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Psyco Diver 2020-03-12 08:50

Coronavirus 2020-22
I'm surprised we don't already have a thread on this since this is effecting the world in a major way. Seems like the panic is worse than the virus itself.

SeijiSensei 2020-03-12 08:59

No, I don't think so. This virus spreads easily since none of us has natural immunity, and it's at least ten times more deadly than influenza.

One example: Biogen held a two-day meeting of about 175 of its executives in Boston a few weeks ago. Seventy of those attending came down with COVID-19. In two days. Many of those people had kids, and some of the schools they attend are now considering closing.

MeoTwister5 2020-03-12 09:30

Metro Manila, Philippines, where I live will now be placed in a state of lockdown for the next 4 weeks.

Except for me of course, as a government doctor.

James Rye 2020-03-12 11:49

What's krass is how you can watch the markets melting away in a lava sea of red. Trump's one-sided travel ban which does nothing given the US doctors already found several hundred cases of Corovid 19 who must have gotten their illness in-country as well as the Saudi Oil war on Russia and US fracking Oil plus the lockdowns in several countries just scare all the investors into a frenzy. And given what the experts say it won't end in like a couple days or weeks, the new Coronavirus will stay with us for several months, maybe even longer, until we can vaccine against it to exterminate it like we did with several other sicknesses before they made a return due anti-vaxxers.

SeijiSensei 2020-03-12 12:35

And, no, it's not like the flu. Here's a description of the symptoms from an article in the Wall Street Journal about a Rhode Island school principal:

This guy is 48.

James Rye 2020-03-12 12:48

Also Trump and Pence might be at risk now that it turns out that a Brasilian government official had corona when they met him together with his president. So either he got that in his country or in the US.

mangamuscle 2020-03-12 13:34

First and foremost, I am no physician nor have any studies in said field.


Originally Posted by SeijiSensei (Post 6404747)
And, no, it's not like the flu. Here's a description of the symptoms from an article in the Wall Street Journal about a Rhode Island school principal:

This guy is 48.

From what I have read, covid-19 (name of the disease) is similar to the flu in the sense that it might cause pneumonia. This is a guess, but I suppose that the above tweet is describing a cytokine storm (the fluid in the lungs is not caused by saliva, but by an overreaction of the immune system), which btw was the cause of death in the 1918 pandemic. The video I link was made before the Wuhan spread and it is scary the parallels in both pandemics (china, greedy politicians, poor decision making).

The reason we should be worried about SARS-CoV-2 (name of the virus) is because it is tens of times more lethal than worse seasonal flu, it can be spread before any symptoms (i.e. high temperature) appear and on average it takes five days for symptoms to appear (which is a lot of time for community spread to happen).

The "good" news is that it does not kill the very young (so we are not facing extinction right in the face, at least not now, since the virus might mutate later on) and winter is ending (which IMO will not stop the virus spread on most countries until summer, first time in my life I can thank living in a place where we go from so-so winters to full blown summers in spring).

So yeah, Trump's travel ban will not prevent virus community spread and governments are still being reactive instead of proactive like china* did.

*you wont hear me often praise totalitarian governments.

Grifis 2020-03-12 13:46

It's not so much that China was being proactive. They had to cover up the virus leaked from their lab asap and it's all because of their coverup that the world isn't responding accordingly.

Toukairin 2020-03-12 13:57

Taiwan has had the best response to the COVID-19 so far. As early as December, they applied a number of aggressive measures such as:
  • Travel bans
  • Quarantines
  • Surveillance steps
  • Social distancing
  • Etc.

The whole list of 124 actions can be found here.

Taiwan set up a command center that processes and coordinates all the information. Taiwanese health authorities also went onto every airplane that came from Wuhan back then to check people for symptoms. But the most important is that they took whatever was needed to educate the population time and time again about the virus. As a result, they only have had 45 cases or so since the very beginning.

Wherever you are, you must tweet or write to your local representative/senator about this. I think Western governments have been particularly poor in the way they handled the problem, especially by ignoring for too long what Taiwan did to curb the spreading.

mangamuscle 2020-03-12 14:14

Oh! Stupid doubles down on stupid yet again, the world is lost thanks to the power puff politicians!

White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations

...hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion...

Toukairin 2020-03-12 14:25

Here is what I think of the so-called "top leaders" who have been irresponsible in this whole mess.
  • Xi Xinping is a c***
  • Tedros Adhanom is a c***
  • Donald Trump is a c***
  • Boris Johnson is a c***

The whole lot of them can eat a truckload of turd.

End rant.

coded321 2020-03-12 14:43

I was supposed to start a new job next week. With the way the market is collapsing thanks to covid-19 and the trump administration's piss poor handling of it, I'm not sure if that job will still be there.

ramlaen 2020-03-12 15:19


Originally Posted by Toukairin (Post 6404759)
Here is what I think of the so-called "top leaders" who have been irresponsible in this whole mess.
  • Xi Xinping is a c***
  • Tedros Adhanom is a c***
  • Donald Trump is a c***
  • Boris Johnson is a c***

The whole lot of them can eat a truckload of turd.

End rant.

Why stop there, here in the US our government was paralyzed during the first month(s) with a politically driven impeachment circus.

coded321 2020-03-12 15:28

^you blaming impeachment for the current pandemic is the equivalent of Democrats blaming Russia for hilary's loss. So, impeachmentgate?

Toukairin 2020-03-12 15:30


Originally Posted by ramlaen (Post 6404766)
Why stop there, here in the US our government was paralyzed during the first month(s) with a politically driven impeachment circus.

Please **** off with this shit. Impeachment has no incidence on whatever resources the CDC should deploy, but what the people at the very top do has a direct effect on the CDC. It's no one but Trump's fault if the CDC got a major budget cut on top of the firing of its pandemic reaction team.

And for the record, I'm singling out every "top" idiot leader from all parts of the world.

coded321 2020-03-12 15:40

And just watch, when things eventually stabilize, trump and his cult are going to take credit for everything, acting as if it was him who singlehandedly developed the vaccine

mangamuscle 2020-03-12 15:41


Originally Posted by Toukairin (Post 6404771)
Impeachment has no incidence on whatever resources the CDC should deploy, but what the people at the very top do has a direct effect on the CDC.

ramlaen 2020-03-12 16:02


Originally Posted by coded321 (Post 6404770)
^you blaming impeachment for the current pandemic is the equivalent of Democrats blaming Russia for hilary's loss. So, impeachmentgate?

'Russian interference' did not effect the outcome of the election. Meanwhile the same politicians complaining about the response to the Wuhan Coronavirus wasted precious time that could have been used to contain it.


Originally Posted by Toukairin (Post 6404771)
Please **** off with this shit. Impeachment has no incidence on whatever resources the CDC should deploy, but what the people at the very top do has a direct effect on the CDC. It's no one but Trump's fault if the CDC got a major budget cut on top of the firing of its pandemic reaction team.

And for the record, I'm singling out every "top" idiot leader from all parts of the world.

You appear to have fallen for some fake news.


Originally Posted by coded321 (Post 6404774)
And just watch, when things eventually stabilize, trump and his cult are going to take credit for everything, acting as if it was him who singlehandedly developed the vaccine

A vaccine is closer than you might think.

TheForsaken 2020-03-12 17:50


Originally Posted by Grifis (Post 6404753)
They had to cover up the virus leaked from their lab asap and it's all because of their coverup that the world isn't responding accordingly.

1/ Please don't use the word "the world". Asian countries are doing quite well. It's the West who underestimated the threat and now they are going to pay the ultimate price.
2/ How exactly is the West "responding accordingly"? They spent two months sneering at China while doing nothing. I doubt the result will be any different if they have two more months.

Neki Ecko 2020-03-12 17:58


Originally Posted by ramlaen (Post 6404777)

Okay, I think you are not getting the point but I want to tell you that Vaccines has to be approved by CDC and maybe FDA. It will take months (unless there was an emergency declaration, then it might be faster) and plus for the scariest news that this virus won't be tapering off after it gets warmer unlike the Seasonal flu because it is not the Flu.

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