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suiton629 2013-11-09 13:34


Originally Posted by Shinobi2013 (Post 4902710)
I don't think they'll update the HGUC MK-2 since the upcoming HG Build MK-2 is still using the old mold unlike the Build Strike.

Besides. HG Strike needed it bad. The proportions were so bad from what I've seen in pictures and the newer one is much better.

Knight-of-Gold 2013-11-09 13:44


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4902510)

You are only figuring it out now?
It was pretty damn obvious 2 months ago when it was first announced seeing as only Sei uses the word "build" in his gundams.

StrikeFreedomV2 2013-11-09 13:45


Originally Posted by Shinobi2013 (Post 4902710)
I don't think they'll update the HGUC MK-2 since the upcoming HG Build MK-2 is still using the old mold unlike the HG Build Strike which is totally a new mold(not using the old HG Aile Strike) and eventually leads the newer HG Aile Strike.

Thats exactly what I said -.-

Edit: I don't think the Build MK II is any sort of an mid-season upgrade. I believe it will be more of an alternative kit to use in battle when the Build Strike seems to be at a disadventage in an upcoming match.

suiton629 2013-11-09 14:00


Originally Posted by StrikeFreedomV2 (Post 4902734)
Thats exactly what I said -.-

Edit: I don't think the Build MK II is any sort of an mid-season upgrade. I believe it will be more of an alternative kit to use in battle when the Build Strike seems to be at a disadventage in an upcoming match.

Interesting. That could be it. =)
Or I was thinking eventually Sei will learn to pilot and use the Build Strike Full Package and probably upgrade it to Strike Freedom-ish thing and Reiji will use the Build Gundam MK II.

Skye629 2013-11-09 17:16


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4902303)
Well, if you really have to pick one from the three, I'd say go with MG SF: It's a famous main Gundam, has excellent proportion and articulation which still live up to today's standards, has no major drawbacks structurally, and it looks really good and captivating (assuming you like its yellowish golden-frame).

Hmmm Ill think on it


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4902510)


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4902754)
Interesting. That could be it. =)
Or I was thinking eventually Sei will learn to pilot and use the Build Strike Full Package and probably upgrade it to Strike Freedom-ish thing and Reiji will use the Build Gundam MK II.

....Have you even been watching the show properly?

The suit have been shown for a long long long time now and Reiji is shown cosplaying as it in the ending, its obvious he's piloting it...........


Originally Posted by firefox (Post 4902628)
Don't see how the MK II would be a better suit then the Strike. Strike just rules :p

Gotta please the UC fans too :P

ZeroXSEED 2013-11-09 19:29


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4902597)
Buddy, we're from the same country but from my long experience with Gunpla, finding the legit stuff from Bandai with reasonable price is as easy as finding the bootlegs.

TO be fair, I also live in what essentially a rural country. There's NOTHING like major toy supplier here. :p

Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4902597)
If you're being turned off by the extremely expensive price from big toy-stores like Toys R' Us or Toys City, you can go to Hobby shops like Capsule Corp for example.

I'm not turned off at all, just that the Delta is exceptional and thus caught me off guard (been answered by Suiton):)

Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 4902597)
But what I recommend you the most is to take a look at Kaskus's Model Kit section in Forum Jual Beli. You can get lots of Bandai Gunplas without pre-ordering. There are plenty of in-stock Bandai kits and you can just pick which ones you want (considering you have the money). Before buying, compare the prices from different sellers and go for the best deal ;).

Will consider it, but googling only gave me outdated thread :heh:

Thanks for the response.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-11-09 20:14


Originally Posted by ZeroXSEED (Post 4903118)
Will consider it, but googling only gave me outdated thread :heh:

Don't Google it. Go directly to the site and browse there. Google will only show you old threads ;).

suiton629 2013-11-09 22:50

Soon we'll be able to recreate this in MG!


Knight_SV 2013-11-09 23:53

i don't think bandai has a plan to release MG 0 Gundam

suiton629 2013-11-10 00:17


Originally Posted by Knight_SV (Post 4903364)
i don't think bandai has a plan to release MG 0 Gundam

Sounds awfully similar to what people told me about the MG Exia Repair 2.
I wonder how that one turned out. ;)

Knight-of-Gold 2013-11-10 00:23


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4903385)
Sounds awfully similar to what people told me about the MG Exia Repair 2.
I wonder how that one turned out. ;)

Oh wow, you got 1 guess from a stupidly long wishlist.
If I wish for MG Xi it will obviously happen after a long enough time.

Shinobi2013 2013-11-10 00:39


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4903385)
Sounds awfully similar to what people told me about the MG Exia Repair 2.
I wonder how that one turned out. ;)

Dude, just one kit that you demanded so long just came true that doesn't mean that all or some of you're wishlist will come true as well. Like how a fortune teller feels when one of his predictions came true and he thinks that all of his past or future predictions will come true as well or like how a conspiracy theorist feels when one of his theories came true and he thinks that all of his past or future theories will come true as well. :heh:

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2013-11-10 01:04


Originally Posted by Knight-of-Gold (Post 4903393)
Oh wow, you got 1 guess from a stupidly long wishlist.
If I wish for MG Xi it will obviously happen after a long enough time.


Originally Posted by Shinobi2013 (Post 4903413)
Dude, just one kit that you demanded so long just came true that doesn't mean that all or some of you're wishlist will come true as well. Like how a fortune teller feels when one of his predictions came true and he thinks that all of his past or future predictions will come true as well or like how a conspiracy theorist feels when one of his theories came true and he thinks that all of his past or future theories will come true as well. :heh:

Suiton's trolling aside, let's be fair to him ;).

More than one of his wishlist came true: Exia Repair II, AGE-2 Normal Special Forces, Aile Strike RM, and some others (yes, I was present when suiton first joined this forum :uhoh:). Which, like we all know, isn't really surprising coz it was never a matter of whether or not it will happen, but when it happens.

I (and few other members) actually rarely complained about most of the content of his wishlist. Instead, we often complain about the way he nonchalantly spam this thread with his long wishlist again and again and again.

n0m@n 2013-11-10 01:07

Suiton, I wanted to ask you this for a long time.
Why do you want a MG of a same Gundam? Weather it's a rollout version or not, what most of us wants is a MG of a new kit that hasnt been released before. Because the ones you want can be made very easily by airbrushing it.
I'll be blunt here. You need to expand your taste in Gunpla. You should also be interested in kits other than 00 and Wing. You'll enjoy it more.
I know that you are quite new in Gunpla, so check some of the series out.

Skye629 2013-11-10 01:45


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4903385)
Sounds awfully similar to what people told me about the MG Exia Repair 2.
I wonder how that one turned out. ;)

Huh, I dont know, Exia already had a base release as well as a add-on release (at the same time too)

While 0 Gundam has absolutely nothing to go on other than MG 00 flat beam saber blades and the LED?

Chiu_fan 2013-11-10 11:32


Originally Posted by n0m@n (Post 4903440)
Suiton, I wanted to ask you this for a long time.
Why do you want a MG of a same Gundam? Weather it's a rollout version or not, what most of us wants is a MG of a new kit that hasnt been released before. Because the ones you want can be made very easily by airbrushing it.
I'll be blunt here. You need to expand your taste in Gunpla. You should also be interested in kits other than 00 and Wing. You'll enjoy it more.
I know that you are quite new in Gunpla, so check some of the series out.

That and actually build his purchases. He only posts his orders but never actually builds them.

On another note, I just got back from AFA 2013 here in Singapore. It was a blast being there! Saw a lot of things, bought a lot of things:heh:, and met new people along the way. I saw the MG Sazabi ver ka, HGUC F91 and Victory Gundams on display. It made me even more interested in buying them when the come out. As for kits on sale, they had them 25% off and some more than that. I bought my MG Force Impulse for roughly 40USD.

suiton629 2013-11-10 12:43

Just because I don't display my kits, doesn't mean I don't build the stuff I buy.
In fact, I have shown some of my kits that I built before, but I did not get any useful feedback, and instead I got flooded with trolling and flaming comments.

I deleted the comments.

So I have no motivation to actually display the things I buy, well at least not in my usual 'suiton' places. You guys realize that 'suiton' is only 1 user name I go by that most people know about.

My other names I prefer not to be so public since they're actually followed by people that actually are helpful and friendly. It's a user name that I've used years before 'suiton'.

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this numerous times before.

Also, I buy other things besides 00 and Wing. I also like Seed and Destiny..oh and X now. I also have the Shining and God in MG.

The reason why I limit myself to a few series is to prevent me from going crazy and buying from a whole bunch of series.

Wing EW
Seed Destiny

Those are my favorites, and more than likely that'll be it for me as far as GunPla goes. So that's why I end up getting multiples of MGs to display all variations possible.

A MG Exia Roll Out would be a good variation that Bandai could release as an online exclusive as:

a. it is a color variation of an existing MG
b. there's a 1/100 No Grade version of it

So it makes it a good candidate to get an online exclusive release. And going online exclusive means it won't cut into the monthly MG releases so I don't know why you'd be against it. Also, the Roll Out color coming out as online exclusive would mean fans of the Exia would get another MG to enjoy. And with MG Exia Repair 2 coming soon, I don't see why Bandai wouldn't want to splurge on the Exia mold at least 1 more time...maybe 2 more if they also decided to give us the Repair 3.

Shinobi2013 2013-11-10 14:20


Originally Posted by suiton629 (Post 4903993)
Just because I don't display my kits, doesn't mean I don't build the stuff I buy.
In fact, I have shown some of my kits that I built before, but I did not get any useful feedback, and instead I got flooded with trolling and flaming comments.

I deleted the comments.

So I have no motivation to actually display the things I buy, well at least not in my usual 'suiton' places. You guys realize that 'suiton' is only 1 user name I go by that most people know about.


That is still not an excuse not to show off your actual built kits, if you really enjoy you're hobby and actually built most of your kits then show it regardless of how people flame or trolls you as well as it will lessen the people's conclusion that you didn't built most of the gunplas you bought.

suiton629 2013-11-10 14:25


Originally Posted by Shinobi2013 (Post 4904085)
That is still not an excuse not to show off your actual built kits, if you really enjoy you're hobby and actually built most of your kits then show it regardless of how people flame or trolls you as well as it will lessen the people's conclusion that you didn't built most of the gunplas you bought.

Like I said.
I do show them. But not under the usual 'suiton' places since those have been pointless.

You can thank all the trolls, haters, and flamers for that.

Again, I just felt like posting it in my 'suiton' places was a waste of time as it just attracted a lot of negativity.

Also, I don't have to post anything at all. My choice. It's not my job. So that's why I go where I am appreciated and where people actually help. ;)

Shinobi2013 2013-11-10 14:26

To be frank, posting your beloved wishlist all over again will make the name 'suiton' even worse than posting your actual built kits, you should also understand why people make negative comments about you and realize your faults by now but it seems that you're still ignorant about it.

Anyway I like to show off my customized HG 1/144 Gundam Wing EW series:

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