it would be better than the Gagas... :) |
Remind me to snap a pix the next time I dropped by the local distributor. |
HGUC Kshatriya. Loves the effort puts into the posibility and details. But I'm more concern about how the shoulder will support the binders without needing to resort to using a flat surface support. And..... http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/1...7573475129.jpg |
HG Gaddess display gimmick:
http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...1N30kfwggL.jpg As mentioned a while back, it's supposed to be compatible with the HG Cherudim's Shield Bits as well. |
Judging by how the display gimmick curves, it's probably possible to recreate the scene where the Cherudim surrounds the Gaddess with the Shield Bits methinks.
A few observation from the Gunpla Shop owner-blogger that is building the MG Exia at the moment :-
キットを組み立てている途中で、気になる部分が出てきました。 謎・その1:GNドライヴを構成するパーツの中には、ランナーとの接点となるゲート部分に「アンダーゲート 方式」が採用されている部分があります。アンダーゲート方式というと思い浮かぶのが「メッキ仕様」です。「 ひょっとしたらGNドライヴがメッキになっている特別仕様キットが出るのか!?」と思いましたが、GNドラ イヴとは関係ないパーツも同じランナーに含まれています。 おそらくランナーの切り残しによる組み立てミスを防ぐためのアンダーゲートと思います。。 The GN Drive's part is joined to the runner using outer gate format that is common in the runners of metallic plated parts. Indicating that Bandai may have plans for a special edition version of a GN Drive. But the runner does include parts that has nothing to do with the GN drive itself, so it just might be Bandai's part on not wanting the consumer to mess things up when cutting the parts from the runner. 謎・その2:このキットのランナーには、「MGガンダムエクシア」ではなく「MGインナーフレーム」と刻印 されているものがあります。バリエーション展開が予想されますが、エクシア専用デザインのパーツが多く、エ クシア系(アストレアやアヴァランチなど)以外に流用される可能性は低そうです。実際はどうなるんでしょう ? http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/2...ec88f7306d.jpg Notice that the runners for this kit read "MG Inner Frame" and not "MG Gundam Exia". Indicating that Bandai may have future plans for the parts. But those parts does not have much use aside from the Exia series of kits. So we just might see a MG Astraea and MG Avalanche ? Or maybe more ? 謎・その3:ランナーのパーツ配置を見ると、エクシアとエクシアR2ではデザインが異なる部分がランナーの 端の部分に集中配置されているのが分かります。しかし、金型を切り替えるためのスイッチが見当たりません。 今後の展開が気になります…。 http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/3...d9788b8407.jpghttp://img269.imageshack.us/img269/4...356fc1b3eb.jpg The parts which differs Exia from the R2 are all concerntrated on the edge of the runner. But there is no indication that a Switching Mechanism for the mold was use. Things are certainly getting really interesting for any future developments..... |
A MG Dynames would be too awesome to imagine...
Profession : Figure Skater :D |
So I got the Robot Damashii Gadessa today, and while the figure itself is top notch...It's the GN Mega Launcher that's a real pain the ass to deal with.
Typical Gundam figure problems...always with the Guns. |
Man, the Nightingale reminds me of one of those Weapon bosses from FF7.
And I don't understand how people here could have missed the huge bolding of "HGUC" all these while. |
Spoiler for LoweGear's Post:
I was looking forward to getting Gadess to morely complete the GNZ lineup,I don't see the specialty of the MS very much,but I'm starting to like it more now,especially because of the Fang Stand.Wish HG Arche got them.Looking forward to using the Bits on them too. [Color Question] By the way,I've got a question.Does anybody know anyway I could replicate the color of the HG Gundam 00 series beam sabers?I'm referring to the pink ones that came with GN-X,Nadleeh,Virtue,Arios,Seraphim......etc I'm trying to replicate it on a piece of translucant plastic sheet,but since there's no standard Clear Pink colors,I dont know how to make it into the same colors as the beam sabers. Does anybody have any ideas on what I can do to replicate the saber plastic colors[Or something similar]?The closest way I can think of would be combining the already available clear colors[red,blue,yellow,green] but I have not the slightest clue on the combination to get pink,or whether combining clear colors would work....[0 experience with combining colors so far]. Any help,advice and/or suggestion given is appreciated.:) |
Skirt missiles with effect parts! |
Not as fond of Dynames color as Cherudim's though.
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