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Jze0 2009-05-27 16:03

Medaka Box [Manga]

Serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump
Arthor: Nishio Ishin
Artist: Akatsuki Akira
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, School Life, Shounen

Synopsis from Mangaupdates:

Kurokami Medaka, a first year, is elected as Student Council President, and the first thing she does is establish a suggestion box. Since she was just elected as Student Council President, she's holding all the Student Council's responsibilities, and wearing their armbands.

So, she asks for her childhood friend, Hitoyoshi Zenkichi, for help.
When I started reading this series, the only thing I could think of was how similar this was to Haruhi. Medaka just like Haruhi, controls Zenkichi (Kyon) on her every whim. The only differenece between her and Haruhi is that, Haruhi has God like powers while Medaka doesn't, though she is still strong-willed and has many unbelievable talents. Zenkichi is also not weak like many other main protaganists are in other series as shown in the first chapter. He understands Medaka the most therefore the reason he has a crush on her. Anyway this series just started (only 3 chapters and a one shot) and it has alot of potential, I hope it lasts long unlike Mx0 which ended to early in my opinion. Its awesome so check it out.

P.S Shiranui is just too damn cute but I can't help but feel that she is up to something suspicious.

Xacual 2009-05-27 16:16

Shiranui is very suspicious, she knows way too much about everything. I like Zenkichi and Medaka, who despite being seemingly perfect has some pretty exploitable flaws.

BlueDo 2009-05-27 16:35

Yeah, I just started reading this
It was freakin' Haruhi! :p

But unlike her, Medaka's actually responsible, and does things to the end, haha...

NeoSam 2009-05-27 16:46

Hopefully this doesn't end with just 1 volume >_> but I'll keep reading... it seems interesting for now.

(I just have little trust on anything serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump, the lowest of any other magazine).

Bonta Kun 2009-05-27 18:38

was thinking of starting a thread for this but gald someone else has done, that way I don't have to go to through the trouble of doing so:p

I really like this cause Medaka is totally awesome, she's rather typical yet not at the same time. There is a sort of "Haruhi" feel about her but I much prefer Medaka to Haruhi.
Love how she appears behind people doing the same pose as them:heh:
plus I also love the over protective/possessive types especailly how here, it comes off here is very nicely

need moar Medaka-swan!!!

Somnus 2009-05-27 18:48

God I love this manga. Here's hoping it lasts a good while, and I love the relationship between Zenkichi and Medaka. Not overdone, but there's just enough there to please the fans. I also second liking the whole "pose" thing she does behind people. she's just too much fun.

oDin01 2009-05-27 18:54

I like the manga so far. I'm hoping it won't be just a gag manga and throws in some romance in there.

Jze0 2009-05-27 20:00


Originally Posted by oDin01 (Post 2420779)
I like the manga so far. I'm hoping it won't be just a gag manga and throws in some romance in there.

Don't think we should worry about the romance part since 1) the main character is already in love with Medaka and 2) in the lastest chapter Medaka showed signs of jealous when Zenkichi mentioned that he and Shiranui were working together to capture the dog. Guess she doesn't like other people using whats hers. :p

Mizuno 2009-05-28 05:44

There's a problem with this "I will listen to any request, no exception" suggestion box she has.

What if someone sends her a request saying "I have trouble with my love/sex life...", what's going to happen? :eyespin: Doujin writers will have a field day with this.

Arturro 2009-05-28 10:46


Originally Posted by oDin01 (Post 2420779)
I like the manga so far. I'm hoping it won't be just a gag manga and throws in some romance in there.

Medaka Box was preceded by oneshot


blitz1/2 2009-05-28 11:18


Originally Posted by Arturro (Post 2422020)
Medaka Box was preceded by oneshot


For that, it is already better than Haruhi.

surerman 2009-05-28 12:54

above me ^

but theres some thing irks me about that loli Shiranui girl, may be she a ninja?, she know too much for just a side character.
Plus we see her on a tree branch before. How the hell she climb to that place with that small figure her self?

Medaka is better than Haruhi, beside have similar trait like over confidence and shameless (in one shot chapter, she's ask Zenkichi to come in just with her bra and panty on:heh:)
hope this manga have a good storyline along with humor in it, unlike some poor drawed manga that I read in long time just to meet a story with some character in it by endure so much goofy chapter (over 50 chap ).

Bonta Kun 2009-05-28 13:11

I like the Oneshot better, it does have better moments and a better feel to the story.
The part with her asking for Zenkichi to stay be her side is very sweet.

Zenkichi is a pretty cool male lead, he ain't like the usual useless morons around.
Altho his jacket/jersey escapade in ch 2 is lol:heh:

Just hoping the realtionship between Medaka and Zenkichi actually moves along and not dragged out for like forever.
Well Medaka is rather jealous in ch 3 so I guess it might actaully move along with the story in this case.

Magin 2009-05-28 15:04

how many chapters of this are out, both RAWs and scans?

I think I'm going to have to give this a try...

oDin01 2009-05-28 16:09


Originally Posted by Magin (Post 2422476)
how many chapters of this are out, both RAWs and scans?

I think I'm going to have to give this a try...

Three chapters and a one shot which are all scanned. Chapter 4 raws will be out tomorrow.

Arturro 2009-05-28 16:39


Originally Posted by Bonta Kun (Post 2422288)
I like the Oneshot better, it does have better moments and a better feel to the story.
The part with her asking for Zenkichi to stay be her side is very sweet.

You know, series like this requires at least one love triangle. Medaka admiting in first volume about her love for him wouldn't allow standard romace cliches :)


Just hoping the realtionship between Medaka and Zenkichi actually moves along and not dragged out for like forever.
Well Medaka is rather jealous in ch 3 so I guess it might actaully move along with the story in this case.
One Pastel is enought. But another romance like Haruhi is possible.

I found Zenkichi resemble Shinagawa from Yankee-kun to Megane-chan. Their psychology and relation with female lead ale quite simmilar. Mendaka is more simmilar to Haruhi, just without superpowers.


Originally Posted by surerman one shot chapter, she's ask Zenkichi to come in just with her bra and panty on...

IMHO it wasn't shameless, rather a sign of her complete trust in Zenkichi. Haruhi strips around other guys, cause she doesn't notice their existence, but is shy around Kyon. Mendaka action are oppposite, she shows her skin only to Zenkichi. Of course there was only 3 chapters and oneshot and everything could change (I hope not).

koohyuko 2009-05-28 21:18

I'm really this manga so far. There's definitely enough similarities to Haruhi, but enough difference to not really bug me. Either way, I read through the first three chapters and the oneshot, and I gotta say, I'm hooked. The interactions between Zenkichi and Medaka is great, specifically the trust aspect, and, well, Zenkichi just has an awesome name(and isn't the stereotypical weak male protagonist paired with the strong female protagonist).

I'm looking forward to more!

yongshun 2009-05-28 21:24

Shiranui scares and cracks me up with her antics. Medaka's problem with animals is surprising.

danin8r44 2009-05-28 21:47


Originally Posted by yongshun (Post 2423024)
Medaka's problem with animals is surprising.

I saw that coming. After all, I'd be scared of her too.:p

Bonta Kun 2009-05-28 21:58


Originally Posted by danin8r44 (Post 2423054)
I saw that coming. After all, I'd be scared of her too.:p

In these cases I think it hints enough to make you think its the opposite of whats implied, didn't sit right that she would be scared of animals even if she had some sort of traumatic past with them.
Only thing that gets to her is Zenkichi and not getting along with animals, wasn't expecting that part:heh:

The whole "she's so smart, she's passed back into stupid" reminds me of a old friend at school, she was very smart but some things just completely flew over the top of her at times:)

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