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Catgirls 2006-08-13 16:37

Zero no Tsukaima Novels Discussion Thread
The focus of this thead is to fully discuss the Zero no Tsukaima novels.

-----Originally Posted by NeoSam-----

Zero no Tsukaima is based on a novel for young men (a seinen novel).

Zero no Tsukaima

Its based on a novel thats published under the seinen(young men's) label MF Bunko J.
For now there are 8 volumes released of this seinen novel, here are the covers:

A bigger images of the covers:

Genre: Seinen, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance

Zero no Tsukaima is a seinen novel/anime.

MF Bunko J: anything published under this label is aimed at young men.
MF Bunko J = Media Factory Bunko J.

Yamaguchi Noboru

Author of Zero no Tsukaima light novel.

His site:

Old site:

All his works can be seen on his new site (links are available to the covers).

All his works are seinen(young men's) light novels, some light novels are published under the seinen light novel label Sneaker Bunko, other are published under the seinen light novel labels: Fujimi Fantasia Bunko and Fujimi Mystery Bunko, and of course Zero no Tsukaima light novel which is published under the seinen light novel label MF Bunko J.

-----Originally Posted by NeoSam-----

Catgirls 2006-08-13 16:39

Originally Posted by Sushi-Y (Volume #1)
------Originally Posted by Sushi-Y-------

Just finished reading the first volume of the novel.

I like this one. Saito is awesome. :heh: If anything, the premise of the story is definitely one of the more unique ones I have ever seen. To be summoned into a fantasy world and becoming someone's familiar... :heh: My decision to give up or continue with something like a light novel is usually made right in the beginning, if it doesn't interest me right off the bat, then it's very hard for me to keep on reading. In that respect, "Zero no Tsukaima" had a nice start to it: no long-winded stage setting, no personal world views, only the events that are happening at the moment. In a way, it was very easy for me to read.

The tsukkomi had a familiar taste to it, then I realized that Yamaguchi Noboru is the scenario writer of the classic eroge (and later, anime) "Green Green". Yes, *that* Green Green. All those perverted comedy materials suddenly begin to make sense now. :heh:

Hmm, before I go further, I've been wondering about all the names that appear in this novel. There are some people with really silly long names here, it's likely that we'll see a dozen different versions flying around when the fansubs come out.

So for the heck of it, here are my interpretations of some of the main names/terms that appeared in the novel (vol.1, at least):
Spoiler for character names/terms:

Anyway, to comment on vol.1 in general, I would say it's interesting. Thinking back now, I supposed it would've been nice to see a little bit more action in those 250+ pages. The novel started off on a good pace, and there were some cool developments, but other than that, most of the story was spent on establishing the story settings (I don't mind though, Saito is a fun guy to follow around ^^; ). If anything, this volume was primarily about the development of a trusting relationship between Saito and Ruiz. I guess you can compare this to the first volume of "Shakugan no Shana", although Saito is much less of a wuss compared to Yuuji. ^^;

But the volume ended on a really nice note (it made me go "aww~"), while leaving many possibilities open. At this point, it's really all up to the skills of the author to maintain enough steam and creativity for another volume (since many novels tend to "flop out" after the first volume, "Suzumiya Haruhi" series was like this until vol.4). But I have confidence in Yamaguchi-san. Seeing as how "Zero no Tsukaima" is up to vol.8 now, and how MOON PHASE's cyan-san is a big fan of the series, I think I won't be disappointed.

I'm curious to see how well will the novel's contents transfer to the anime too.
The portrayal of the "Staff of Destruction" is a good example: since the novel only described it as an "oddly shaped staff", we have no idea what it is exactly until Saito began to "prepare" using it. In the anime though, we will be able to see it right away, so I wonder how well that'll work out.

Also, according to the interview with the director, it appears that the anime's basic plot will cover up to volume 3 of the novel. However, there will be episodes that go beyond that as well.

I ordered the rest of the novel volumes, hopefully I'll be able to catch up by the time the anime airs. ^^

------Originally Posted by Sushi-Y-------

NeoSam 2006-08-14 01:42


Originally Posted by jzmagic
anyone no if ZNT is popular in japan? im hoping they pump out more seasons.

According to the publisher (Media Factory) there are 3 light novels under its male oriented light novel label MF Bunko J that are very popular: Kamisama Kazoku, Kage Kara Mamoru!, and of course Zero no Tsukaima.

And the three of them got animated :)

The publisher mentioned that these three are very popular under its label (MF Bunko J), which means these three are popular compared to the other light novels that are published under the same label. it wasn't mentioned how popular these light novels are compared to other light novels published under other labels.

I think I have mentioned this before ^^;;

wrex_japan 2006-08-14 04:45


Originally Posted by NeoSam
According to the publisher (Media Factory) there are 3 light novels under its male oriented light novel label MF Bunko J that are very popular: Kamisama Kazoku, Kage Kara Mamoru!, and of course Zero no Tsukaima.

And the three of them got animated :)

The publisher mentioned that these three are very popular under its label (MF Bunko J), which means these three are popular compared to the other light novels that are published under the same label. it wasn't mentioned how popular these light novels are compared to other light novels published under other labels.

I think I have mentioned this before ^^;;

And I think the release of the animated series made the novels more popular. When I went to the nearest large bookstore chain (Book 1st) to buy the novels, they had a prominent section of Zero no Tsukaima novels but the first two books were sold out. I had to look for the books at another large chain. But I think the original poster was asking about the popularity of the anime series in the hopes they'll animate more episodes... which I hope for also, as the novels have some good stuff. It seems right now they are mixing some of the short stories from novel 5 along with plot elements from the second novel.

According to Animedia magazine, under the top 10 anime related novels sold, Zero no Tsukaima volume 8 is in 8th place (Shakugan no ShanaS is in second place).

Srin Tuar 2006-08-14 09:59


Originally Posted by wrex_japan
According to Animedia magazine, under the top 10 anime related novels sold, Zero no Tsukaima volume 8 is in 8th place (Shakugan no ShanaS is in second place).

could you please post the entire top ten list?

That sounds like a nice list of things I might want to read :) :)

uruchai 2006-08-14 14:13

yay. finally ZnT's own section here in AS!

I'm on the process of reading the summaries from Sushi-Y, even though I said I will not read novel spoilers. but what the hey! (btw I havent properly thanked Sushi-Y for doing those summaries. it was such a nice read, as if the contents were really excerpts from the book). anyway, the story seems amazing and quite exciting. Saito is a breath of fresh air among harem leads I've encountered.

I got the impression that he's a nice guy but he'd talk sh!t if he's trampled upon. yeah, he's quite weak when it comes to women --- or rather, he's quite strong in resisting those other girls.

I just have a question regarding Saito's feelings...


Srin Tuar 2006-08-14 14:28


Originally Posted by uruchai

Let me answer that with my take on it as of 75% way through volume 6

garra113 2006-08-14 20:42

Exactly where do you read the novels? Or wait you just bought the japaneese copies and read it?

garra113 2006-08-14 20:43


Originally Posted by Srin Tuar
Let me answer that with my take on it as of 75% way through volume 6

Exactly where do you read the novels? Or wait you just bought the japaneese copies and read it?

Also what is AFAIK? or is that a char O_O?

Skane 2006-08-14 20:55


Originally Posted by garra113
Exactly where do you read the novels? Or wait you just bought the japaneese copies and read it?

Also what is AFAIK? or is that a char O_O?

It's an acronym.

As Far As I Know

Onizuka-GTO 2006-08-14 22:09

Although it might be rude to ask, considering the cicumstances, anybody interested in translating this novel for all use poor English readers, please drop me a email, or drop by the website at:


Think of the joy all us dirty little gits will have, to know the wonders of the novel, and see us all post to complain about all the stuff they missed out in the anime.

sounds fun, yes?


/Mod Edit: fixed link

Calca 2006-08-14 22:17


Originally Posted by Onizuka-GTO
Although it might be rude to ask, considering the cicumstances, anybody interested in translating this novel for all use poor English readers, please drop me a email, or drop by the website at:


Think of the joy all us dirty little gits will have, to know the wonders of the novel, and see us all post to complain about all the stuff they missed out in the anime.

sounds fun, yes?


Indeed, I enjoy the Suzumiya Haruhi translations so I wouldn't mind this either.

P.S. your link has 1 too many http

garra113 2006-08-15 07:57

I would like to translate but I am only major in english. Can't translate >.<

Srin Tuar 2006-08-15 10:38

I just finished volume 6, what a ride it was:


Srin Tuar 2006-08-15 10:45

delete oops

Akeval 2006-08-15 17:18

If only anime was more exposed to our society... anime novels like this would be so welcomed... instead we get a crap load of inuyasha? fun.

Anyway the novel seems like a bit much eh? unless a major company decided to bring it to us americans, looks like we're screwed :(

zgmf-x19a 2006-08-16 16:56

it's slowly getting bigger but still not all people like animes I only had a few friends who liked it the others were all about sports music and games

wrex_japan 2006-08-18 05:35


Originally Posted by Srin Tuar
could you please post the entire top ten list?

That sounds like a nice list of things I might want to read :) :)

All right, here is the entire Top 10 list for the novels sold between June 10 to July 11:

1) Maria-sama ga Miteru: Kamen no Actress
2) Shakugan no ShanaS
3) Maburabo~ Mottomotto Maid no Maki
4) Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu 4
5) Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo 8
6) Shin Fortune Quest 12
7) Arianrod Replay Rurge 2
8) Zero no Tsukaima 8
9) Ginban no Kaleidoscope 7
10) Suzumiya Haruhi no Fungai

Srin Tuar 2006-08-18 09:36


Originally Posted by wrex_japan
All right, here is the entire Top 10 list for the novels sold between June 10 to July 11:

1) Maria-sama ga Miteru: Kamen no Actress
2) Shakugan no ShanaS
3) Maburabo~ Mottomotto Maid no Maki
4) Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu 4
5) Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo 8
6) Shin Fortune Quest 12
7) Arianrod Replay Rurge 2
8) Zero no Tsukaima 8
9) Ginban no Kaleidoscope 7
10) Suzumiya Haruhi no Fungai

Ah, Thank you wrex, that helps me alot. 感謝するぞ。

Im not a big fan of Marimite, Maburaho, or Ginban, so I can probably safely rule those out of consideration no matter how popular or good they are.

Suzumiya was great as an anime, but Im not so sure I'd like the book series.

"Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu" I have not heard of. This is going straight on my research list.

"Arianrod Replay Rurge" was a worrysome title, can I like a series with the word "replay" in its title? I have no idea what its about. Same goes for "Shin Fortune Quest", Im finding it heard to look into a series with a name like that unless someone recommends it. (Sushi-san, help me out here)

"Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo " sounds like Kagekara mamoru. I loved the anime series for its cuteness, but I know I wont be able to stand the book for two reasons: Mamo-kun is not someone i can identify with like a can with Saito. (at least the anime gives me the impression that he panics in romantic situations)

That of course leaves "Shakugan no shana". Im vacillating on that series, not knowing whether or not I should invest my time in starting it up... The storyline from the anime series didnt really capture my imagination so I have been avoiding it.

As a side note, I have a light novel called "とある魔術の禁書目録 " sitting on my bookshelf. I bought it sight-unseen based on popularity. (yeah, stupid of me perhaps). After I finish volum 8 of Zero, I'll give it a read, and report my thoughts if anyone cares to hear it :)

In any case, I know I'm going to need more raito noberu, because this stuff is addicting.

Srin Tuar 2006-08-18 09:51

Ah, I found a review of 乃木坂春香の秘密 here:

Hrm, it does seem to hit alot of my stereotype detectors, not even counting the characters names.

But some bits of the review seem encouraging:

I might pick up volume one and give it a shot, the next time I order some stuff from amazon.
The worste that could happen is I dont go for volume 2.

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