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GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-03-28 22:51

I grow tired of waiting for a Damashii Arche.

philmein 2009-03-28 22:56


Originally Posted by zero.sympathy (Post 2304580)
I've got some questions ^^;

Is there a major difference between the 1/100 NGs and the 1/144 HGs for 00?

More articulation w/ the NGs? It seems like my 1/100 Dynames is pretty detailed enough to be a HG. o.O

I want to know more about this because I was wondering if it will be worth spending my money while waiting for the 1/100 00 Raiser in designer colors w/ the GN Sword III or would I be better off with a 1/144 00 Raiser Trans-Am w/ GN Sword III?

I'm eager to know so I can save a bit of money (or not) when I buy the MG Sword Impulse in May at a convention (hopefully ><).

Opinions on the above NEEDED =D

Thanks ^___^

I think I had a similar question a page back, but the 1/144 seems to have better articulation than the NG version. Details are good too. Right now, I have the 1/144 Trans-Arm 00 Raiser on pre-order 'cause of it's gimmicks, price, and better posability than it's NG counterpart.

gundam rider 2009-03-28 22:57


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2304650)
I grow tired of waiting for a Damashii Arche.

go to japan, head to the factory to the office, & snatch the mold proto-types:heh:

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-03-28 22:59

Sure, if I wanted to die. Plus, if I had such resources to pull off that type of caper. I'd take all the 00s and Aheads.

MrCapcom 2009-03-28 23:16

@Sir Dearka
Just ordered my Gadessa thanks for the nudge lol now its time to play the waiting game.
I also ordered 1/100 Arios and SD Destiny >_< Can't wait was shipped out today I ordered it from AnimeKing its this store on ebay its based in CA
I just had the owner send me a paypal invoice of what I wanted and paided that way instead of bidding

Un1ver5e 2009-03-28 23:33


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2304650)
I grow tired of waiting for a Damashii Arche.

Haha, you're not the only one. Oh well, I'll live with the Damashi Masurao in July.

Tkpenalty 2009-03-29 00:49


Originally Posted by Ypocaramel (Post 2304628)
1/100 Designer color 00 Raiser: LED GN drive, supposed LED head unit, tiny bit more detail.
1/144: Go check out Dalong's reviews, but more choice in terms of diorama (other models). Some say more articulation and durability; I'm not sure.

Thats true because the 1/144 actually has a hip joint...

:frustrated::frustrated::frustrated::frustrated::f rustrated::frustrated::frustrated:

Bashfulz 2009-03-29 01:37

jus got my gadessa and garazzo.. looks pretty cool. both comes with their own stand too. =)

gummybear 2009-03-29 01:44

they better make 1/100 Archer or there will be a lot of pissed off people :mad:

Bashfulz 2009-03-29 02:38

just wondering.. whats the physical difference between the advanced GNX and the original GNX?

Rising Dragon 2009-03-29 02:42


Originally Posted by Bashfulz (Post 2304976)
just wondering.. whats the physical difference between the advanced GNX and the original GNX?

Physical? Different weaponry and an added antennae array on the head unit for one of its special functions.

atlans89 2009-03-29 02:44

Wonder when Bandai will release a MG for 00.....

sx3 2009-03-29 03:49

i'll just leave this here for the rest of you to enjoy

Tkpenalty 2009-03-29 03:54

lol that exia pretty much is a 4th generation mobile suit considering it doesnt use the cables to transfer GN particles anymore.

Nice how it has the GN sword III.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-03-29 03:54

the Reborn Gundam > Every Gundam in the series.

duotiga 2009-03-29 03:58

reborn gundam is kinda like 00 ver of Hi-Nu

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-03-29 03:59

Why is Exia using the GN Sword III blade instead of the whole damn thing?

LightningZERO 2009-03-29 04:01

So we get the answer of how can we get a normal color GN Sword III

Reborns Gundam is a must get!!! Hope it can transform!

sx3 2009-03-29 04:01

i hope the robot damashii release of 0 Gundam comes with the GN Drive on its back instead of some GN Condensor..

Tkpenalty 2009-03-29 04:02


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2305313)
Why is Exia using the GN Sword III blade instead of the whole damn thing?

The Original Exia (this one is clearly a rebuilt one...), only had the GN Sword I at first.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-03-29 04:02


Originally Posted by sx3 (Post 2305320)
i hope the robot damashii release of 0 Gundam comes with the GN Drive on its back instead of some GN Condensor..

It comes with just the condenser.:(

LoweGear 2009-03-29 04:31


Originally Posted by sx3 (Post 2305264)

i'll just leave this here for the rest of you to enjoy

Finally seeing the new Exia, here's the differences:

- No more exposed GN Conduits
- Thigh more similar to the 00 Gundam's
- Shorter GN Sword with GN Katar blades
- From other images, it seems the rear GN Beam saber racks were deleted
- Vents on the shoulders

Tkpenalty 2009-03-29 04:33


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2305393)
Finally seeing the new Exia, here's the differences:

- No more exposed GN Conduits
- Thigh more similar to the 00 Gundam's
- Shorter GN Sword with GN Katar blades
- From other images, it seems the rear GN Beam saber racks were deleted
- Vents on the shoulders

GN Beam sabres attatched to where the GN Blades used to be.

I'd imagine nu gundam O Gundam ver 2 to be in the movie, with Exia S2 avalanche :D

LoweGear 2009-03-29 04:35

You're right, missed that one :D

Seems a somewhat extensive yet jerry-rigged repair of the Exia, which is a good thing.

MakubeX2 2009-03-29 04:36

What will most likely prompt people to get the Exia-kai would be the normal colored GN-Sword III to be attached on the normal coloured OO-Raiser.

Same that the shade of blue would still be not compatiable for those who have the Designer Colours ver of OO-Raiser. So, another relase of the Exia-kai after this ?

Edit :- Looking closer, people can rig up the Exia-kai if they have the OO and Exia on hand here by just kitbash the upper torso of Exia with the lower torso of OO. And I bet that is exaclt what Bandai will be doing for the official release of the kit.

LoweGear 2009-03-29 04:39

Except that the Exia's GN Sword is not even the same as the 00 Raiser's. They have similar green blade edges, but the Exia's is just its GN Sword with upgrades, whereas the GN Sword III is a completely new weapon (The latter doesn't have the shield part for instance, and it's gun form is much larger).

LightningZERO 2009-03-29 04:49

Wow. So it's actually a different sword?

Man, this will be the 3rd Exia I buy

MakubeX2 2009-03-29 05:06


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2305425)
Wow. So it's actually a different sword?

Man, this will be the 3rd Exia I buy

Techically you can kitbash the EXia-Kai out from existing models if you know how to.

For the sword, it's just the GN-Sword III's blade attached to the GN-Sword I's shield. Not a difficult thing to mod out if you ask me.

LoweGear 2009-03-29 05:18


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 2305446)
For the sword, it's just the GN-Sword III's blade attached to the GN-Sword I's shield. Not a difficult thing to mod out if you ask me.

Not a very difficult mod indeed, but not very accurate either. For one, the Exia "Kai" (tentative name) GN Sword has a shorter, more deeply tapered blade, and its blade edges actually expand near the root unlike the perfectly straight GN Sword III.

I'd rather just wait for Bandai to suck my money out with a complete non-Trans-Am 00 Raiser set.

MakubeX2 2009-03-29 05:37


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2305467)
Not a very difficult mod indeed, but not very accurate either. For one, the Exia "Kai" (tentative name) GN Sword has a shorter, more deeply tapered blade, and its blade edges actually expand near the root unlike the perfectly straight GN Sword III.

Something tells me otherwise when you factor in Bandai's tendency to resuse parts when and where possible.

LoweGear 2009-03-29 05:40


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 2305494)
Something tells me otherwise when you Bandai's tendency to resuse parts when and where possible.

I know Bandai's practice of reusing parts, but only for weapons that are actually the same. For weapons or parts with slight differences, they go out of their way to make new parts for them. Trying to guess which parts Bandai will reuse and not reuse for years now, I can say that Bandai has surprised me lots of times now in what they reuse and not reuse. (Some of my guesses regarding Nadleeh reusing certain parts of Virtue were flat out wrong for instance :heh:)

Knight_SV 2009-03-29 06:58

i want the 1/100 of the Exia kai

GNWeapon 2009-03-29 07:34

Well if they want to reuse more parts, they could probably throw out releases of HG 1/144s and some 1/100s model kits of the mecha/variants for 00V, 00F, and even 00P towards this year's end and the whole of next.

MakubeX2 2009-03-29 07:40


Originally Posted by GNWeapon (Post 2305618)
Well if they want to reuse more parts, they could probably throw out releases of HG 1/144s and some 1/100s model kits of the mecha/variants for 00V, 00F, and even 00P towards this year's end and the whole of next.

The movie will ensure that Bandai will be keeping the momentum going for about a year more. Look at them releasing SeeD kits long after the series having done with.

LightningZERO 2009-03-29 07:43

Man, I'm really excited for the new movie suits. Want to see a perfect version(means no 0 Raiser or other equipments) 00 Gundam

GNWeapon 2009-03-29 07:43

I temp. forgotten about that movie in 2010, still a bit excited here and there on G00's ending. That will be nice to see what more HG 1/144s Bandai will release to milk us even further. :p

Sciel 2009-03-29 07:45


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2305633)
Man, I'm really excited for the new movie suits. Want to see a perfect version(means no 0 Raiser or other equipments) 00 Gundam

Oh you can be sure that Bandai will milk us all with tons of new kits when the movie is out :heh:.

kai00 2009-03-29 07:50

reborns gundam is made from left over kyrios body

Ardi220288 2009-03-29 07:52

Man somehow I got the feeling that bandai going to milk us with 00V 00P 00F kit until 2010. and after the movie they're going to milk us again :heh:

GNWeapon 2009-03-29 08:03


Originally Posted by Ardi220288 (Post 2305651)
Man somehow I got the feeling that bandai going to milk us with 00V 00P 00F kit until 2010. and after the movie they're going to milk us again :heh:

That will suit me perfectly, a wider range of kits to select from.. but then again, time is the problem.

I was kinda hoping they had release all the 2nd gen Gundams, as well as the 2nd/3rd gen variants. Of course not to mention repeated grunt suit variants..

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