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Setsuna.F.Seiei 2009-03-14 02:19

can anyone tell me wats the latest release of the 00 series?(is it the 1/100 seravee)

RAVNEN 2009-03-14 02:20

Yeah,I agree with Lowe.:D
Sadly I don't have other MSG 00 gundam,it would be perfect evolution lineup.;)

Heh,my Phantom Pain trio....

Can resist pit together Astraea & Gundam MK II...

Setsuna.F.Seiei 2009-03-14 02:34

by the way...can anyone list out all the tools i need for gunpla?

LoweGear 2009-03-14 02:35


Originally Posted by Setsuna.F.Seiei (Post 2271742)
can anyone tell me wats the latest release of the 00 series?(is it the 1/100 seravee)

Latest release is indeed the 1/100 Seravee. Only kit left to be released from the announced line is the HG 1/144 Ahead Smultron. Of course, we'll have to see what other kits are to be announced in this month's model magazines.

GNWeapon 2009-03-14 02:42

Looking forward to Bandai announcing the HG 1/144 0 Gundam, Masurao/Susanoo kits.

LightningZERO 2009-03-14 02:52

There's the Trans Am Raiser set coming soon too

GNWeapon 2009-03-14 02:54


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2271778)
There's the Trans Am Raiser set coming soon too

But wouldn't that be gloss injected version? I'm still wanting to see more pics of that gloss-version before getting it for the Sword III.

LoweGear 2009-03-14 03:16

We do have this image of the Trans-Am color Gloss Injection ver.:

It's basically the same colors used on the HG Trans-Am S1 Gundams.

MakubeX2 2009-03-14 03:35

MG Gouf Ver 2.0 to be next MG to be out ?

Dan the Man 2009-03-14 04:06


Originally Posted by Setsuna.F.Seiei (Post 2271759)
by the way...can anyone list out all the tools i need for gunpla?

Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I can list the tools I use and how I use them...

1. Wire cutter - Essential to cut the pieces out of the tree. Try to make sure it's a small-headed cutter, as the big fat headed cutters won't fit inbetween the parts.

2. Hobby Knife - Necessary to trim the excess plastic off of a piece. With the larger chunks of leftover plastic, you can use your clippers again and just pop the piece off, but the knife is usually your best bet to remove the stuff. And for God's sake, be careful! Finger cuts suck. Bad.

3. Sandpaper - Another good choice for cleaning up a piece. It can help fade any nasty marks the hobby knife might make while trimming plastic. Varying kinds of coarseness are recommended, but I get by with a light grade.

4. Paint Markers - While any kind will do the job, one of the easiest to use is the Gundam Marker type. Most sites/stores that sell the kits will have the markers, too. The paint on these markers dries within about twenty seconds, so it makes basic painting a sinch. Testor paint markers work really well too, though they take a few minutes longer to dry at the least.

5. Ultra-Fine Tipped Sharpie - Essential for panel lines. They have actual Gundam Markers with a point that small, but the Sharpies are a hell of a lot cheaper and do the same job just as good.

6. Screwdrivers - Some kits will contain screws on them, like many Master Grade kits, but the flathead screwdriver will be your best friend should you need to pry an assembled piece apart. Just be careful not to warp the connector pins on the pieces, because those could snap very easily. Remember to be careful.

Those are my basic tools. As most anyone here will tell you, a good glue is a priority too. I use a kind called Tamiya Cement.

Once you get past all of that, more paint would be needed, along with airbrushes, primers, modeling putty, etc., etc...

So there you go! Hope it helps.

Setsuna.F.Seiei 2009-03-14 08:42

hey thanks!!! its sure is a big help!! one more u spray something tat sort of remove the gloss of the plastic?(i think its something call finishing spray)

Setsuna.F.Seiei 2009-03-14 08:47

but the design is almost the same as my 00 raiser HG designer colour version!! so can i make the GNblade3 by myself?

duotiga 2009-03-14 09:04


Originally Posted by Setsuna.F.Seiei (Post 2272077)
but the design is almost the same as my 00 raiser HG designer colour version!! so can i make the GNblade3 by myself? the same design, just in different color + gloss + gn sword III.

Anything is possible by pla plates

ashtaron 2009-03-14 10:39

New pics of Seravee/Seraphim assembled and unpainted can be viewed here:

Tormenk 2009-03-14 11:29


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2271797)
We do have this image of the Trans-Am color Gloss Injection ver.:

It's basically the same colors used on the HG Trans-Am S1 Gundams.

I thought this was for the Robot Damashii version? Cant rmb the source but I've seen the HG version sporting a red-lined blade instead of blue.


Uncovering of the PG Red Frame box. Check out the boxart as well.

LoweGear 2009-03-14 11:36


Originally Posted by Tormenk (Post 2272257)
I thought this was for the Robot Damashii version? Cant rmb the source but I've seen the HG version sporting a red-lined blade instead of blue.

Given that the Robot Damashii already has a Trans-Am version, which didn't have the GN Sword III, and that the HG Trans-Am Raiser is the only version ever announced to have a GN Sword III, this is undeniably the HG version. You can also see several parts of this model that are unpainted and without panel lining (like the arms and feet), something that the Robot Damashii models already have by default. The proportions and coloration of the Robot Damashii model is also different (the Damashii is a much darker red).

Also, if you can point me to the image you saw of a red-lined GN Sword III, I'll be happy to see it. However, the only red blade I remember from any model is the massive beam blades for the GN Sword II on the Robot Damashii.

Tormenk 2009-03-14 11:50


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2272266)
Also, if you can point me to the image you saw of a red-lined GN Sword III, I'll be happy to see it. However, the only red blade I remember from any model is the massive beam blades for the GN Sword II on the Robot Damashii.

Stolen from Ngee Khiong. Image is cut off on the right side but shows the Trans-Arm 00 Raiser holding the red blade.

Though I must admit I only noticed the blue-tinged blade of the TA 00 Raiser in the foreground just now when typing this post. :heh:

LoweGear 2009-03-14 11:53

Ah... the Red Blade is the effects part for the Raiser Sword. It was shown before as a colorless sheathe in the initial pics of the Trans-Am Raiser. You will notice that the red blade has a far different shape and size to the standard GN Sword III. :heh:

Tormenk 2009-03-14 11:55

So..there are two different blade effect parts for the GN-Sword III? :heh:

LoweGear 2009-03-14 11:57

The first transparent part for the GN Sword III is the main solid blade edge which is molded in blue, and is less an effect part as it is an integral part of the sword (like the GN condensers being clear). The red Raiser Sword part is the effects part. :)

Tormenk 2009-03-14 11:59

I see. Thanks for clearing that up. I did miss the Raiser Sword part among the new images, my bad.

Scavenger 2009-03-14 15:14

Robot Damashii Regnant is friggin huge.

50 CM wingspan.. Yikes! Huge box unless you can pull some parts off.

LoweGear 2009-03-14 15:18

The box shouldn't be any larger than many Master Grade boxes then :heh:

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-03-14 15:49

It shouldn't cost less than 100 bucks either. That mother is gonna EXPENSIVE.

Calvin329 2009-03-14 16:47

I doubt many people would buy it, it'll be heaps expensive.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-03-14 16:50

If a mere two pack of Seravee and Seraphim cost nearly 50 bucks, than something like Regnant has gotta be double that.

JayCee 2009-03-14 18:13


Originally Posted by Setsuna.F.Seiei (Post 2272071)
hey thanks!!! its sure is a big help!! one more u spray something tat sort of remove the gloss of the plastic?(i think its something call finishing spray)

Use a matt top coat spray or semi gloss if you prefer. Most gunplay builders prefer using Mr hobby top coat range. But feel free to find alternatives

MrCapcom 2009-03-14 18:24

Here you go Sir Dearka

Got my video review up on youtube for it here:
And here is a pic of Destiny MG I just finished well its not finished I still gotta panel line and chrome paint some more stuff

Spoiler for What my shelf looks like now:

I changed everyone's poses and such

Un1ver5e 2009-03-14 19:31


Originally Posted by Dan the Man (Post 2271838)
5. Ultra-Fine Tipped Sharpie - Essential for panel lines. They have actual Gundam Markers with a point that small, but the Sharpies are a hell of a lot cheaper and do the same job just as good.

Just enquiring, are the Sharpies permanent? I use mainly Gundam markers because besides having sharp tips(for the first few uses anyway), they allow me to use my finger to rub across the lines, making them cleaner. A permanent marker which does not allow you to rub away the excess ink will not be as effective.

I'm trying to source for a cheaper alternative though, preferably with a metal tip. Any suggestions?

vektar 2009-03-14 22:34


Originally Posted by Un1ver5e (Post 2272863)
I'm trying to source for a cheaper alternative though, preferably with a metal tip. Any suggestions?

I use a Pigma Micron 005 to do my panel lines. It actully has a finer tip then the gundam fine point marker pen, so it gets in the lines much better, and it rubs off most surfaces if you mess up.

Dan the Man 2009-03-14 23:06


Originally Posted by Un1ver5e (Post 2272863)
Just enquiring, are the Sharpies permanent? I use mainly Gundam markers because besides having sharp tips(for the first few uses anyway), they allow me to use my finger to rub across the lines, making them cleaner. A permanent marker which does not allow you to rub away the excess ink will not be as effective.

I'm trying to source for a cheaper alternative though, preferably with a metal tip. Any suggestions?

Actually, the sharpies do rub off with enough elbow/thumb grease. It comes right off with little trouble, though it does smear a bit, so I'd rub a bit more just to get that extra ink off.

Tkpenalty 2009-03-14 23:18


Originally Posted by Un1ver5e (Post 2272863)
Just enquiring, are the Sharpies permanent? I use mainly Gundam markers because besides having sharp tips(for the first few uses anyway), they allow me to use my finger to rub across the lines, making them cleaner. A permanent marker which does not allow you to rub away the excess ink will not be as effective.

I'm trying to source for a cheaper alternative though, preferably with a metal tip. Any suggestions?

Yes they are, but you could use a cotton bud dipped in very diluted methylated spirits if you want to remove the lines.

Dan the Man 2009-03-14 23:35


Originally Posted by Tkpenalty (Post 2273195)
Yes they are, but you could use a cotton bud dipped in very diluted methylated spirits if you want to remove the lines.

... Rubbing alcohol works too. Sounds less complicated than diluted methylated spirits... :D

cupcakes4chris 2009-03-14 23:45


Originally Posted by vektar (Post 2273155)
I use a Pigma Micron 005 to do my panel lines. It actully has a finer tip then the gundam fine point marker pen, so it gets in the lines much better, and it rubs off most surfaces if you mess up.

Cool, where can i find one of those in the us?

Un1ver5e 2009-03-14 23:48


Originally Posted by vektar (Post 2273155)
I use a Pigma Micron 005 to do my panel lines. It actully has a finer tip then the gundam fine point marker pen, so it gets in the lines much better, and it rubs off most surfaces if you mess up.


Originally Posted by Dan the Man (Post 2273187)
Actually, the sharpies do rub off with enough elbow/thumb grease. It comes right off with little trouble, though it does smear a bit, so I'd rub a bit more just to get that extra ink off.

Thanks, I'll pop by the neighbourhood stationery store later and try them out.

MrCapcom 2009-03-14 23:48

I got mines from micheals on baltimore pike was like 5 bucks or so

Tkpenalty 2009-03-15 02:21


Originally Posted by Dan the Man (Post 2273218)
... Rubbing alcohol works too. Sounds less complicated than diluted methylated spirits... :D

I said diluted for a reason, because if its 100% ethanol then you may end up having the meth eat more than the permanent marker lines.

Ottocycle 2009-03-15 03:02


Originally Posted by MrCapcom (Post 2272801)
Spoiler for What my shelf looks like now:

An interesting perspective on this picture would be that the gigantic Destiny is now going to chop up the puny SF below it. (For stealing its series title screen or something?) :p

Did you intend to show it like that?

Akyra 2009-03-15 09:32

Just wondering, if I am missing a part from the runners, can I contact Bandai and get them to mail me a replacement? Thing is, this is a HG 1/100 Gundam Maxter from G Gundam....

EDIT: I only found out there's a part missing when I got up to that particular part (it's missing the lower torso where it connects to the front and back skirts and the legs)

Also, how much is it

Tormenk 2009-03-15 11:34

This kind of service is not available, to my knowledge. Even the next best solution, ordering parts from Bandai only works in Japan.

You can try ordering runners from Hobbylink Japan though I have no idea on the costs since I have never used their services before.

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