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Providenceangle 2013-08-12 10:56

Well I have the "I can't stop buying gunpla" affliction. So I never get to finish old kits... I'm doing a waist mod. The stock hips and such are way to wide and ugly. I'm trying to make it more like the anime... If I ever bother.

suiton629 2013-08-12 11:34


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4791268)
Well I have the "I can't stop buying gunpla" affliction. So I never get to finish old kits... I'm doing a waist mod. The stock hips and such are way to wide and ugly. I'm trying to make it more like the anime... If I ever bother.

That's something I've worried about and still do. I have a tendency to buy everything in a series. That's why I restrict myself to MGs only so that it's not as likely I go buying everything. If I did, then I'd probably end up getting like SDs, HGs, and MGs...


Providenceangle 2013-08-12 11:44


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4791296)
That's something I've worried about and still do. I have a tendency to buy everything in a series. That's why I restrict myself to MGs only so that it's not as likely I go buying everything. If I did, then I'd probably end up getting like SDs, HGs, and MGs...


The mgs tend to have better proportions, gimmicks, colour apps. Without a doubt. I still have a huge love to HGs, NGs too. I love gunpla period. Not all releases *coughgoldunicorncough*, or all suits *coughprovidencegundamcough*.

It's just impossible not to buy cool ass gundams. How can you resist??

suiton629 2013-08-12 11:59


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4791303)
The mgs tend to have better proportions, gimmicks, colour apps. Without a doubt. I still have a huge love to HGs, NGs too. I love gunpla period. Not all releases *coughgoldunicorncough*, or all suits *coughprovidencegundamcough*.

It's just impossible not to buy cool ass gundams. How can you resist??

How can I resist?

Easy. This is my logic when I decide to buying GunPla and related items. I consider these inquiries.

1. Is it a MG from a series that I like?
2. Is it a lead from a series that I like?
3. Can I purchase it and afford to do so?
4. How many variations of that suit is in the series and how many are in MG form?
5. How much more space do I have in my room?

It's hard. I know. Like sometimes I have a lot of money in my bank and I could just splurge and get a whole bunch of kits at once, but I often top out, and keep myself restricted to just Master Grades from Gundam 00, Age, Wing, Seed/Seed Destiny, and if we get X, then I will get the MG's from X.

Providenceangle 2013-08-12 13:19


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4791317)
How can I resist?

Easy. This is my logic when I decide to buying GunPla and related items. I consider these inquiries.

1. Is it a MG from a series that I like?
2. Is it a lead from a series that I like?
3. Can I purchase it and afford to do so?
4. How many variations of that suit is in the series and how many are in MG form?
5. How much more space do I have in my room?

It's hard. I know. Like sometimes I have a lot of money in my bank and I could just splurge and get a whole bunch of kits at once, but I often top out, and keep myself restricted to just Master Grades from Gundam 00, Age, Wing, Seed/Seed Destiny, and if we get X, then I will get the MG's from X.

It's called a figure of speech. I honestly don't care how you're "grand" scheme of gunpla works. Anyone who's ever read through this thread, knows exactly what you'll say. Because you always say the same thing...

Revolutionist 2013-08-12 17:13


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4791151)
I have to agree with Znozzy. Unless it fell somewhere you can't get it,(down an air return vent or something) you should look as hard as you can.

Now as for replacement parts... You either have to find a 3rd party that can order from bandai(they don't ship internationally), or buy a new kit. Obelisk did offer a good alternative though. knock off kits might be a solution.

Can you post the picture of what is missing? I'm curious, if it could be fixed, in the worst case.

Sorry for the late reply, I was at work and couldn't post a picture, but here it is.
Spoiler for size:

Skye629 2013-08-12 17:23


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4790440)
I'll use the MG to show the differences:

Now if I were to mod a RG, which one looks more like the Impulse?

Upon closer inspection, I stand corrected ^^


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4791208)
Recently I've gotten everything from the hole plates for shoulders, poly caps. All from the new seed MGs. I never toss away any of that stuff so.. I'm kind of a gundam packrat lol

At least I tossed away the runners. I had like 40 kits worth of runners...

Do you just trash the runners or are there places where you can recycle them? (I would highly prefer recycling to trashing) All the boxes and runners for me are becoming a space problem


Originally Posted by Znozzy (Post 4791263)
Man, you provided a picture, so i have to aswell. i even have a box full of polycaps/hands and small pieces (hip joints, arms, etc) that i didn't take a picture of, it has everything from C-polycaps to gotidontknow-what-these-pieces-are-for in it, it's nice, if something breaks, i pretty much have replacements for everything, i giggled a bit to see that your Arios was in the box aswell, so is mine. lol

And I thought my box under the bed was a mess.........


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4791296)
That's something I've worried about and still do. I have a tendency to buy everything in a series. That's why I restrict myself to MGs only so that it's not as likely I go buying everything. If I did, then I'd probably end up getting like SDs, HGs, and MGs...

Then please at least spare us from your asking about which HG kits/lines you should get.......

Providenceangle 2013-08-12 18:52


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4791544)
Upon closer inspection, I stand corrected ^^

Do you just trash the runners or are there places where you can recycle them? (I would highly prefer recycling to trashing) All the boxes and runners for me are becoming a space problem

And I thought my box under the bed was a mess.........

I live in a city with over 500,000 people. You have to recycle here. Even food waste is recycled.

Gundam is the one guilty pleasure I have. I don't like plastic, what it does to the environment, but I can't live without. I do what I can to prevent needless waste.

Skye629 2013-08-12 19:10


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4791599)
I live in a city with over 500,000 people. You have to recycle here. Even food waste is recycled.

Gundam is the one guilty pleasure I have. I don't like plastic, what it does to the environment, but I can't live without. I do what I can to prevent needless waste.

Where can I go to recycle runners?

Providenceangle 2013-08-12 19:28


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4791611)
Where can I go to recycle runners?

I donno. I just put them in a bin outside my house and they recycle them lol. Look up local recycle centers, if they don't do local pickup.

Znozzy 2013-08-12 19:35


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4791611)
Where can I go to recycle runners?

Cut them up, use them to fix joints, Gunpla-RECYCLE.

duotiga 2013-08-13 09:34

fully loaded RG Super Gundam

bought new stand

works very well with the Thrones

suiton629 2013-08-13 10:27

Just paid off in full and pre-ordered my next batch of MGs!
Strike Rouge Ootori, Age-2 Normal Special Forces (online exclusive), and MG Age-1 Normal Unit 2 (online exclusive)!!



Yes or no on MG GN-X.
It's the only 00 MG I don't have.

Skye629 2013-08-14 02:25

@Znozzy: But the amount of runners I have far exceeds what I would need for simple repairs :P and If I DID need that much a better option would be to start learning how to use pla-plate

On another topic ppl:

What 0083 HGUC you think would go best WITH the HGUC Gerbera Tetra?

Im considering these HGUC's:

Gelgoog Marine
Gelgoog Marince Cmdr. Type (Cima colors)
Rick Dom
Zaku F2 Zeon colors

Leaning most towards the normal Gelgoog Marine (prefer Cima's design, but highly prefer the mass produced colors) and Zaku F2 (because well...its a Zaku.....)

Im going to order 1-2 from these 4 to go with the Gerbera Tetra along with the RG GP-01Fb and HGUC GM Custom and maybe the GP-03 (once I saved up enough of course)

Note: GP-02 is off the list (bro got dibs on it) as well as the Dendrobium (way too expensive and big lol)

EDIT: Maybe I might consider the Shin Matsunaga Zaku...but then again its not 0083....

Providenceangle 2013-08-14 07:25


Originally Posted by Skye629 (Post 4792959)
@Znozzy: But the amount of runners I have far exceeds what I would need for simple repairs :P and If I DID need that much a better option would be to start learning how to use pla-plate

On another topic ppl:

What 0083 HGUC you think would go best WITH the HGUC Gerbera Tetra?

Im considering these HGUC's:

Gelgoog Marine
Gelgoog Marince Cmdr. Type (Cima colors)
Rick Dom
Zaku F2 Zeon colors

Leaning most towards the normal Gelgoog Marine (prefer Cima's design, but highly prefer the mass produced colors) and Zaku F2 (because well...its a Zaku.....)

Im going to order 1-2 from these 4 to go with the Gerbera Tetra along with the RG GP-01Fb and HGUC GM Custom and maybe the GP-03 (once I saved up enough of course)

Note: GP-02 is off the list (bro got dibs on it) as well as the Dendrobium (way too expensive and big lol)

EDIT: Maybe I might consider the Shin Matsunaga Zaku...but then again its not 0083....

lol For a minute I read "rick dom" as "rick dias". Here I was thinking in my head..."Wasn't 83 too early for the Rick Dias?" lol

I say the Zaku. Just my personal opinion.

HGUC GM custom is awesome! One of my favorite kits. Well worth the money, plus it's got really good articulation for what it is. almost 180 degree bends in the arms and legs. The waist is kinda lack luster though... Typical HG I should say. It gets the job done.

Providenceangle 2013-08-15 14:18

So yeah full reissue of these kits. Pretty cool. What's going to happen to fools on ebay trying to get $100USD a kit? lol

Maybe I'll pick some up and do some detailed articulation/proportion mods.

suiton629 2013-08-15 14:46


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4794523)

So yeah full reissue of these kits. Pretty cool. What's going to happen to fools on ebay trying to get $100USD a kit? lol

Maybe I'll pick some up and do some detailed articulation/proportion mods.

What's gonna happen is that now they're gonna be pissed off. :p
It's a good thing I only go for MGs.

Though I'm wondering what Bandai is thinking by re-releasing these guys after such a long time. Is this Bandai's way of saying that 2014 will be a year full of Wing?

Skye629 2013-08-16 02:02


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4794542)
What's gonna happen is that now they're gonna be pissed off. :p
It's a good thing I only go for MGs.

Though I'm wondering what Bandai is thinking by re-releasing these guys after such a long time. Is this Bandai's way of saying that 2014 will be a year full of Wing?

Contrary to your statement I can hear your wallet weeping about your MG preferences :P

The re-release is more likely than not just a simple attempt to draw more attention to these rather obscure mechs and their models. Im a wing fan but I didn't even know about them till posts for their models came up on here

Providenceangle 2013-08-16 07:05


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4794542)
What's gonna happen is that now they're gonna be pissed off. :p
It's a good thing I only go for MGs.

Though I'm wondering what Bandai is thinking by re-releasing these guys after such a long time. Is this Bandai's way of saying that 2014 will be a year full of Wing?

They can still try and lay claim to, original release. So that's why they could charge 100 per unopened kit.

I really doubt it's going to be a year of wing...

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-08-16 07:28

Actually, I was kinda surprised that my post about my HG Aesculapius somewhat became a foreshadowing of these re-issues :twitch: (at least in this thread). A little bit disappointed too coz this means Bandai won't make them into the modern HGAC. Anyway, I hope they’re still cheap :p.

Oh btw, all of them are unique, but to me, Aescu & Griepe are the coolest. So, for those who are a bit picky, just grab those two at least ^^.

Providenceangle 2013-08-16 07:32


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4795432)
Actually, I was kinda surprised that my post about my HG Aesculapius somewhat became a foreshadowing of these re-issues :twitch: (at least in this thread). A little bit disappointed too coz this means Bandai won't make them into the modern HGAC. Anyway, I hope they’re still cheap :p.

Oh btw, all of them are unique, but to me, Aescu & Griepe are the coolest. So, for those who are a bit picky, just grab those two at least ^^.

850 yen average kit. Yeah, they are cheap lol.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-08-16 08:01


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4795436)
850 yen average kit. Yeah, they are cheap lol.

Oh yeah this got me curious, with that kind of price and a tiny box, if you were to order one of them to your home in Canada, what’s the total money you’d have to spend? (roughly speaking)

Providenceangle 2013-08-16 09:00


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4795456)
Oh yeah this got me curious, with that kind of price and a tiny box, if you were to order one of them to your home in Canada, what’s the total money you’d have to spend? (roughly speaking)

Well, I try to order from a place where, I won't have to pay extra duty. So the site I order gunpla from has a Canadian warehouse, with an American one on the other side of the border. I basically don't pay the import tax! :D That being said, I probably pay 15% markup on the shown cost. Just normal tax. According to their site, it's listed at $10.75(USD). I'll have to order more then just that, to get the best deal on shipping.(I'm on the east coast, they are on the west coast). I say I could pay as little as $14 CAD(taxes, their shipping costs,profit). Not great, but not terrible.

suiton629 2013-08-17 22:18

So~ I finally ordered the MG GN-X, a set of red LEDs, and another Action Base from Gundam Planet. It should be delivered on Monday. This means I officially have all of the 00 MGs...FINALLY!

Exia Ignition Mode
Exia Trans-Am
00 Raiser (x2) --> one for 00 Raiser and another for 00 Raiser Condenser Type
00 Raiser Trans-Am
00 Qan[t] (x2) --> one for standard and another for Quantum Burst Mode


And now MG GN-X will be mine!! muhahahah

And then I pre-ordered MG Age-1 Normal Unit 2, MG Age-2 Normal Special Forces, and MG Strike Rouge Phoenix from GG Infinite.

Lots's of MGs..

But with HGAW Double X coming, I'm really thinking about the HGAW X Gundam and HGAW X Divider Gundam. Yes or no?

n0m@n 2013-08-18 20:25


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4797350)
But with HGAW Double X coming, I'm really thinking about the HGAW X Gundam and HGAW X Divider Gundam. Yes or no?

But Gundam X Divider. I have it and its a wonderful kit. Having it together with the upcoming Double X would certainly be good.

I sure wonder how much Sazabi ver.ka will cost.
I heard great things about Nu-Gundam ver.ka so Im expecting Sazabi to be great as well. But Im worried about the price... Im sure it will be over 10,000 yen.

suiton629 2013-08-18 20:33


Originally Posted by n0m@n (Post 4798447)
[Buy] Gundam X Divider. I have it and its a wonderful kit. Having it together with the upcoming Double X would certainly be good.

I sure wonder how much Sazabi ver.ka will cost.
I heard great things about Nu-Gundam ver.ka so Im expecting Sazabi to be great as well. But Im worried about the price... Im sure it will be over 10,000 yen.

My dilema is should I get the HGAW line of kits (X, X Divider, Double X) or should I wait & hope for MGs for these 3.

In regards to the Sazabi Ver. Ka, I guess we could look at the more recent bigger size MGs to get an idea?

December 2011
MG RX-0 Full Armor Unicorn Gundam "Ver. Ka"

December 2012
MG RX-93 ν Gundam "Ver. Ka"

March 2013
MG MSN-06S Sinanju Stein "Ver. Ka"

MG MSN-06S Sinanju "Ver. OVA"

So~ My guess is the MG MSN-04 Sazabi "Ver.Ka" is going to cost around ¥6,500 - ¥9,000. If it goes to that ¥10,000 or more price range, that's going into PG territory which would make it an unreasonable MG to buy IMO.

Znozzy 2013-08-19 04:41


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4798448)
So~ My guess is the MG MSN-04 Sazabi "Ver.Ka" is going to cost around ¥6,500 - ¥9,000. If it goes to that ¥10,000 or more price range, that's going into PG territory which would make it an unreasonable MG to buy IMO.

Well, we can dream. The Sazabi and The O are both really, really expensive due to their size and amount of plastic used in the kits, a Ver. Ka Sazabi is still going to cost quite a bit.

Providenceangle 2013-08-19 07:40


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4798448)
My dilema is should I get the HGAW line of kits (X, X Divider, Double X) or should I wait & hope for MGs for these 3.

In regards to the Sazabi Ver. Ka, I guess we could look at the more recent bigger size MGs to get an idea?

December 2011
MG RX-0 Full Armor Unicorn Gundam "Ver. Ka"

December 2012
MG RX-93 ν Gundam "Ver. Ka"

March 2013
MG MSN-06S Sinanju Stein "Ver. Ka"

MG MSN-06S Sinanju "Ver. OVA"

So~ My guess is the MG MSN-04 Sazabi "Ver.Ka" is going to cost around ¥6,500 - ¥9,000. If it goes to that ¥10,000 or more price range, that's going into PG territory which would make it an unreasonable MG to buy IMO.

I honestly think... When someone tells you something, it goes in one ear, and passes through the other... Did you not understand when I told you it costs a lot to make MGs? So something like "the O" or "Sazabi Ver Ka" It's going to cost a lot. Even with a price tag of 10,000 yen, it's worth it if you're a fan. These kits are massive! They are on par with perfect grade, in my opinion. Lots of plastic... Another more annoying, but understandable factor is... Scarcity.... The cost, will make it more important to some people. Meaning less people will be willing to buy it, making it more substantial to the select few.

suiton629 2013-08-19 07:41


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4799010)
I honestly think... When someone tells you something, it goes in one ear, and passes through the other... Did you not understand when I told you it costs a lot to make MGs? So something like "the O" or "Sazabi Ver Ka" It's going to cost a lot. Even with a price tag of 10,000 yen, it's worth it if you're a fan. These kits are massive! They are on par with perfect grade, in my opinion. Lots of plastic... Another more annoying, but understandable factor is... Scarcity.... The cost, will make it more important to some people. Meaning less people will be willing to buy it, making it more substantial to the select few.

:confused: Which seems counter-productive in terms of business sense as not as many people would buy it.

Providenceangle 2013-08-19 07:50


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4799012)
:confused: Which seems counter-productive in terms of business sense as not as many people would buy it.

No because shops will get volume discounts, pass it on to people, creating yet another scarcity effect, through sale. Business 101.

n0m@n 2013-08-20 00:07

I was thinking of buying MG Sazabi since years ago but always ended up buying 2 MG intead of it. But now Im thinking that was a good thing since bandai decided to make ver ka for it.
Now Im convinced to buy Nu-Gundam ver.ka and Sazabi ver.ka together.
Shockingly, the only MG kit that comes from UC that I own is Ez8. So getting two more from UC will look great.

Providenceangle 2013-08-20 06:48


Originally Posted by n0m@n (Post 4800003)
I was thinking of buying MG Sazabi since years ago but always ended up buying 2 MG intead of it. But now Im thinking that was a good thing since bandai decided to make ver ka for it.
Now Im convinced to buy Nu-Gundam ver.ka and Sazabi ver.ka together.
Shockingly, the only MG kit that comes from UC that I own is Ez8. So getting two more from UC will look great.

Nu Ver Ka is pretty daunting... It's a amazing kit! Just watch when you're building it. The softer polystyrene parts can gouge really easy... Plus it takes a long time to build... I build kits really fast, it still took me like 9 hours off and on...

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-08-20 07:50

Man, if Bandai wants it, MG Sazabi Ka can be even more expensive than MG The-O. Not to mention the Exclusive additional item for the funnel effects (yeah, I’m sure Bandai will do it one way or another). Not only my wallet can't handle it, my room can't take it either (unless I display it in my guess-room or living-room :heh:).

Providenceangle 2013-08-20 09:47


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4800358)
Man, if Bandai wants it, MG Sazabi Ka can be even more expensive than MG The-O. Not to mention the Exclusive additional item for the funnel effects (yeah, I’m sure Bandai will do it one way or another). Not only my wallet can't handle it, my room can't take it either (unless I display it in my guess-room or living-room :heh:).

Center piece on your dining table!!!! Do it!

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-08-20 11:09


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4800466)
Center piece on your dining table!!!! Do it!

Someone might mistook it for a fancy candle and light Sazabi's head >_<. That will turn "Char the Red Comet" into "Char the Red Candle-light" :heh:.

Providenceangle 2013-08-20 11:36


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4800529)
Someone might mistook it for a fancy candle and light Sazabi's head >_<. That will turn "Char the Red Comet" into "Char the Red Candle-light" :heh:.

Make him part of the handle holder instead then. So they will see a red candle with sazabi holding it lol. Shape it like a mega cannon ;D

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-08-20 12:01


Originally Posted by Providenceangle (Post 4800548)
Make him part of the handle holder instead then. So they will see a red candle with sazabi holding it lol. Shape it like a mega cannon ;D

Nah, if Bandai made the funnel effect parts, I'm going to pose it shooting everywhere (with the candles) to intimidate everyone :D.

suiton629 2013-08-20 13:26

Is Gundam X officially the only Gundam series without Master Grades?

Providenceangle 2013-08-20 14:27


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4800635)
Is Gundam X officially the only Gundam series without Master Grades? Feel free to knock yourself out checking.

Illsteir 2013-08-21 05:28

We now have a price:

Originally Posted by
MG 1/100 Sazabi Ver.ka - Announced (Release Date: Dec 2013, Price: 9000 yen)

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