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NightWish 2018-06-26 10:01

High School DxD Hero - Episode 11 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for High School DxD Hero, Episode 11.

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Ruki0089 2018-06-26 11:29

Cardinal Crimson looks BADASS!!!

X102reddragon 2018-06-26 11:58

Finally here! True Queen looks more epic then I ever imagined!

dragonroots 2018-06-26 12:14

Great fights, they kept as much detail from the novel as possible in both, and Issei's queen form appearing at the end, i LOVE how it looks. Can't wait for the conclusion next week.

Kamijou Touma IB 2018-06-26 13:37

Cardinal Crimson Queen is just so beautiful. This is now my favorite DxD season from this one episode.

Gaizafaiz 2018-06-26 13:43

This episode was so lit. Compared to the previous episode, this was so much more detailed. The fights were smoother and clearer. So many favourite moments here. Sairaorg's fight with Kiba, Xenovia and Rossweisse was done well. Can' t wait for the climax next episode. And Irina's confession is definitely one of my favourite moments. Glad they didn't remove that part. Irina had so much role this season. Hopefully she gets to shine more. And last but not least, the past possessor scene, Issei chanting the new chant and CCQ was so fucking hype. God, CCQ look so fucking amazing but badass at the same time. Hopefully Passione continues to deliver.

Sparda4 2018-06-26 17:07

CCQ is so Beautiful.I was awestruck.Rey leather rex was BADASS as hell. Can't wait to see these two monsters crack the dimension right open.

GDB 2018-06-26 17:24

Awesome episode. Only downside was how they handled Asia. "Everyone will participate!" "Except you, there's no reason we'd need a healer in a fight like this. Warm that bench for us."

Pretty sure they explained it better in the novel, since I don't recall it feeling this jarring, but might be wrong there. Either way, that was only one small irksome thing compared to the rest of the episode being great.

Weather 2018-06-26 18:33


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 6251387)
Awesome episode. Only downside was how they handled Asia. "Everyone will participate!" "Except you, there's no reason we'd need a healer in a fight like this. Warm that bench for us."

Pretty sure they explained it better in the novel, since I don't recall it feeling this jarring, but might be wrong there. Either way, that was only one small irksome thing compared to the rest of the episode being great.

Becaus Asia literally cannot do anything here.

There is a logical and emotional reason.

Asia requires a guard, Rias cannot do this (she got curbstomped by Regulus, and Sairaorg would be even worse) and Issei will take innecesary damage doing it.

Also Both Rias and Isei agree in the LN that they woudnt be able to bear the sight of Asia getting attacked directly.

ImperialFlameGod8190 2018-06-26 19:41

All season we've been waiting for this moment and boy did it deliver. The first fight was brilliant and it set everything up beautifully. Issei going berserk against Kuisha was well done (and Kuisha looks pretty damn good) the Eye catch with Seekvaira was fantastic and then the fight.... It was beautiful. It was everything that i could've asked for. The CCQ part was beautiful. It was nearly perfect.

The 48th Ronin 2018-06-26 21:43

Sairaorg: Omae wa mou shindeiru. :heh:

Jokes aside. Ise looked like a Roman senator rallying the Senate to continue fighting a war. And CCQ looked like Guren SEITEN gorgeous.

ImperialFlameGod8190 2018-06-26 21:48


Originally Posted by The 48th Ronin (Post 6251456)
Sairaorg: Omae wa mou shindeiru. :heh:

Jokes aside. Ise looked like a Roman senator rallying the Senate to continue fighting a war. And CCQ looked like Guren SEITEN gorgeous.

i agree with the Guren thing.

Ruki0089 2018-06-27 00:38

Forget about based on Freedom Gundam... that armor completely looks like Guren.

Lucidrago 2018-06-27 07:12

Issei vs Vali: Guren Seiten vs Lancelot Albion. Vali must embrace the EMO.

The fights were fine, it was just the lack of details about their opponents I had a problem with. For example, Azazel and Diehauser could have provided commentary while the first two matches were going on.

But this episode, I give it a 9.5/10. It was really epic.

Dengar 2018-06-28 06:20

Cut a path towards a new future! For the boobies!

Bigmac 2018-06-28 15:14

Episode was great. Really enjoyed the Sairaorg fights. Only downside of the episode was the Issei vs Queen fight which felt way rushed and was lacking emotional wise. Also Issei's punch lacked impact (if you read the books you will know why).

That CCQ though looks awesome. Bring on next weeks episode already.

SilverGlavenus 2018-06-29 05:36

CCQ's wings look awesome but the body armor needs a little bit more "oomph" imo.

Lucidrago 2018-06-29 19:57

Really I feel like they should have just stuck to the dragon wings because I feel the light wings are Vali's thing.

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