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Nerroth 2009-02-05 14:12

The HG 00 looks great on a Figma stand, too!

Can't wait for the HG 0-Raiser...

LoweGear 2009-02-05 14:13

Yes, Seravee hasn't come out yet, it's expected for a late March release.

And looking at the 1/100 Arios, the only thing it lacks from the 1/144 is a waist joint, though in all other aspects it seems more or less the same.

C.A. 2009-02-05 14:17

I'll say the same for 1/144 GN Archer.

Though she's extremely petit, her entire head plus body is smaller than my thumb, she's very firm and steady. Though I've been having fun posing her around in cute poses lol, she still hasn't shown signs of worn joints.

Nerroth 2009-02-05 14:24

Leaving the mobile suits aside for just a sec, do you guys think there'd be much of an interest in seeing Figma (or a similar type of model) versions of characters from 00?

For example, I was thinking that the Meisters themselves in their flight suits could be neat - but if the company making them wanted to stick with women, they could have, for example, Marie in her orange CB flight suit?

C.A. 2009-02-05 14:27


Originally Posted by Nerroth (Post 2200237)
Leaving the mobile suits aside for just a sec, do you guys think there'd be much of an interest in seeing Figma (or a similar type of model) versions of characters from 00?

For example, I was thinking that the Meisters themselves in their flight suits could be neat - but if the company making them wanted to stick with women, they could have, for example, Marie in her orange CB flight suit?

I'd love to have Figma Tieria, Louise and Feldt lol

But they're unlikely to have such.

So far only moe characters and memes get into Figma and Revoltech Fraulein. Action characters get on to Revoltech, like Fist of the North Star and Street Fighter.

LoweGear 2009-02-05 14:29

Gundam's main draw is in the Mobile Suits though, which does most of the action unlike in other shows, and with Figma being action figures IMHO it'd be a... what can I say, "waste"?

Of course, if the market is seen to be accepting of such a product, then why not?

Nerroth 2009-02-05 14:46


Originally Posted by C.A. (Post 2200245)
I'd love to have Figma Tieria, Louise and Feldt lol

But they're unlikely to have such.

So far only moe characters and memes get into Figma and Revoltech Fraulein. Action characters get on to Revoltech, like Fist of the North Star and Street Fighter.

Well, I would argue that even for action characters, Figma has been kicking the pants off Revoltech for some time now - Saber (and Saber Lily, in particular) are far better as Figma models than they are as Revoltechs, and they are more show-accurate, too.

Plus, unlike their Revoltech counterparts, Figma Rin and Saber are to scale...


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2200250)
Gundam's main draw is in the Mobile Suits though, which does most of the action unlike in other shows, and with Figma being action figures IMHO it'd be a... what can I say, "waste"?

Of course, if the market is seen to be accepting of such a product, then why not?

Well, to that I would say that Bandai may already have the mobile suit side of things well and truly sewn up, there could still be room for the likes of Max Factory to give the human/Innovator side of things a try.

C.A. 2009-02-05 14:52


Originally Posted by Nerroth (Post 2200283)
Well, I would argue that even for action characters, Figma has been kicking the pants off Revoltech for some time now - Saber (and Saber Lily, in particular) are far better as Figma models than they are as Revoltechs, and they are more show-accurate, too.

Plus, unlike their Revoltech counterparts, Figma Rin and Saber are to scale...

Yea, Figma is just owning the industry, Maxfactory and Goodsmile both are.

Revoltech can stay with their mecha line, but their Fraulein isn't really outstanding. They've been improving since Saber though, I like my IdolM@sters and Haruhis.

Some other companies are turning to action figures as well though, not sure who are they.

Nerroth 2009-02-05 14:57

Ironically enough, it seems the main designer for the Revoltech mechs is no longer with the company, and they don't seem to have someone who can fill his shoes... so now their once-notable line of mechs and bio-mechs (ie TFs) is declining.

I'd still want a model of flight-suit Marie to be a Figma, all the same!

(Of the female characters, she seems to be the best choice if you wanted someone who was an action character too, akin to Saber and Rin... and like Saber, you could have as many variants as you have factions SoMarie has flown for.)

LoweGear 2009-02-05 15:06

Would that include the Soma in pajamas then? :uhoh:

C.A. 2009-02-05 15:10

Which episode was Soma in pajamas?

I want Louise in Lolita style and Tieria in the dress lol

Check out my items :p:

Nerroth 2009-02-05 15:11


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2200320)
Would that include the Soma in pajamas then? :uhoh:

There might be more... viable options.

(I was thinking of the possibility of A-Laws and HRL suit/uniform variants, and possibly a civilian one showing the outfit you see her in in S2.)


Originally Posted by C.A. (Post 2200328)
I want Louise in Lolita style and Tieria in the dress lol

I'm not even in the least bit surprised.

(As an aside, it's kind of odd how some of the fan art makes dress-Tieria look a bit like Sakura... which, given who else Tieria's seiyuu has voiced, is something I'm not too sure I'm overly comfortable with.)

helois 2009-02-05 15:25

I'm planning to buy two Arios(one in mobil suit form with two rifles and the other in mobile armor mode)do you think is better to buy them 1/144 or 1/100 (there is no problem with money,for now.. ^^')?

Nerroth 2009-02-05 15:28

Well, if you got the 1/144 versions, they'd be cheaper, plus the GN Archer is already available to combine with the one you leave in its alt mode...

vektar 2009-02-05 17:36


Originally Posted by helois (Post 2200354)
I'm planning to buy two Arios(one in mobil suit form with two rifles and the other in mobile armor mode)do you think is better to buy them 1/144 or 1/100 (there is no problem with money,for now.. ^^')?

id get one of each and have the 1/144 in is mobile armor mode and the 1/100 in its gundam mode i think that would would out nice, that way you dont have to buy 2 of the same model.

kk2extreme 2009-02-05 17:39

i wonder if Empress is on sale yet...

p.s. i just got my sinanju today, and waiting for unicorn :)

MakubeX2 2009-02-05 18:12


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 2199620)
Seems Bandai is not THAT cheap. Nice. :]

I may have figure it out why Bandai made the Excalibur extendable.

The blade from the MG Impluse seems to be too long for it's own good. The engineer knew that when they put 2 of them together and saw that if somebody want to do that pose with the joint sword from the promo pix, the MG impluse will not be able to hold the blade in the left hand. And of course, the Sword Silhouette will not be able to hold the original sword upright given it's length.

So all in all, Bandai had no choice but to remake the Excalibur.

Sir Dearka 2009-02-05 18:24

^Maybe so. I hope it is a clever way to make it look decent and stable in most cool poses from the series. Still, I feel happy that Sword impulse may be something more than just repainted MG Force Impulse with two swords we've been given already.

LoweGear 2009-02-05 18:34

Maybe, but then again the MG Sword Impulse's Excaliburs when in extended form seem to be the same length as the Force Impulse's Excaliburs. And one can argue that the modification done to the Sword Impulse swords, aka the extending/retracting function, would make it slightly heavier than the static version.

I'd say the only reason they retooled the Excalibur for this version is that yes, it was too long, but because they wanted the Excalibur to fit on the Sword Silhouette pack when it was stored on the back without looking awkward, and not because of any weight issues. They just added the retracting function so they can keep the length consistent with what they gave the Force Impulse Excalibur while allowing for better storage.

I don't get your point about the Impulse's left hand, considering that the left and right hands of the MG Impulse are similar in construction, and thus should be similar in strength to be able to wield the Excalibur.

MakubeX2 2009-02-05 20:29


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2200656)
I don't get your point about the Impulse's left hand, considering that the left and right hands of the MG Impulse are similar in construction, and thus should be similar in strength to be able to wield the Excalibur.

I'm not arguing about the weight issue of the swords, but rather the length. The original seems to be just about as tall, if not longer than the MG Impluse.

Now try to imagine you slanting the original blade sideways, tip down on the ground and have the Impluse wield it in it's right arm. Then get another one to join in on the top, I would imagine the handle of the top one to be too up or down for it to be wield by the left arm. Likewise if you have the original blade to be wield from the top by the left arm first.

If anyone had 2 of those Excalibur from the MG Impluse, could you try my theory out ?

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