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Pellissier 2009-06-25 04:44

Eden of the East - Movies Discussion Thread
This thread is to discuss the two upcoming movies of Eden of the East.

Talk about your expectations, wishes, what you'd like or what you'd not, etc. etc..

Haak 2009-06-25 04:49

I'd like it to be pretty much like the series execpt without the extraordinary number of plot devices.

izmosmolnar 2009-06-25 04:55

I kinda hoping the first movie will be some sorta flashback like thing and shed some light on the earlier stuff which keeps bugging me since April. I sort of don't want to wait a whole year to find out some of the primary mysteries.

Tamad 2009-06-25 10:00

All I really want is a solid conclusion, with all the plot points wrapped up and a fitting end to quite an interesting series. I also want the rest of the unrevealed Selecao to at least show up for a few moments in any of the movies, and to finally reveal which one of them was the Supporter. How many are left? Three, Six, Seven, Eight, and Twelve... I'm sure they can manage while also giving appropriate screentime to the main characters and plot.

Another thing I'm curious about is the fate of Yuki. Is his fate really intertwined witht he opening, and if so... how exactly will it happen?

MeoTwister5 2009-06-25 11:11

I'm still expecting Akira to die in a blaze of fiery awesome.

drobertbaker 2009-06-25 11:12

What are they going to be about? That's a tough one. And why two? Two separate stories or one two part story?

I believe the mysteries of the series have been solved already. A few new ones were opened near the end to seed the movies. The movies, I believe, will take off in new directions.

The main plot point of course is this King business. And his memory is gone again. I really don't know what's up with the amnesiac King. It's way out there.

I will make these predictions:
  • Mononobe will be the main villain and will come up with some other major plan.
  • II will get something going. The last episode insinuated that he wasn't as useless as he first appeared. And he finally spent some money... on that limousine.
  • X will meet his overdue demise.
  • XI will be back. She's too good a character to let go.
  • XII (the Supporter) will show himself to us.
  • III, VI, VII, and VIII will come into play.
  • We will meet Mr. Outside (Ato) personally and hear his side of the story. He and IX will become buddies. We'll meet Juiz at the same time and hear her story. She'll serve the drinks.
  • Pantsu will be back to help out.
But these guys have been full of surprises to this point!

izmosmolnar 2009-06-25 11:39

We can't be sure #2 spent selecaomoney on the limousine ;) . It's also possible he was rich before entering the game, and he used to have a limousine since his childhood or something. That would also explain why he wasn't fussed to spend the selecao money so far. (And why he has such a flashy clothes)
Plus it's still not confirmed exactly who's #12. It's not 100% he is the Supporter as of yet IMO ;) . (Even #2 himself had some doubts about it).
  • I personally think that Society Computer will have some relevance sometimes in one of the movies. Probably Pantsu will think of the idea of using it.
    If they not gonna use it, there would have been no reason to mention it previously. That would be as pointless like they'd confuse us for 3 episodes with a moot issue regarding a random raper and Oosugi... Oh wait... :heh:
  • I secretly hope #10 will meet his doom by #11.
  • #11 probably going to try to redeem herself I reckon
  • I wouldn't be surprised if the movies will have lots of AkiraxSaki moment.
  • I also think Mononobe might be the final villain
Well there are many other smaller things I can easily imagine, but they are just minor things and thus not worth to mention.

rocket 2009-06-26 00:52


Originally Posted by drobertbaker (Post 2471133)
[*]We will meet Mr. Outside (Ato) personally and hear his side of the story. He and IX will become buddies.

I agree on this one, however I'll add a few based on the titles for the two movies:
*I expect movie #1 to be about IX and Outside's vision of a strong man reforming the country (succeeding against the best efforts of the known villains like I)
*Outside will die in movie #1 but his death will allow IX to achieve his vision.
*Movie #2 to be about the unraveling of that optimistic vision. IX finds himself becoming someone even Saki can't recognize as the weight of responsibility warps his inherent good nature.
*Juiz will morph from a servant into an all seeing oppressor. All of theScooby.. er.. Eden Gang's attempts to hack her will be foiled.
*Saki will take control back from Juiz on the grounds that IX "has forgotten himself" or some such logical gambit that take advantage of her core programming.
*IX will be a martyr.

klare 2009-06-26 03:37


Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 (Post 2471130)
I'm still expecting Akira to die in a blaze of fiery awesome.

i dont think so, but i expect him to win the game in the end and choose to live as a normal person with Saki, happy ending :)

drobertbaker 2009-06-26 07:29


Originally Posted by rocket (Post 2472562)
I agree on this one, however I'll add a few based on the titles for the two movies

Wow! You've really streeeeeeetched out on some of these! Did you have a dream or something?

It does seem very likely that Mr. Outside will die. He's really old! I see two paths from there:
  1. Akira takes over and finds himself being the guy he wanted to beat the crap out of.
  2. The end of the Selacao system. We learn the lesson that no one has the right to play God and that life is better as a constant interplay of natural conflicting forces eventually leading to a better synthesis.
Wouldn't it be cool if Saki ended up becoming Juiz to Akira's Mr. Outside? Kinda reminiscent of Serial Experiments Lain.

I don't think Akira has to die anymore. I think the prophecy of sacrifice from episode 1 has been fulfilled by him becoming ouji (prince). Whatever that means.

Weils 2009-06-27 03:48


The special site of Eden of the East is showing a teaser trailer for the upcoming 2 movies (press "Trailer" on the phone, then choose the trailer on the left). Actually it shouldn't even be a teaser considering it's all made up of existing scenes from the TV series. However, it states near the end that the storyline for the movies will be set 6 months after the end of the series.

SneakerPimp 2009-06-27 06:45


Originally Posted by Weils (Post 2475167)

However, it states near the end that the storyline for the movies will be set 6 months after the end of the series.

Are you sure this refers to the actual storyline and not just to the release date of the first movie?

gunshottrigun 2009-06-28 22:03

The suspense is killing me. :(
I really enjoyed the series, I guess I will just have to wait patiently for both movies to air.


izmosmolnar 2009-06-29 08:33

Someone uploaded the movie-trailer on YT already, here it is:


Originally Posted by Koda's (gg's fansubber) commentary on the preview
Not really worth subbing, it’s mostly a recap explaining how the game is played...
...New line is when Saki says, “In this country without kings, he chose to fight again” and an on-screen confirming it won’t be a recap because the story takes place “6mo after Takizawa Akira disappeared”, whatever that’s supposed to mean.

phishn37 2009-06-29 08:45

So.. that trailer has no new footage? That's kind of... not a trailer.

I hope a better trailer comes out soon.

MeoTwister5 2009-06-29 08:47

Having it take place 6 months after the end of the series is a great setup for either epic fail or epic awesome. I hope on the latter.

ZephyrLeanne 2009-07-06 00:42


Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 (Post 2479507)
Having it take place 6 months after the end of the series is a great setup for either epic fail or epic awesome. I hope on the latter.

Either it does a "end of Evangelion", or it does a CLANNAD the Movie. I dunno. It's anybody's guess. :heh:

fish eric 2009-07-07 01:13

I want to meet Mr. Outside and I want to know how Akira ended up in front of the White House.

Shadow Kira01 2009-07-09 07:36

I hope the movies would be a sequel rather than a remake as that it is most reasonable..


izmosmolnar 2009-07-23 12:43 has some news. Unfortunately I don't speak Moon, but that's the information I gathered through google translate:

"East of Eden movie Ⅰ The King of Eden"
"East of Eden movie Ⅱ Paradise Lost"
I cannot vouch for accuracy, but I'm fairly certain these are the titles of the movies (or did they tell us that already?).
Then there are some other information here on that blog, but that was far too much for google to handle IMO. However I'm under the impression that's how the the limited advance tickets look like down below (I'm not sure though, but it certainly seems like, since there are perforations on them, like movie tickets used to have):
The price will be 1,200 yen ( ~12$ ) each AFAIK.
If anyone can read Japanese, and summarize the new information for us that'd be great!

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