slightly off-topic, does anyone here happen to know a online store (or regular) within europe that ships to scandinavian countries? or is HLJ still the best bet? I've tried (which sofar has been good, delivery vice, they are just really, really expensive, both kits + shipping) and always get hit by taxes whenever ordering something from HLJ and picking EMS :x and SAL takes too long QQ
but as it seems no one can beat hobby link japan and their 20% off on every bandai kit! the HG brave commander would cost you 25€ incl. shipping instead of like $40 in every other shop i checked :P |
Yo I am back guys. Which is better - MG unicorn gundam normal version or Unicorn Gundam HD Collar +MS CAGE (MG) ? Where should i buy it from-ebay,hlj,hobbysearch?
and both the regular master grade and the MS cage version have better articulation than the ver.ka version that i have! so if you want the OVA version of the unicorn and not the ver.ka version, it only depends on wheter you want to pay extra for the cage or not! (guys, correct me if im wrong here. thats the only differences i found between the regular MG and the HD color MS cage version!) but for me the deal breaker would be the cage. i dont want to pay about 20 bucks for an action base that i would never use :P |
There are 4 version of Unicorn Gundam, which can be a headache for some buyers
1. Ver. Ka 2. OVA/Special Edition 3. Titanium Finish 4. HD Color + MS Cage The Ver. Ka and OVA/Special Edition are usually around the same price, but I would choose the OVA/Special Edition because it does have better articulation around the waist and is more TV show accurate. The titanium finish is nice, but it has bad knee articulation, so you can't make poses like crouching on one knee and such and the kit is generally about $20 - 25 USD more. Then we have the HD color version that comes with the MS cage, which looks awesome if you're into displaying your model kits. I would recommend the OVA/Special Edition if you're on a budget. Here are some sites that I use.... Gundam Store And More GG Infinite Robot4Less Hobby Wave HLJ Amazon |
the titanium finish version is the same as the ver.ka version and not the same as the OVA version! i own the titanium finish version and it has a big ver.ka on the box :P but other than that you are right. you have 3 versions: ver.ka, regular MG and the HD color + MS cage version. the ver.ka is the first version from december 2007. its the novel version of the unicorn and has some problems with the articulation. the MG unicorn is from march 2010, they "fixed" the articulation (not by much though...) and it looks more like the unicorn from the OVA, they changed some armor parts (like the head) and a couple of colors. the HD color + MS cage version is the same as the regular MG unicorn plus that MS cage MS cage version: regular MG version: i really cant see a difference. so yeah, if you want the MS cage go with that version. but in my opinion its just a $20 action base and thats not worth it... i went with the ver.ka and a regular action base and im happy with that :P |
and even if there are color differences, they are still the same model. if i had to choose right now id go with the regular MG version and buy an additional regular action base. its the cheapest and it has the improved articulation. in my opinion its just not worth it to pay extra for color variations and an overly glorified action base... |
i big differance between the ver ka. and the ova/cage version (since i think the one that comes with the cage is the ova version) is that articulation is a bit better.
the knees bent a big further. |
personally i just like the colors of the ver.ka unicorn better and im happy with my kit :P but in the end it only really depends on your taste in colors, if you want those extra 20° of articulation (which you dont really need in my opinion, the ver.ka kit works just fine) and on how much you want to spend. the price spans from about $50 for the regular MG to about $100 for the titanium finish version (not including shipping) for the what is essentially the same kit... |
I've always wanted the MS Cage myself. I just love addons. Plus you get in-scale figurines of some of the characters. If you buy some more 1/100 figures you'd be able to make an awesome diorama out of it.
im not that much of a big fan of stuff like the MS cage...
i love it when they give you a free action base but stuff like that just takes up a ton of space and i dont like to spend an extra 25 bucks for that sorta thing :P the regular unicorn costs 50 bucks, so thats 1/3 of the prize just for an overly glorified action base... but thats just my opinion^^ its awesome that they give us a choice! if you want the cage you can buy it but when you are a cheap bastard like me you can just stick to the regular version. i do like it when a kit comes with a ton of scale figures of characters though^^ they are just adorable! too bad that i suck at painting so much... |
This might be stupid and I blame the damn german news for this, but: amiami is in tokyo and HLJ is even closer to fukushima... I feel kinda strange ordering gunpla right now. Am I the only one that is concerned about radioactive boxes and model kits? :/ Or is it safe to order stuff?
I don't think any of it is dangerous or at harmful levels but I'm not an expert on the matter. |
You're not going to eat the boxes are you? There's probably more radiation coming from your mobile phone. |
I got my Unicorn Gatling Guns today :D!!
Hello again guys here's my................10th 00 kit and my Fifth Setsuna's MS also my third 00 PG 00 Raiser this kit to say it? errrr too much? okay okay with around 300US$ you get 1/60 scale kit that around 30cm in height and around 2Kg in weight it come with 56 runner , with that you got around a thousand parts and more than half of them is the inner frame that will not visible anymore after completing it takes me half year to painted it (i bought this kit a week after they released it on japan in September 2009) and it takes more half of my room space when i paint it what i'm trying to say, Perfect Grade is too much for me it's too hassle and too big but i'm not saying this is not a great kit, this kit is too awesome to put into word you need to built it by yourself if want to know what i'm saying the detail, gimmick and also the posebility are perfect but in the end PG 00 raiser is my first PG and also it will be my last PG (I HOPE) okay that's my opinion about PG 00 Raiser well, like i said this is my third 00 and the fourth one will be the Master Grade that will be released on May (hope so, not sure because the earthquake) some people asked me why i paint it in Dark Blue not Light blue that i usually use well, the reason is simple i'm bored with that color and this is the first time i'm paint my kit in this color and i think this color is great isn't enough chat, enjoy the PG 00 Raiser enjoy Spoiler for PG 00 Raiser:
Spoiler for PG 00 Raiser:
Spoiler for PG 00 Raiser:
Spoiler for PG 00 Raiser:
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