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marvelB 2013-05-05 13:50

One Piece - Chapter 708 [manga]
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WOW! Out of nowhere we get what may be the year's earliest spoiler yet (even earlier than the GW spoilers, even)! Credit goes to Nja for the spoiler, and CCC from AP for translation:

-Chapter title is "Colosseum of Knaves". The ministory reveals that the deceased rebel leader Gaburu was the grandson of the old lady who took care of Caribou.

-Don Chinjao continues his chat with Luffy, but suddenly tries to headbutt him! It's then revealed that back when he was at his prime, he had a bounty of over 500 million. As the elder makes further attempts to attack Luffy, he gets intercepted by Cavendish, who reveals his weapon: One of the world's most renown swords, Durandal! Soon enough, the Don is restrained by both of his grandchildren, and Luffy is able to escape. However, the ruckus has now caused a rumor about Straw-Hat entering the tournament to circulate.......

-Back to the B-Block battle, the chaos continues. Blue Gilly is taking on Ricky, and the fighters Tank Lepanto, Abdullah and Jeet are all taken out (the latter two by Bellamy). Meanwhile, Bartolomeo is busy taking a piss in the ring (LOL :p) when Hack ambushes him from behind! However, the fish-karate master's hand gets damaged by some seemingly invisible force, and is ultimately defeated. As the audience is shocked, the wild rookie merely chuckles to himself.....

Wow, more crazy reveals this chapter! Don Chinjao was definitely the highlight for me, though. A bounty over 500 million means he has one of the highest bounties in the series by far. My guess is that his price is a bit lower than Ace's, though. Cavendish having one of those legendary swords is interesting, but I'm more fascinated by Barto than him right now. It seems like the dude may already have a DF power considering how he took out Hack. And if that's the case, I wonder why he entered the tournament in the first place? Nonetheless, he's most definitely one of the potential winners of B-block at this rate (the only others aside from him I see advancing at this point are Ricky and Bellamy)......

Gintokifan22 2013-05-05 14:35

Wow, these are early spoilers, guess they felt bad for us not having a chapter last week so. Oooh Luffy almost got into a fight before the tournament wow, I'm shocked it took this long for that rumor to start of up, these people that stupid that they couldn't put two and two together when Lucy let his name slip? What the heckXD Whats with Cavendish getting in between them?I like how Oda is showing none Luffy fights at the same time, will get to Luffy's soon, Bellamy isn't doing too bad in this thing, I have a feeling hey'll be helping Luffy later on when Dof or his men try to attack him in the finales. Over all, spoilers seem fun too bad we have to wait a while till we get the chapter, thanks. I can't wait for this arc to get animated.

marvelB 2013-05-05 15:52


Originally Posted by Gintokifan22 (Post 4667393)
Whats with Cavendish getting in between them?

Obviously Cavendish doesn't want some smelly old geezer stealing away his lover prey, duh. ;)

Gintokifan22 2013-05-05 16:26


Originally Posted by marvelB (Post 4667476)
Obviously Cavendish doesn't want some smelly old geezer stealing away his lover prey, duh. ;)

You read my comment from the last thread :p
LuffyxCavendish 4Life :heh:

Vajra 2013-05-05 21:08

Hack got taken out by...ZA WURADO! Seriously Bartolomeo has an invisible DF/stand capable of acting remotely.

Drriton 2013-05-06 04:46

Don Chinjao 500milion and the other two from the Chinjao family Sai and Boo could easily have a bonty like that this trio against Luffy at the same time is too much for him but im thinking about two possibilities how Luffy can beat them 1. Don Chinjao wanting to face him one on one or 2. the other contenders will help him dealing with Sai and Boo most likely the Funk brothers .
Bartolomeo defeated a VA in the bathroom without making a ruckus the only thing that can beat him seems to be the powerfull punch of fighting king but Bellamy seriously isn't at such a high level he even struggle against that Lepanto and Bartolomeo looks like beating even Jinbei .

bonsobon 2013-05-06 05:26

So does this chapter confirm that Cavendish is a swordsman because of his weapon? Might also explain how he survived for so long, he must be very skilled with it. Wonder where he got it from?

As for Luffy being constantly recognised by people, well his strawhat is hanging around his neck. I'm suprised more people haven't recognised him because of that fact.

Kanon 2013-05-06 10:24

So Cavendish is apparently a swordsman. This is fitting. I can't imagine a guy like him fighting with his fists, using a sword is more "refined". I wonder what rank Durandal is. Same as Mihawk's sword? (i.e, the highest)

aohige 2013-05-06 15:35

It better be. I mean, it's freakin' Durandal. :heh:

marvelB 2013-05-06 17:14

You know, something interesting occurred to me: What if Don Chinjao eventually does become Luffy's ally, yet still never drops his grudge against him? I think that would create some amusing situations where instead of cooperating with him like he should, the Don would randomly attempt to kill Luffy at the most inappropriate times. I can seriously see Oda doing something like that. :p

Also, I've been thinking..... what if Barto's power isn't from a DF, but haki? Like maybe he can create an invisible "force field" of sorts with CoA? Either way, I think there's little room to doubt that the dude's main talent is in trolling people! :heh:

golgo13 2013-05-06 21:26

Bartolomeo has quite an ability. Wonder if the way he took out Hack is a reflective power. It would explain why the VA Maynard the Pursuer was left in a state almost identically to Ganbia.

Have this feeling that Bartolomeo entered the tournament for reasons other than the devil fruit, he is a pretty interesting character.

Rawrz 2013-05-07 01:42

Being teased for like 2-3 chapters by now like the hidden main star...I can guess that whatever Bartolomeo's ability is, it may be one of the strongest things ever :heh:

articuzwolf 2013-05-07 11:49

I think in the end Bartolomeo will get cocky, start bragging about his invincible ability and get his ass whipped by Ricky

Rainbowman 2013-05-07 15:15


Originally Posted by marvelB (Post 4667343)
-Don Chinjao continues his chat with Luffy, but suddenly tries to headbutt him! It's then revealed that back when he was at his prime, he had a bounty of over 500 million. As the elder makes further attempts to attack Luffy, he gets intercepted by Cavendish, who reveals his weapon: One of the world's most renown swords, Durandal! Soon enough, the Don is restrained by both of his grandchildren, and Luffy is able to escape. However, the ruckus has now caused a rumor about Straw-Hat entering the tournament to circulate.......

A weapon based on a historical object. That's something. :cool:

shalala 2013-05-07 20:57

I wonder what it would look like. Is Durandal shown? If so then it probably be in the same class as Mihawk's sword. I hope it can do something cool. Does this mean we will get to see Zoro and Bishie fight it out?

Trax 2013-05-08 05:53

Don Chinjao is definitely heated up for the block match, that's for sure. And he's a pretty tough cookie, Cavendish couldn't pierce his head with Durandal and he just shrugged off Luffy's attack as well. Cavendish is no slouch either, and we haven't seen what these guys are capable of yet. It should make for an interesting block match, Luffy will need to pull out some of the big moves.

As for Bartolomeo, it kinda looked like he had an invisible forcefield. Still a bit of a mystery how his power works.

Freya 2013-05-08 06:13

Zoro needs his own legendary sword now.

Eleutheria 2013-05-08 06:45

Don Chinjao - I can't remember the last time someone just ate a Gear 2nd punch with zero damage.

Libros 2013-05-08 07:17


Originally Posted by Freya (Post 4670828)
Zoro needs his own legendary sword now.

Shusui, Sandai Kitetsu & wado Ichimonji, he has extremely 2 high level blades(one of which is cursed) & his 3rd sword is the treasure of the Samurai country and was once wielded by a legendary Samurai. How much more legendary can a sword get?

Whitemoon648 2013-05-08 08:21


Originally Posted by Eleutheria (Post 4670854)
Don Chinjao - I can't remember the last time someone just ate a Gear 2nd punch with zero damage.

Hordy's crazy super drugged mode.

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