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Komataguri 2006-03-09 13:37


Originally Posted by The_Marshal_AEB

About the Eureka sure the Transmodels looks better than the modelkits (I saw lot of compairsons before) and I think Ill get some Trans, dude I think you have lot of weird stuff on you're desktop :p

Well I ahvn't painted the Nirvash yet, and I don';t like putting stickerso n the models cause that means I'll never get around to painting it... Just gotta find a new airbrush.. and compressor...and paint..

As for the weird stuff, pft...all you see is a mouse wheel and some clippers [ that I use exclusively for getting model parts released from their runners ]

There is no pic of my bottle of listerine, my breathments, the toothpicks, or any of the REALLY strange shit

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-03-09 13:40

1/144 HG is the best in the CE where everything is released and everything can be customized, about me I have all the SEED and SEED Destiny till the Akatsuki except waltfeld murasame and gaia, and am always working on the MSVs ;) other than that it doesn't take lot of place in the room man :D

this pic for those who want to check where I ended up till now in the diorama
not finished yet

Komataguri 2006-03-09 13:44


Originally Posted by The_Marshal_AEB
1/144 HG is the best in the CE where everything is released and everything can be customized, about me I have all the SEED and SEED Destiny till the Akatsuki except waltfeld murasame and gaia, and am always working on the MSVs ;) other than that it doesn't take lot of place in the room man :D

this pic for those who want to check where I ended up till now in the diorama
not finished yet

If you were really good, you'd rig LEDs in there to make the Sword Strike swords glow :D

Komataguri 2006-03-09 14:10

Ok, took a picture of all my gundam related models.

Spoiler for big pics:


Damn, forgot to post my Norris Custom Gouf with gattling cannon action figure [ not a model, but in the proccess of giving it a detail up ] Oh well, I'll get a pic later.

JanthraX^ 2006-03-09 14:39

Nice collection Komataguri! i want a GP-01/Fb, too =[
hard to find one up north uk

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-03-09 14:57

LEDs .... and how in the helll I'll change the battries then ?! and dont u think its tooooo late to say "LEDs lights"? even the modelers with 1/60 scales are having problems with LEDs, the only LEDs I worked on are for R/Cs and thats it :D

Thanks for the info, maybe Ill try it next time ....

Just added the 2nd layer of silicon and applied the dark colors, while created the effects of the foots and strike parts glued togther to kiss joints good bye and treat it as a statue :p

Komataguri 2006-03-09 15:04


Originally Posted by JanthraX^
Nice collection Komataguri! i want a GP-01/Fb, too =[
hard to find one up north uk

I'm not impressed with it.

its very..flimsy.

Takes ALOT of work just to get it to stand, BEcause of the core block system if you pick it up, you more than likely will have half of it slide off and crash to the floor, Joints are really loose, and It seems the GP01/Fb has a long history of having malformed parts.

Luckily for me, the mal-formed parts in my kit were all internal and not viewable, and not structurally critical.

I'd suggest you stay away from it unless you want to spend a buttload of time fixing its problems.


Originally Posted by The_Marshal_AEB
LEDs .... and how in the helll I'll change the battries then ?! and dont u think its tooooo late to say "LEDs lights"? even the modelers with 1/60 scales are having problems with LEDs, the only LEDs I worked on are for R/Cs and thats it :D

Thanks for the info, maybe Ill try it next time ....

Just added the 2nd layer of silicon and applied the dark colors, while created the effects of the foots and strike parts glued togther to kiss joints good bye and treat it as a statue :p

Your making a diarama, just run the wires through the model, out the foot, and put the battery in the base of the diarama, with an on/off switch :p

JanthraX^ 2006-03-09 15:56


Originally Posted by Komataguri
I'm not impressed with it.

its very..flimsy.

Takes ALOT of work just to get it to stand, BEcause of the core block system if you pick it up, you more than likely will have half of it slide off and crash to the floor, Joints are really loose, and It seems the GP01/Fb has a long history of having malformed parts.

the core block system was supposed to save pilots lives not make it fall apart =D,

i have to say that with my Deathscythe, it was flimsy and not very posable so i purachsed a large Airfix stand and glued it up and gave it a sexy pose, its looks better and doesnt fall apart, but i cant play with it =[

Mr_Paper 2006-03-09 16:24

I hate to have to do this, but:

2) Image Size:
Put simply; if it will not fit in the window on a 1024x768 screen without causing side scrolling do NOT post in it any form other than a link or thumbnail. In addition to this, exercise some common sense when posting images; not everyone is on the fastest of connections or using the largest of screens (I know my laptop screen's maximum is 1024x768) and loading a page filled with ~/+1mb images is reason enough to bang one's head against the wall endlessly for that is about how long it'll take to load the page.

On top of this, hiding the images inside spoiler boxes does NOT save bandwidth or speedup the loading of a page, the browser still has to download and cache the image even though it is not 'visable.'
Please keep image size in mind people. >.>

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-03-09 17:02

Yes I believe so that images still loading even if its hidden, anyway after we solved the battry problem, can you think of a way to pass the wires from the arms > hands > sword and install a small LED that fits there, I dont think so where end of arms to arms to the sword grip are all soft plastic and not empty from the inside, so to tell you the truth I dont think I can make it and if you have another way to make the wiring so make you're own and show us how its done ...

Komataguri 2006-03-09 18:15


Originally Posted by Mr_Paper
I hate to have to do this, but: Please keep image size in mind people. >.>

All my images combined don't even ammount to half a meg.

Besides, I pay good money for my 10mbit connection, I'm not going to neuter myself because people still use dialup.:eyebrow:

That in mind, I don't consider it neutering when I resaved all my images with higher compression and made them all a fraction of their original size and shape.

Mr_Paper 2006-03-09 18:48

Did you read everything in the quote? You seem to have missed the other point contained within it.

Put simply; if it will not fit in the window on a 1024x768 screen without causing side scrolling do NOT post in it any form other than a link or thumbnail.

DarkWarrior 2006-03-09 19:03

I have to agree about the GP-01fb.. simply said, it's a piece of crap compared with the newer MGs that are being released today.

The problem is that it's around 8-9 years old, and quality of the MG line has steadily been improving. It was probably very high quality back in the day, but it really doesn't hold up to today's standards.

I can't really complain though, since I purchased it very cheaply off Amazon when the sale was still going on. But if you're planning on buying it for regular price, reconsider. Unless of course, you really, really like the GP-01. In that case, get the Perfect Grade if you have the money. >_>

Komataguri 2006-03-09 19:15


Originally Posted by Mr_Paper
Did you read everything in the quote? You seem to have missed the other point contained within it.

No, it says nothing about not hiding images that are large in diamention in spoilers, and when they are in spoilers they don't require scrolling.

it does say images still download in spoilers, but nothing about not placing large dimention images into spoilers.

besides, not every image in the world looks good at 320x260.

Mr_Paper 2006-03-09 19:42

Sorry, but it stands. In a spoiler tag or not, if the image will result in side scrolling it is to be posted as a link or thumbnail. I'm not telling your to resize you images just post the wider ones as links or thumbnail type links - neither is overtly difficult to do.

Komataguri 2006-03-09 19:52


Originally Posted by Mr_Paper
Sorry, but it stands. In a spoiler tag or not, if the image will result in side scrolling it is to be posted as a link or thumbnail. I'm not telling your to resize you images just post the wider ones as links or thumbnail type links - neither is overtly difficult to do.

Then maybe it should be specified in what you quoted, because it states nothing about posting large dimention images in spoilers.

Spoilers make large dimention images fit within the rules, since the thread does not stretch to fit the image unless someone opens the spoiler, and resizes again the second the spoiler is closed.

Hell, i thought that was one of the main reasons for the spoiler tag outside of spoilers themselves.

Its not like it kills anyone to scroll over half an inch to look at an image that they chose to look at inside a spoiler tag. I use 1024 [ only because I have bad eyes ]and I don't care about scrolling.

Don't come cracking down on me for something that isn't stated clearly in your rules. :rolleyes:

Now, you've taken this topic far enough off topic. How about you let it get back on track now?

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-03-10 02:27

Maybe I should say, how about modelers to join this gunpla competition which is about to close entries this month
Fight all the way to the top for a Zv2.0 :D ... meet me there aeb3000 ;)

duotiga 2006-03-10 07:39

HG Murasame boxart is nice


The_Marshal_AEB 2006-03-10 10:01

Yes its and I think its everywhere now :D I would realy want to get one along with Waltfeld's... about the box art ! I think they should have pointed the missles the other way and having some explosions behind the murasame while its waiting for its turn (6)

Nesty 2006-03-10 10:45

wow that boxart sure looks prettyh :)

Komataguri 2006-03-10 10:46

am I the only one who thinks the boxart sucks?

OmegaZEROCustom 2006-03-10 12:21


Originally Posted by Komataguri
am I the only one who thinks the boxart sucks?


That boxart looks great. Is the actual model out yet?

SlugZilla 2006-03-10 13:02

The box art kicks ass in general, I so want a book on it.

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-03-10 16:47

Mission completooo

needs :
1. super glue the foots to the ground.
2. frame around the base (wood or else ?).
3. more pictures to be taken.
4. covered or make a custom display case and some title in the front.

just to remember the "what if" seconds before

GameraBaenre 2006-03-11 03:05
A little update for my current project. More pictures and information here:

Nesty 2006-03-11 11:35

yo marchal great job wtih the dio, as much as i hate that scene T_T (poor blitz) you did a good job at it. mind taking more pics so that we see all angles of it? ^_^

yo gamera, how do you do it man, that sazabi looks PERRty!

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-03-11 16:31


Originally Posted by Nesty
yo marchal great job wtih the dio, as much as i hate that scene T_T (poor blitz) you did a good job at it. mind taking more pics so that we see all angles of it? ^_^

Yeah DAMN STRIIIIKAA, I cant look at my diorama now :( so sad
They are all here now >>>

Ill be taking more tomorrow :D

I think the sazabi is using gloss colors ! or else ?

GameraBaenre 2006-03-11 17:20


I think the sazabi is using gloss colors ! or else ?
Actually, I used several different layers of paint. The exact paint type (gloss or flat) does not matter. Because after painting, I spray on future floor polish mixed with pearl powders. This creates a very glossy surface. After this, to remove some of the gloss, I mixed future floor polish with some tamyia flat base and then got a more "satin" finish. I'm still working on the exhaust trails for the Bits... here's a sample picture:

JanthraX^ 2006-03-11 18:34

@ GameraBaenre , did you use expanding foam for the trails?

aslo i have to say that is some great work you have there, my fav is the GM sniper =D

viper 2006-03-11 22:20


Do you thin your Future when you spray it?

GameraBaenre 2006-03-11 23:49


@ GameraBaenre , did you use expanding foam for the trails?
Check out my progress page:
I'm using something called "Great Stuff" which is a can of spray insulation foam.


Do you thin your Future when you spray it?
Not anymore. I used to, but it sprays just fine out of the airbrush (Iwata HP-C) without being thinned.

dj898 2006-03-12 08:22

here's the MG Sazabi I built as a favour but his son dropped it breaking the pins and head piece...
so it's back for some TLC... T T

Komataguri 2006-03-12 12:44

Great stuff! lmfao I use that crap all the time when I'm doing drywall work, plugging holes and filling cracks and such


How big is the 1/550th scale Dendrobium?

I want to purchase it, but I don't know how big it is [ and try as I might, My brain has forgotten how to calculate it >_>;; ]

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-03-12 13:15

How big ? mm I dont think its BIG, maybe with bazooka included its still shorter than 1/60's gundam tall

anyway pictures of the runners here

(just saw you're question at 4chann/M)

I'll get the HGUC on June :D

Komataguri 2006-03-12 13:24


Originally Posted by The_Marshal_AEB
How big ? mm I dont think its BIG, maybe with bazooka included its still shorter than 1/60's gundam tall

anyway pictures of the runners here

(just saw you're question at 4chann/M)

I'll get the HGUC on June :D

Zomg u r t3h /m/echa d00d 2? :D

Yeah, Anonymous-man answered my question...about 10 inches long.

I also figured out why my calculations were not coming out right, I was calculating feet, not inches. >_>

I was still getting the right answer in retrospect, but .83 didn't seem right until i realized i'm dealing with feet and iches >_>;;

Akyra 2006-03-12 22:40


Originally Posted by The_Marshal_AEB
How big ? mm I dont think its BIG, maybe with bazooka included its still shorter than 1/60's gundam tall

anyway pictures of the runners here

(just saw you're question at 4chann/M)

I'll get the HGUC on June :D

THE HGUC VERSION?! They are re-releasing the Dendrobium in 1/144? :eek:

It's the same as right?

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-03-13 01:46

Yes its that one, but ITS NOT re-release, I just have a friend who want to sell it back hometown so I asked him to keep it till I come back after graduation on June :D because I study abroad :D

about 4chn/m yes am there, and everywhere just say "AEB" and I'll pop up :p

GameraBaenre 2006-03-13 02:54

Done with my sazabi; completed page
Progress page:

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-03-13 03:55

Nice, but I prefare using cotton supported with metal wires for such a thing, and I think the effects needs more shading colors ? or not ?

But I like the whole thing :D

dj898 2006-03-13 08:00

Here's the parts of Zeta Plus C1 after I've done quick air brushing and top coat.
this kit was built when I had most of my tools stored away and couln't be bothered to buy another set of tools and what not so you can see I haven't fixed any seam lines... which I dislike a lot... O_x

I ran out of flat top coat so used glossy top coat that I have a spare - too shiny for my taste but don't want to do another top coat when I get the matt finish though...

more than likely I will assemble it and put it aside... :P
if I'm going to build another one or Zeta Plus A1 I will be doing some modification and probably make it into fixed MS with VmSWr eliminated for better posability

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