of you guys get it, please gimme a short review and if it's good, I may consider getting it in the future.

I'm pretty sure Makube can provide us that. :heh: He hasn't been posting in this thread very much lately; I bet his working on it and taking some pictures. =P If not, then may the wrath of his Gyan come upon me...

ReverseFate 2008-03-13 21:28


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 1457901)

Woah, NICE! I am so getting this one! Though I might wait and see how Type D will look first. :p

Fome 2008-03-13 22:14

Personally, I think the concept of the GN ARMS, a giant exterior armored suit to which a gundam attaches itself, is even more ridiculous than the idea of mobile suits to begin with. I mean, why not just make a separate flying machine that has all those weapons? It's not as if the gundam is powering it.

Astrana 2008-03-13 22:28

I am still debating about getting GN arms...

beamknight87 2008-03-13 23:02

this thing seems pretty big... but I'm still with an eye open every weekend in case I see the 1/500 Dendrobium which frankly catches more my attention...

trowa babeliii 2008-03-13 23:04

reposting because i think it's not convenient for people to see

more images at

comments are welcome

LoweGear 2008-03-13 23:10


Originally Posted by Fome (Post 1459229)
I mean, why not just make a separate flying machine that has all those weapons? It's not as if the gundam is powering it.

Actually it is both things you're saying.

The GN Arms is an independent weapons platform as shown in episode 21 and 22 capable of fighting by itself. However, in needs a Gundam's GN Drive to power it for longer operations, which is why the Gundam attaches itself - to provide power for the GN Arms energy-hungry weapons.


Back on topic:

Larger boxart pic for GN Arms Type E + Gundam Exia:

Shiro-Oh! 2008-03-13 23:26


Originally Posted by Fome (Post 1459229)
Personally, I think the concept of the GN ARMS, a giant exterior armored suit to which a gundam attaches itself, is even more ridiculous than the idea of mobile suits to begin with. I mean, why not just make a separate flying machine that has all those weapons? It's not as if the gundam is powering it.

It's a tradition of badass-ness. Though we understand its impracticality, we can't deny the fact that doing these kinda stuff makes the show really badass. Bigger + badder = totally badass!(well, most of the time :heh: )


Originally Posted by beamknight87 (Post 1459309)
this thing seems pretty big... but I'm still with an eye open every weekend in case I see the 1/500 Dendrobium which frankly catches more my attention...

I got my 1/550 Dendrobium, along with 1/550 Nueu Ziel, two days ago. And to much of surprise, the majority of the kit is molded in white. Not only that, but also the small figures that comes with it aren't molded in colors. Horrible! :( But oh well, it's still a decent kit, nevertheless. But if you can get the 1/400s instead of these, then go for it. They're slightly bigger, more detailed, and the small figures are actually molded in color! =O They cost almost an arm and a leg, however... Oh, and check dalong; he recently reviewed both models.

EDIT: Salamat for the high-def pic, Lowe. I thought the other GN-Arms was just a stand-alone unit; turns out it's the Type-D with Dynames on it! =O

mangatron 2008-03-13 23:44


Originally Posted by ReverseFate (Post 1459149)
Woah, NICE! I am so getting this one! Though I might wait and see how Type D will look first. :p

As The Unknown beat me to the answer, that is Type D in the Type E boxart I believe.


Originally Posted by The Unknown Ace (Post 1459352)
I got my 1/550 Dendrobium, along with 1/550 Nueu Ziel, two days ago. And to much of surprise, the majority of the kit is molded in white.

I... did warn you about it, right? :heh: :heh:

LightningZERO 2008-03-14 00:32

I find it funny that the instruction manuals for the GN Arms Type E actually confirms Trans-Am Exia is 3 times faster (and powerful):heh:

Astrana 2008-03-14 01:44

lol, not sure if anyone mentioned this, on the box art of GN Arms Type E + Exia, in the background u can see Dynames with GN Arms, all that is different are the 2 arms lol.... I am thinking about getting the Exia one, not too sure about the Dynames one...

philmein 2008-03-14 02:05


Originally Posted by The Unknown Ace (Post 1459023)
After learning about Dynames' own GN-Arms, I don't think I'll be able to purchase this baby; I'll wait for the Type-D.

I'm pretty sure Makube can provide us that. :heh: He hasn't been posting in this thread very much lately; I bet his working on it and taking some pictures. =P If not, then may the wrath of his Gyan come upon me...

lol, now that you mentioned it, he did get the 1/100 Virtue before the actual release date. I bet he does have the GN Arms. Oh please Makube, please, give me a response! PLEASE!!!! :P

I wish there was a GN Arms for the 1/100 Exia. But, damn, can you imagine the size lol? Not to mention the mullah $$$. :(

StratoSpear 2008-03-14 02:46

Two GN Arms!!? Nadleeh has a SHIELD!? What's going on here? Someone please enlighten me....

LoweGear 2008-03-14 02:48


Originally Posted by StratoSpear (Post 1459604)
Two GN Arms!!? Nadleeh has a SHIELD!? What's going on here? Someone please enlighten me....

It's new equipment. The 2nd GN Arms was shown in the preview for episode 23, while the Nadleeh with Shield and Beam rifle was shown a while back in leaked art for the HG 1/144 Gundam Nadleeh (yes, the HG will have that extra equipment unlike the 1/100 version).

StratoSpear 2008-03-14 02:51


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 1459606)
It's new equipment. The 2nd GN Arms was shown in the preview for episode 23, while the Nadleeh with Shield and Beam rifle was shown a while back in leaked art for the HG 1/144 Gundam Nadleeh (yes, the HG will have that extra equipment unlike the 1/100 version).

That's one heck of an overhaul... Meisters Rules!!

Subarunyon 2008-03-14 03:03


Originally Posted by trowa babeliii (Post 1459313)
reposting because i think it's not convenient for people to see

comments are welcome

These mods are nice =) I've been thinking really ahrd on how to get the back of exia to glow in a manner similar to the show as well ^^; Maybe next you can do the trans-am mode? :D


Personally, I think the concept of the GN ARMS, a giant exterior armored suit to which a gundam attaches itself, is even more ridiculous than the idea of mobile suits to begin with. I mean, why not just make a separate flying machine that has all those weapons? It's not as if the gundam is powering it.
remember meteor? G-defensor? G-falcon? a big flying unit attaching to the gundam is kinda like a tradition now, along with having emotionally unstable characters riding gundams ^^;

In terms on how realistic it is, in Seed it kinda makes sense, since gundams are the most mobile unit in the universe, give it a space use-only suit with extra thrusters as to not compromise too much in speed + some crazy missiles and lazors, and kill as many as possible (something that's impossible to do with the old freedom + justice) before ditching it and using the more manouverable core suit. Why not just create the unit in itself? I think it needs the power from the nucear reactors, similar to the GN-arms now

In Zeta it kinda makes sense as well, turns the Mk-II into a totally different use suit. Rather than using it for assault it's used for backup with big guns like Virtue. They never really explained where the power comes from but the thing does run out of juice quite quick so Ii'm guessing it comes from both units ^^; Dunno bout G-Falcon. Anyone cares to shed a light?

So it will depend on how sunrise choose to handle GN arms, it may seem realistic / not later in the show ^^;

Astrana 2008-03-14 03:43

ok, is it really 2 GN Arms in the show, r just one with different Equipment for different MS

LoweGear 2008-03-14 03:45


Originally Posted by Astrana (Post 1459662)
ok, is it really 2 GN Arms in the show, r just one with different Equipment for different MS

If the boxart is any indication its two GN Arms and not simply different equipment. Though we'll find that out conclusively tomorrow.

If it is two GN Arms, maybe we can expect a "Type-D" HG GN Arms with Gundam Dynames in the future...

Astrana 2008-03-14 04:57


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 1459663)
If the boxart is any indication its two GN Arms and not simply different equipment. Though we'll find that out conclusively tomorrow.

If it is two GN Arms, maybe we can expect a "Type-D" HG GN Arms with Gundam Dynames in the future...

and Type - whatever for Virtue hahahahaha

also just realized GN Arms will be close to 100 bucks.. ouch

MakubeX2 2008-03-14 05:20

Seven hours and this is what I get.

On one hand it looks like a Metal Gear and I tempted to repaint it in Jungle Camouflage Colours.

On the other, you can actually see a face which reminds me of No.5 from the movie Short Circuit.

JackRydden224 2008-03-14 05:43


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 1459747)

Seven hours and this is what I get.

One one hand it looks like a Metal Gear and I tempted to repaint it in Jungle Camouflage Colours.

One the other, you can actually see a face which reminds me of No.5 from the movie Short Circuit.

If anything, this reminds me of Valkyries in their gerwalk mode....

MakubeX2 2008-03-14 05:52


Originally Posted by JackRydden224 (Post 1459769)
If anything, this reminds me of Valkyries in their gerwalk mode....

Now that you mention it it does look like a VF-19 with Sound Booster opened. Maybe I should colour it red.

And BTW, this is an OOB built. As standard with Bandai, the bigger they comes, the less you need to paint.

JackRydden224 2008-03-14 06:07


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 1459776)
Now that you mention it it does look like a VF-19 with Sound Booster opened. Maybe I should colour it red.

And BTW, this is an OOB built. As standard with Bandai, the bigger they comes, the less you need to paint.

I'll listen to you if you sing LOL

The OOB built looks pretty decent. Please post the pics once you have Exia C.A. completed :D

duotiga 2008-03-14 06:30

frm gundambase

Gn Arms + Exia

HG Arms Astray PMC Custom (Leons Graves custom)

crossgundam 2008-03-14 06:55

to be honest i quite sick of GS model kit !!!!!

crossgundam 2008-03-14 07:45

check this out

Shiro-Oh! 2008-03-14 08:59


Originally Posted by mangatron (Post 1459384)
I... did warn you about it, right? :heh: :heh:

I heeded your warning, but got confused whether it's the 1/550 or the 1/400 that is molded in white... :heh: But nevertheless, I'm enjoying the kit; though that one piece in front of its I-field Generator is a pain to paint... :heh:


Originally Posted by Astrana (Post 1459662)
ok, is it really 2 GN Arms in the show, r just one with different Equipment for different MS

There was a discussion about this a while ago. It would seem that the Ptoleimos, if you look at it closely, carries four individual GN-Arms. Most likey, each Gundam has its own GN-Arms with a unique configuration for each suit. And so far in the show, it seems that only two are operational.


Originally Posted by Astrana (Post 1459726)
and Type - whatever for Virtue hahahahaha

also just realized GN Arms will be close to 100 bucks.. ouch

If the E in Type-E stands for Exia, then wouldn't the rest of the GN-Arms be Type-D for Dynames, Type-K for Kyrios, and Type-N for Nadleeh...? :heh:

As for the price, If I'm not mistaken, its about 5,2XX yen; around $50-60 bucks.


Originally Posted by crossgundam (Post 1459858)

It's a resin kit. Most likely it's not from Bandai.

duckroll 2008-03-14 09:04


Originally Posted by The Unknown Ace (Post 1459931)
There was a discussion about this a while ago. It would seem that the Ptoleimos, if you look at it closely, carries four individual GN-Arms. Most likey, each Gundam has its own GN-Arms with a unique configuration for each suit. And so far in the show, it seems that only two are operational.

That would be quite an upgrade for the Ptoly, 8 GN-Cannons on the go! :)

mangatron 2008-03-14 09:40


Originally Posted by The Unknown Ace (Post 1459931)
though that one piece in front of its I-field Generator is a pain to paint... :heh:

You know what I did with that? I just took a Marker with the thinnest diameter and wasted several grams of liquid on it :heh: Huge waste of resources, but I wanted little headache as possible (try reaching the deepest crevices, cracks and trenches on the parts and you'll know what I mean) :heh:

By the way, are you in the Phillipines? I think someone on this thread is/been to the Phillipines. I am having a fit finding Gundam00 model kits in my proximity (best I can find is a FG 1/144 Virtue at the Toy Kingdom at SM Megamall which I bought without hesitation :uhoh::heh: )

I might post pictures of the hilarious ensuing life of my FG Virtue, but on dial-up I'm having enough nightmares from this thread's xbox hueg images :heh:

philmein 2008-03-14 10:52


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 1459747)

Seven hours and this is what I get.

On one hand it looks like a Metal Gear and I tempted to repaint it in Jungle Camouflage Colours.

On the other, you can actually see a face which reminds me of No.5 from the movie Short Circuit.

Makube, is this kit worth getting?
Since you already own one and have already started building it, how is it? Good? Dame? lol

FireEel 2008-03-14 11:07

Guys, does any1 know where the biggest gundam shop is in Japan?

Its supposedly the one with a huge gundam at its entrance.

Shiro-Oh! 2008-03-14 12:45


Originally Posted by mangatron (Post 1459979)
You know what I did with that? I just took a Marker with the thinnest diameter and wasted several grams of liquid on it :heh: Huge waste of resources, but I wanted little headache as possible (try reaching the deepest crevices, cracks and trenches on the parts and you'll know what I mean) :heh:

LOL! I guess it's worth it. :heh: As for me, I'm gonna go ahead and paint it using a very fine brush. XD By the way, did you paint those little small figures that came with the kit?


Originally Posted by mangatron (Post 1459979)
By the way, are you in the Phillipines? I think someone on this thread is/been to the Phillipines. I am having a fit finding Gundam00 model kits in my proximity (best I can find is a FG 1/144 Virtue at the Toy Kingdom at SM Megamall which I bought without hesitation :uhoh::heh: )

No, I live in the US now. I did visit the country a couple of years ago, however. I bought a few HGUCs and a couple of MGs from an SM megamall in Pampanga. Where exactly are you in the Philippines? And are you a Filipino, by any chance?

Astrana 2008-03-14 15:03


Originally Posted by The Unknown Ace (Post 1459931)

As for the price, If I'm not mistaken, its about 5,2XX yen; around $50-60 bucks.

ya, thats the market pricew, for people lives in north america like me there will be extra 40 -50 for shipping

if I get from HLJ it will cost over 100 for EMS shipping and 80-90 ish for SAL

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