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dodgethis_sg 2006-12-05 06:53

Re-designed Nu, yes. But calling this redesigned Hi Nu makes want to gouge my eyeballs out. It doesn't hold any of the spirit the original design had.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

mangatron 2006-12-05 11:06


Originally Posted by dodgethis_sg (Post 759154)
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

There's a joke about what asians do to things...

"If it ain't broken, make it better" :heh:

Which, in some cases wasn't always what happened :heh: :heh:

I do hope though that the inner frame of the end product is better designed that the MG Nu Gundam. I can probably name a number of externally good looking Gunpla that have atrocious inner bodies :heh:

LoweGear 2006-12-05 12:35

More Model News


Originally Posted by Gunota Headlines
AmiAmi list HGUC GM Quel coming in January 2007 priced at 1260yen.

Traks 2006-12-05 13:00


Originally Posted by mangatron (Post 759270)

"If it ain't broken, make it better" :heh:

Which, in some cases wasn't always what happened :heh: :heh:


Would you be refering to the "Lean concept"? I guess "lean" part of that would apply to this early design of the Hi-Nu, but not the continuous improvement aspect. :p

Still, I'll wait until Bandai starts coming out with prototypes before I give up on the Hi-Nu.

duotiga 2006-12-06 10:04

the actual colours from Hobby Shop Midori

Meehlimo 2006-12-06 13:31

Wow the crossbone looks sweet do those wings of sorts open up?

kazi_kage 2006-12-06 15:02

...I must now look for that model...Christ! I just spent all my money!!!!! ARGH.......:frustrated: :frustrated:

Traks 2006-12-07 00:46


Originally Posted by kazi_kage (Post 760494)
...I must now look for that model...Christ! I just spent all my money!!!!! ARGH.......:frustrated: :frustrated:

Then enjoy the beauty of pre-ordering. ;)

MakubeX2 2006-12-07 07:11
What did I say about the 2500 yen difference ? Can't buy much right ?

duotiga 2006-12-07 07:21

but still..i like the boxart :D nw is tempted whether to get both or not....

LoweGear 2006-12-07 07:23

Now I'm wondering what happened to that spider stand... although it doesn't look like a slapped together with sticky tape model unlike the initial pics.

MakubeX2 2006-12-07 07:28

The only thing worthy to note for the SP is the Gold Plating, which experienced modellers will avoid at all cost.

It's much cheaper to get the normal edition (4500 yen) with the stand (550 yen). For the Dragoon effects, go get some thin wires and DIY. It much better than the effects Bandai is giving us with the SP.

mangatron 2006-12-07 10:00


Originally Posted by MakubeX2 (Post 761372)
The only thing worthy to note for the SP is the Gold Plating, which experienced modellers will avoid at all cost.

I think the marketing strategy appeals to the larger consumer base that don't really know that a can of shiny, glittery paint exists. That and I think the "I have no time" consumers vastly outweigh the, experienced modelers :heh:

I love that box art. Now, if they were to make a MG Destiny Gundam I doubt there will be any special plating required....I wonder what kind of box art it would have.

Maybe they would feel the urge to include translucent WoL? :heh: :heh:

Or a light up one for that matter...

DarkWarrior 2006-12-07 10:49

Wow, the DRAGOONs look so ugly with the messy wires going all over the place. Eww.

I would've been happier if they just included the spider stand with some clear plastic WoL attachments. At least it'll look better than the eyesore we have right here.

MakubeX2 2006-12-07 16:33

For those still insisting to get the SP, there's no hurry.

Just save up and wait until the next reissue. But I'll prefer you to get the normal edition and the stand first, fix it up and use some wires for the Dragoon Effects. See if your obessesion still exist after that before deciding to get the SP.

Akyra 2006-12-07 22:16

Damn, that boxart looks good! I have to agree with DarkWarrior. The 'goon effects are messy. It looks too crowded and I thought they were gonna give us TWO beamshields?

Derringer 2006-12-08 03:12


Originally Posted by Akyra (Post 762229)
Damn, that boxart looks good! I have to agree with DarkWarrior. The 'goon effects are messy. It looks too crowded and I thought they were gonna give us TWO beamshields?

It never said that. Someone misread it earlier, and people have been referencing the missinformation.

It said 2x beam sabers and the beam shield in the special whateveryoucall it thin plastic.


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 761368)
Now I'm wondering what happened to that spider stand... although it doesn't look like a slapped together with sticky tape model unlike the initial pics.

I guarantee that most of the inexperienced modelers who buy it will end up inadvertantly making it look like that.

blind_ 2006-12-08 04:43


Originally Posted by Derringer (Post 762507)
It never said that. Someone misread it earlier, and people have been referencing the missinformation.

It said 2x beam sabers and the beam shield in the special whateveryoucall it thin plastic.

I guarantee that most of the inexperienced modelers who buy it will end up inadvertantly making it look like that.

saw this:
under the [mg] strike freedom gundam, it said:
--> ★ Two beam sabers and two beam shields (made with extra thin PET) included.

M_Flores 2006-12-08 04:58

Ah, looks like it's gonna be wings of paper on this one for me v_v;...

blind_ 2006-12-08 05:16

don't really hv time (or exp) to spray so the fb/sp kit is appealing,
but then i don't need the other accessories and the spider stand looks so much better.

wavehawk 2006-12-08 05:18


Originally Posted by kct (Post 757006)
Am I doing this wrong?

- Hard to say; the lighting is messed up, so I can't tell if the legs are colored wrong or anything. You're using the silver-blue marking seals for the head/eye sensors?You can also try using a Dull clear top coat spray paint (I suggested this before) to give it a good look after fixing the bits and pieces...but topcoats sometimes play havoc on inking, marking seals, and decals...


Originally Posted by MakubeX2
Somebody is leet enough to convert the Rafflesia Stand from the MG F91 to a 1/100 Rafflesia.

- I am unworthy!!!


Originally Posted by Gunota Headlines
AmiAmi list HGUC GM Quel coming in January 2007 priced at 1260yen.

HALLELUIAH!!!!!!!!!! Army of GM Quels, here I come! And it's 2007! I can save up for it!!! (Mad rush)

kct 2006-12-08 09:49

Nah, I will only paint it provided I can get my hands on the GFF scheme >.> .

duotiga 2006-12-08 09:53


Originally Posted by blind_ (Post 762578)
don't really hv time (or exp) to spray so the fb/sp kit is appealing,
but then i don't need the other accessories and the spider stand looks so much better.

you got the same prob as me.....:upset: [TIME] the rest is ok just the dragoons stand is kinda weird.....:eyebrow:

LightningZERO 2006-12-08 11:18

I am thinking about getting a MG Strike Gundam. So should I get a Aile or IWSP?

theOtherGuy 2006-12-08 11:42

IMO, I'd get the IWSP, simply because if you wanted the Strike Rouge, you can get the Aile Pack from there. However, you can always just repaint the Strike into a Strike Rouge. Depends on what you're planning on doing.

The_Marshal_AEB 2006-12-08 15:49

Operation full weapons - its a task given to the Serpent Tail to destroy some ZAFT troops at the desert (includes Jinns, Dinns, and Bacus) appeard in the Dengeki Mag, and the 2nd Gunpla Commercial (MSV)

The Diorama pictures:
The must see pic !!!

More Jinn
More Bacu

The Astray
The Jinn
The damaged parts
The Bacu

[URL=]Damaged Jinn head :D

sx3 2006-12-08 22:41

I offer you guys, AMAZING models :) the Wing Zero is absoulutley great in the second link

Derringer 2006-12-09 00:31


Originally Posted by blind_ (Post 762559)
saw this:
under the [mg] strike freedom gundam, it said:
--> ★ Two beam sabers and two beam shields (made with extra thin PET) included.

lol? That's not what the Japanese website says:


Beam Rifle x2, Beam Saber x2, Beam shield made of the exta thin PET

nineplay 2006-12-09 07:08

I have a little question that I hope somebody will answer. Is there any difference between the white stand and purple stand for 1/100 legend????

And I have heard something about chinese copys of gundam kits. How do you tell the difference if there is anyone??

Copy Ninja Kakashi 2006-12-09 08:05

well the legend 1/100 has a white stand, so if if there is a version with a purple stand it's a chinese copy

Derringer 2006-12-09 12:43

The white stand on the legend is the Action Base preproduction colors they threw in as a freebie. Legend shouldn't come with a purple stand...

nineplay 2006-12-10 05:02

Ok thanks alot.

Komataguri 2006-12-10 19:54

Can someone recomend a good modeling forum?

I just got banned from FFF as a dirty and vile racist because I said I couldn't justify spending time to learn a second language and because I offhandedly mentioned the name of an african nation in a harmless joke that had nothing at all to do with race.

Meehlimo 2006-12-10 20:35


Originally Posted by Komataguri (Post 765485)
Can someone recomend a good modeling forum?

I just got banned from FFF as a dirty and vile racist because I said I couldn't justify spending time to learn a second language and because I offhandedly mentioned the name of an african nation in a harmless joke that had nothing at all to do with race.

Uh just taking a stab in the dark but this one?

Critias 2006-12-10 22:57


Originally Posted by Meehlimo (Post 765522)
Uh just taking a stab in the dark but this one?

nah, he wants a WHOLE SITE dedicated to it, if I'm reading correctly. This is just a modelling THREAD/TOPIC.

theOtherGuy 2006-12-11 02:51


Originally Posted by Meehlimo (Post 765522)
Uh just taking a stab in the dark but this one?

Sorry, off topic (don't shoot me :upset: ). He's been here since 2004...shouldn't he know?

Derringer 2006-12-11 14:18


Originally Posted by Komataguri (Post 765485)
Can someone recomend a good modeling forum?

I just got banned from FFF as a dirty and vile racist because I said I couldn't justify spending time to learn a second language and because I offhandedly mentioned the name of an african nation in a harmless joke that had nothing at all to do with race.

You were banned because you edited the Moderator's Edit, which is an automatic bannable offense according to that forum's rules.

And such....most of the english modelling websites that have a focus on Gundam have those very same people that banned you. So even if I gave you the other ones, you'd probably be banned immediately :/

There's always the Malay and Singapore boards =D

GameraBaenre 2006-12-11 14:45 The moderation isn't gestapo style such as CoM and FFF. It's a very friendly and open minded forum with very little moderation. Moderation comes in when personal attacks start or when flaming gets too extreme.

Alot of members from many boards are present over at HF. My presence there has grown as my own personal tastes for various moderation styles have changed considerably.

Komataguri 2006-12-11 18:21


Originally Posted by Derringer (Post 766088)
You were banned because you edited the Moderator's Edit, which is an automatic bannable offense according to that forum's rules.

And such....most of the english modelling websites that have a focus on Gundam have those very same people that banned you. So even if I gave you the other ones, you'd probably be banned immediately :/

There's always the Malay and Singapore boards =D

I didn't edit a mods edit, I added defended myself against a mods edit. The text they left in my post made it look like I was pronouncing death to the jews or something.

Originally Posted by GameraBaenre (Post 766098) The moderation isn't gestapo style such as CoM and FFF. It's a very friendly and open minded forum with very little moderation. Moderation comes in when personal attacks start or when flaming gets too extreme.

Alot of members from many boards are present over at HF. My presence there has grown as my own personal tastes for various moderation styles have changed considerably.

Thanks mate. Sounds like a forum that won't get bent out of shape if you mention NIGERIA

kct 2006-12-12 00:28


Originally Posted by Derringer (Post 766088)
There's always the Malay and Singapore boards =D

And there is like a lot that I do not know of >.> .

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