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Okamidum 2009-03-11 22:29

Oh the Smultron looks very nice.

LightningZERO 2009-03-11 22:32

Still patiently waiting for Masurao/Susanoo and Arche Gundam

sx3 2009-03-11 22:51


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 2265837)
Robot Tamashi 0 Gundam actual color

I think personally i prefer the roll out colours for the 0 Gundam. Grey and white :heh: don't get me wrogn though i adore the original gundam and all UC gundams.

KaiDamien 2009-03-11 23:03


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 2265837)
Robot Tamashi 0 Gundam actual color

I prefer the gray and white version, this one looks too...

GN0010 Nosferatu 2009-03-11 23:04

Sometimes, I wish O Gundam was the main Gundam of the series.

Just look at it? It's beautiful.

sx3 2009-03-11 23:06


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 2267257)
Sometimes, I wish O Gundam was the main Gundam of the series.

Just look at it? It's beautiful.

i wish we got to see it in action more or atleast get some flashbacks of ribbons kicking ass in it. I love its design, the orignal Gn Drive cone on its back and everything totaly worked for it. I guess i might buy it if it comes out in HG 1/144, or someday they'll release it in HG rollout colours


Un1ver5e 2009-03-11 23:17

Agreed. Where the heck is Masurao/Susanoo/Arche?

0 Gundam got shown 2 weeks ago and blam, a Robot Damashi mention. Arche/Susanoo/Masurao have been around for way longer and they don't even have a 1/144 release preview.

LightningZERO 2009-03-11 23:27

I hope 0 Gundam will get to do some classic pose in its upcoming (and probably last) battle

Spitfire 2009-03-11 23:53


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2267288)
I hope 0 Gundam will get to do some classic pose in its upcoming (and probably last) battle

Same here. I'm thinking of something along the lines of the RX-78's iconic "last shooting" pose (cause we all know the 0 Gundam is gonna get trashed, might as well make it go out in style)

Tormenk 2009-03-12 00:04


Originally Posted by Un1ver5e (Post 2266879)

To add on JayCee's comments on the topcoat:

Matt - Most modellers prefer using matt on their Gunpla. A matt finish removes the shiny plastic sheen on the models which makes them look artificial instead.

Semi gloss - I'm not really a fan of semi-gloss. IMO, the effect it gives is almost the same as the models untouched, with that dumb plastic sheen.

Full gloss - Full gloss is normally used by modellers who want to give their work a metallic finish.

Hope that helps. =)

Adding onto what he said:

Matt finish helps to bring out the actual color of the parts. I sprayed my MG strike's shield with matt and the white looks whiter than the rest of the strike. :heh: And I think matt topcoats help to reduce fingerprints somewhat if you like playing with your models but don't quote me on this.

There is not much of a difference in semi-gloss. I sprayed some parts of my HGUC Sazabi with that and I was like 'lolwut', couldn't tell much before and after spraying there was a difference though it does help to eliminate the plastic swirling found from the injection process.

Glossy finish if you want your kits to be eye catching since glossy finishes are shiny and all. Though it leaves fingerprints very easily on the surface.


Originally Posted by Sir Dearka (Post 2266983)
Oh, I see. I have to say I am tempted to buy the Black TriStar Zaku, but I think I shall hold it for now until I get my Guncannon.

Do note the 'ace' variant Zakus' tend to have larger leg armor which limits their leg movement slightly less than the the 6S or 6F variants.


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2267180)
HG 1/144 Ahead Smultron images:

Seems like the Smultron will finally have clear beam saber parts for the Ahead series that are not katanas :heh:

Finally. :love:


Originally Posted by LightningZERO (Post 2267204)
Still patiently waiting for Masurao/Susanoo and Arche Gundam

Adding the Regnant onto my list as well..however unlikely it may show up in HG form.

vektar 2009-03-12 00:07

MG Zaku F ver. 2.0`
So im done painted and putting togeather my Zaku, all i need now is to put the decals and panel lines then ill be done should be able to do most of that tomorrow. I hope i get it done by then because resident evil 5 is coming out on friday and not sure how much time ill have to work on it. And im very pleased with the posability of the zaku it can do a lot of great poses but i suck at doing them and the inner frame is really awesome and detailed i might go in and paint all hte highdrilics at a later time no rush since you cant see 90% of them. Over all i love this kit and cant wait to build my other 2.0 kits.

Okamidum 2009-03-12 00:07

I seriously would not mind a MG Regnant or a NG 1/100. I think it looks amazing. Course it would be huge though.

gundam rider 2009-03-12 00:19


Originally Posted by sx3 (Post 2267240)
I think personally i prefer the roll out colours for the 0 Gundam. Grey and white :heh: don't get me wrogn though i adore the original gundam and all UC gundams.

if i remember correctly that the two first prototype gundams created before the main rx-78-2 were painted bleached white & black colours but were destroyed by the zeons before they can even get into action?

M_Flores 2009-03-12 00:33


Originally Posted by Un1ver5e (Post 2267274)
Agreed. Where the heck is Masurao/Susanoo/Arche?

0 Gundam got shown 2 weeks ago and blam, a Robot Damashi mention. Arche/Susanoo/Masurao have been around for way longer and they don't even have a 1/144 release preview.

Um... O Gundam got shown in the first episode of Season 1 and by far the oldest Gundam in the series, IIRC.

vbann 2009-03-12 01:05


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 2265837)
Robot Tamashi 0 Gundam actual color

for some strange reason I could see this being the first MG or even PG release for Gundam 00

Dan the Man 2009-03-12 02:31


Originally Posted by vektar (Post 2267342)
So im done painted and putting togeather my Zaku, all i need now is to put the decals and panel lines then ill be done should be able to do most of that tomorrow. I hope i get it done by then because resident evil 5 is coming out on friday and not sure how much time ill have to work on it. And im very pleased with the posability of the zaku it can do a lot of great poses but i suck at doing them and the inner frame is really awesome and detailed i might go in and paint all hte highdrilics at a later time no rush since you cant see 90% of them. Over all i love this kit and cant wait to build my other 2.0 kits.

That's pretty cool. I might have to get one of those.

MakubeX2 2009-03-12 03:01

Catch of the day.

gundam rider 2009-03-12 03:16

i think they forgot something important about the O gundam's design.....

the wings of light!, they forgot about the clear plastic wings of light that can be attached on the suit's GN drive cone, seriously people can mistake the O gundam for a special version edition of the original RX-78-2 gundam for the 30th anniversary project:heh:

JayCee 2009-03-12 03:28


Originally Posted by M_Flores (Post 2266842)
Hey silly question, but would you guys consider panel-lining Trans-Am Gundams?

I'm under the assumption you're talking about the translucent 1/144 trans am kits. In that case. Don't bother. Not much point to it as it won't show up very well. However if it's the 1/100 solid colour trans am kit then you'll need to panel line that to make it look better. But to be honest I don't highly rate translucent kits. I much prefer seeing normal 00 series kits with red/pink panel lining to imitate trans am mode.

Here's an example of what I mean by imitating trans am mode


Originally Posted by vektar (Post 2267342)
So im done painted and putting togeather my Zaku, all i need now is to put the decals and panel lines then ill be done should be able to do most of that tomorrow. I hope i get it done by then because resident evil 5 is coming out on friday and not sure how much time ill have to work on it. And im very pleased with the posability of the zaku it can do a lot of great poses but i suck at doing them and the inner frame is really awesome and detailed i might go in and paint all hte highdrilics at a later time no rush since you cant see 90% of them. Over all i love this kit and cant wait to build my other 2.0 kits.

Looking nice there. Look forward to see the results after decals are put on


Originally Posted by MrCapcom (Post 2266201)
Yea I sprayed my 00 and Red Astray I know the smells. I haven't done decals yet not to sure how to apply them and this Destiny is my first MG so hopefully I can figure out where to go any links? I posted some awhile back but just in case there is anything new hit me up.

Decals aren't that hard. As you most probably have found out the tutorials other's suggested it only really splits into 2 types. Dry transfer which you just rub on like the stencil sketches you do as a kid way back then and the other which is water slide decals in which requires more patience as you have to wet it to take it off it's backing slide and apply it, get rid of the excess water let it dry etc blah blah. Personally I prefer water slides because if done right it doesn't show up edge lines of decals like the dry transfers do. But if it's your first time. Try dry transfer one's first. Easier to learn with. Before moving on.

Un1ver5e 2009-03-12 04:11


Originally Posted by M_Flores (Post 2267363)
Um... O Gundam got shown in the first episode of Season 1 and by far the oldest Gundam in the series, IIRC.

Fine. =p

Number of appearances then. :heh:

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