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solidguy 2011-06-06 22:23

Favorite Final Fantasy Game
I've always been facinated about why people like certain titles in the FF series. Personally my favorite was FFX. It was just full of epic-ness and emotion, something the FF has been lacking recently (ugh FFXII).

Hiroi Sekai 2011-06-06 22:25

Six. Or as we humbly call it here - three.

Nobuo Uematsu crafted some of the most epic music with the SNES limitations, and the story wasn't heavily scripted like they are today. Fights were fun and the characters were likable.

Also, lolFFXIII

solidguy 2011-06-06 22:30

I haven't played XI but I've heard good things about it. I've played VII, VIII, X, X-2, XII and XIII. The only ones that I felt emotional connection with was VIII and X. Call me a sucker for cliche love scenes but meh Tidus at Yuna's wedding was EPIC

Hiroi Sekai 2011-06-06 22:33

Did you mean to write VI?:heh: If so, I can't blame you; 'tis hard to find it nowadays. IV, VII and VIII were special to me as well.

Urzu 7 2011-06-06 22:34

Final Fantasy VI, followed by Final Fantasy IX, then Final Fantasy IV. Then FF VII and then FF XII.

FF VII was a good JRPG when it came out, I enjoyed it, and it did sooo much for RPGs in the west, but damn is it overrated. That still bugs me to this day. :heh:

solidguy 2011-06-06 22:38


Originally Posted by papermario13689 (Post 3642196)
Did you mean to write VI?:heh: If so, I can't blame you; 'tis hard to find it nowadays. IV, VII and VIII were special to me as well.

lol damn roman numerals :heh: yes I meant VI. XIII had a nice story but it felt rushed, aswell as XII. I just felt like I invested 40 hours of my life (each) only to be trolled for dreaming of an epic storyline. I've wanted to dl VI for ages now but I hate using torrents, too unreliable (please don't delete me mods :))

solidguy 2011-06-06 23:00


Originally Posted by Urzu 7 (Post 3642198)
Final Fantasy VI, followed by Final Fantasy IX, then Final Fantasy IV. Then FF VII and then FF XII.

FF VII was a good JRPG when it came out, I enjoyed it, and it did sooo much for RPGs in the west, but damn is it overrated. That still bugs me to this day. :heh:

I think 50% of VII success is due to sephiroth. It helps to have the most bad ass villian ever created in the game.

Urzu 7 2011-06-06 23:03


Originally Posted by solidguy (Post 3642233)
I think 50% of VII success is due to sephiroth. It helps to have the most bad ass villian ever created in the game.

It was the CG and pre-rendered backgrounds that made it take off in sales in the west. And Sony and Squaresoft marketed it well.

Kotohono 2011-06-06 23:59

I'd say Final Fantasy IX for sure it's always been my favorite I loved the storyline, character, and it had the best minigames and side quests by far.

Though I missed out on I~VI since I never owned an SNES :uhoh:, and the last one I bothered to finish was XII, and FFTA2, I played XIII some from a friend, but I got few hours into it and just couldn't get find the motivation to play more >.>.

My second favorite would be the tactics series, especially the original FFT :), FFTA was pretty good too, though I found FFTA2 a bit lacking compared to the two despite the larger variety of classes and races[though starting at 0 mana was interesting for balance it was kind of annoying overall D:].

Aside from them I'd rank FFXI next, despite all the criticism of the game I could make it; it was fun overall and kept me playing it for awhile :uhoh:. And the major storylines were great, I really liked the 3 nation's storys and the Rise of Zilart and Chains of Promathia storylines, and Treasures of Aht Urhgan was great though a bit slow to get going :heh:. Never finished the the storylines after the ACP, so don't how the whole past storyline was :p. Also they really composed some of their best music ever for this game, it was an odd strong point for an MMO to have.

So overall Final Fantasys I've played I'd rank in order: FFIX > FFT > FFXI > FFTA > VII > X > XII > FFTA2 > X-2[lol] > VIII > anything I am forgetting.

P.S. Sephiroth as opponent and/or villain doesn't have crap on the Crystal Warriors/Ark Angels :D.

FlareKnight 2011-06-06 23:59

Without a doubt VI. Loved the cast of characters and the story was enjoyable to follow as well.

Liked VII, IX, and X. Actually thought XIII was fine, though I could understand the complaints.

TurkeyPotPie 2011-06-07 00:12

XI up through Chains of Promathia is my favorite Final Fantasy. I love the FF job system so XI was perfect for me. The story in XI was also terrific; it's a pity that a lot of people aren't able to experience it because it's an MMO. I didn't like the direction the game took after CoP though (I'm one of those masochists that actually enjoyed the old grindy gameplay).

Of the "regular" FF games, my favorite would be IV, although SE has really whored that game out too much with all the ports/remakes and the "After Years".

Tactics, X-2, and V would also be up there thanks again to the job system. I also really liked XII although it was also kind of disappointing because of the missed potential due to the development problems it experienced.

Least favorite is no doubt XIII. I am currently playing it (third attempt). Nice graphics and a semi-decent battle system, and that's about it. Horrible story and characters just kill this game for me.

solidguy 2011-06-07 00:12

Ive never understood why nobody likes VIII? Maybe I'm a biased judge as XIII was my first JRPG I played.

edit: I liked the whole assassination plot and the garden military academies but I admit the time space element towards the end did put me off a little bit. But it was certainly not as bad as eeryone says it was. The mini-game monster cards was EPIC

SilverSyko 2011-06-07 00:16

Does Kingdom Hearts count? Cause frankly I've never been very interested in the Final Fantasy series itself.

Dissidia was the closest the series came to getting me to play it and that was still a major disappointment.

I will admit though XIII Versus actually looks pretty cool, but I really only looked at it after I heard the KH team was working on it.

Kotohono 2011-06-07 00:33


Originally Posted by TurkeyPotPie (Post 3642308)
XI up through Chains of Promathia is my favorite Final Fantasy. I love the FF job system so XI was perfect for me. The story in XI was also terrific; it's a pity that a lot of people aren't able to experience it because it's an MMO. I didn't like the direction the game took after CoP though (I'm one of those masochists that actually enjoyed the old grindy gameplay).

Surely you must be joking :heh: while it did lower the level grinding aspect somewhat, Treasures of Aht Urhgan add far more endgame grinding than before with Einherjar, Zeni NMs, Assault Ranks, and especially Salvage and the Mythic Weapons[the requirements for those were absolutely INSANE], SE put the requirements of the relic weapons to shame ;). The only way they could have made those weapons possibly harder to get would be to require AV's and PW's defeat titles :eyespin:.

Alchemist007 2011-06-07 00:36

Haven't played any, just watched some friends do so years ago. I figure one day I'll be bothered to buy a PS system and play through them all (and some on the DS).

Von Himmel 2011-06-07 00:42

Probably IX...
Mostly because it holds many memories of me playing it with my friends. Also, I can't still get enough of that Oelivert (or something..I forgot the exact word) theme :heh:

RRW 2011-06-07 00:54

VII Hater gonna hate

Kotohono 2011-06-07 00:55


Originally Posted by RRW (Post 3642373)
VII Hater gonna hate

I don't hate VII, I enjoyed it, but on the other hand I'll admit freely it's probably somewhat overrated :uhoh:.

TurkeyPotPie 2011-06-07 01:02


Originally Posted by Konakaga (Post 3642338)
Surely you must be joking :heh: while it did lower the level grinding aspect somewhat, Treasures of Aht Urhgan add far more endgame grinding than before with Einherjar, Zeni NMs, Assault Ranks, and especially Salvage and the Mythic Weapons[the requirements for those were absolutely INSANE], SE put the requirements of the relic weapons to shame ;). The only way they could have made those weapons possibly harder to get would be to require AV's and PW's defeat titles :eyespin:.

No, I'm not joking. :) I was referring to the old slow party leveling style fighting endless IT++ crabs. Yes, I actually enjoyed that even though it bored most people to tears. :heh: However, I didn't enjoy most grindy endgame activities. That's why most of my personal "endgame" was farting around by myself as a BST.

Kotohono 2011-06-07 01:09


Originally Posted by TurkeyPotPie (Post 3642382)
No, I'm not joking. :) I was referring to the old slow party leveling style fighting endless IT++ crabs. Yes, I actually enjoyed that even though it bored most people to tears. :heh: However, I didn't enjoy most grindy endgame activities. That's why most of my personal "endgame" was farting around by myself as a BST.

Ah, well I did enjoy it somewhat on my first job, but I was thankful for the level changes when I leveled other jobs plus Blue Mage was the most fun class ever in any MMO :D :uhoh: aside from when the game hated you and it took stupid amounts of time to learn spells from the enemies :(.

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