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aikming 2007-06-10 23:34


Originally Posted by philmein (Post 987666)
Just a question regarding the MG Wing Zero Custom. Does anyone own it? How is it? WHat are the flaws?

I'm considering buying that. I know it got a 96 from Dalong which is great, but I need the details on why it lost the 4 points.

Own MG Wing Zero custom. My first MG and one of my favourite.

The only drawback is the beam rifle. The rifles are heavy and I wasn't able to mount it as the pose in Endless Waltz, ie beam rifle in the middle of the chest. Fingers are not strong enough and the arms are not long enough for that pose.
Otherwise, I like everything that Wing zero custom has to offer.
Nevertheless, it's a good purchase.

Meehlimo 2007-06-11 01:35


Originally Posted by thephreak (Post 987561)
how bout ejection seats? :)

The RX-79G ground type gundam has ejection seats i bet the ground type gms do as well.

Subarunyon 2007-06-11 01:55


Originally Posted by mangatron (Post 981045)
For the Seed series, the first model's were usually the 1/100's no? They are no grade too so.....:heh:

This stuff is what usually comes out first, but no one really cares about them so it looks like the 1/100 always comes first XD;

In hindsight I guess it's just the main mechs and grunts that comes out as 1/144 no grade first /ok which makes it all the more likely that our new AD hero is coming out in 1/144 no grade

dodgethis_sg 2007-06-11 08:05

Taken from moeyo, a great blog. At least it isn't radical a rethinking as the actual Ver Ka. Turn A. At least the man's returning to his roots of cleanup for model translation.

duotiga 2007-06-11 09:36

some update news on MG turn A.
Found a news that this time also got limited pack..

Dvd & others item add on to the limited pack..

GameraBaenre 2007-06-11 14:47


Originally Posted by Gevurah (Post 986057)
I wasn't able to make it last year because I had to work for that one day. I'll be here this time and it's nice to know that the dates are staggered just in case I miss one.

Then I hope you are able to come on the day that most interests you. The three seminars are going to have different content - so each day has a different focus for the workshop.

duotiga 2007-06-12 05:48

BB Senshi Shibai Sazabi

Gevurah 2007-06-12 07:26


Originally Posted by GameraBaenre (Post 989151)
Then I hope you are able to come on the day that most interests you. The three seminars are going to have different content - so each day has a different focus for the workshop.

Indeed. I'm really looking forward to the advanced techniques seminar the most. :D

trowa babeliii 2007-06-12 07:50


Originally Posted by Meehlimo (Post 988335)
The RX-79G ground type gundam has ejection seats i bet the ground type gms do as well.

not sure if the argument is still in progress, but gundams typically have no escape hatch. however, other ms do have escape hatches. most prominently are thoes seen in gundam V. in fact, gundam V and V2 do have some sort of escape hatches, they escape by transforming into their small plane and throwing away the legs and body.

but for gundam wing, they certainly don't have escape hatches. reason being in the story line, gundams and gundam pilots go down together. in one of the scenes, the scientists told the pilots that they will surrender, but will not give out their gundams. Heero Yuy then self-destruct his gundam. For the rest of the gundam pilots, they also did not run away abandoning their gundams, but stayed to be be captured or tried to self-destruct. so for gundam wing, it was never built with a escape hatch, because the pilots are not expected to run away.

as for the hatch argument, yes, there is a direct change of the cockpit placement. the torso-area cockpit originated from gundam wing, not wing custom. it somehow makes it more in line with the story, because the 5 gundams are the same design and heavy-arms custom cannot have the cockpit in the non-torso due to it's 2 rotating cannon design. in fact in the movie the cockpit quite so stays put, for all 5 gundams. noticed we never saw how heero went into zero, probably they wanted to blur out this error. however, the torso cockpit design also makes the bird's eye camera(chest green part) quite useless, which is very important to the success of zero, and they tried to make up for such a mistake by changing the model. i'm not really sure which is the better one. both have pros and cons. in fact, if u do check with other gundam models, their cockpits ranges inbetween the chest and the torso. it is therefore also possible the cockpit we are talking about can move from the chest area to the torso area for battle purposes. this wasn't said, but considering wing 0 is a transformable model, it is quite possible.

trowa babeliii 2007-06-12 07:56


Originally Posted by dodgethis_sg (Post 987077)
Like I said, not everything that is possible in the anime can be done when it comes to turning said subject model. IE Original MG Zeta's head couldn't be retracted into the torso when going into Waverider mode. Until the Ver 2.0 came along.

Heero Yuy. Standing. Location. Background. Self Destruct. 'Nuff said.

uhmm, i happened to have gotten one recently, the head could retract actually. u just need to change the crest to the moveable one. and it comes with led light bubs! =)

Meehlimo 2007-06-12 15:01


Originally Posted by trowa babeliii (Post 990406)
not sure if the argument is still in progress, but gundams typically have no escape hatch. however, other ms do have escape hatches. most prominently are thoes seen in gundam V. in fact, gundam V and V2 do have some sort of escape hatches, they escape by transforming into their small plane and throwing away the legs and body.

but for gundam wing, they certainly don't have escape hatches. reason being in the story line, gundams and gundam pilots go down together. in one of the scenes, the scientists told the pilots that they will surrender, but will not give out their gundams. Heero Yuy then self-destruct his gundam. For the rest of the gundam pilots, they also did not run away abandoning their gundams, but stayed to be be captured or tried to self-destruct. so for gundam wing, it was never built with a escape hatch, because the pilots are not expected to run away.

as for the hatch argument, yes, there is a direct change of the cockpit placement. the torso-area cockpit originated from gundam wing, not wing custom. it somehow makes it more in line with the story, because the 5 gundams are the same design and heavy-arms custom cannot have the cockpit in the non-torso due to it's 2 rotating cannon design. in fact in the movie the cockpit quite so stays put, for all 5 gundams. noticed we never saw how heero went into zero, probably they wanted to blur out this error. however, the torso cockpit design also makes the bird's eye camera(chest green part) quite useless, which is very important to the success of zero, and they tried to make up for such a mistake by changing the model. i'm not really sure which is the better one. both have pros and cons. in fact, if u do check with other gundam models, their cockpits ranges inbetween the chest and the torso. it is therefore also possible the cockpit we are talking about can move from the chest area to the torso area for battle purposes. this wasn't said, but considering wing 0 is a transformable model, it is quite possible.

Maybe all so but that doesnt mean there isnt things we havent seen on these ms that the creators have never shown. For example how in the manga WZC'S twin buster rifle can be split and mounted on the back of the back most wings tho none of the current kits can do this theres always things they will add if they feel it will benifit if they really wanted to they could have done both cockpits on wzc they just felt one was enough.:D

p.s the ground type gundam deff has ejection seats hence when shiro bailed out while free falling off a mountain cliff prob saved his life.:heh:

trowa babeliii 2007-06-12 22:40


Originally Posted by Meehlimo (Post 990893)
Maybe all so but that doesnt mean there isnt things we havent seen on these ms that the creators have never shown. For example how in the manga WZC'S twin buster rifle can be split and mounted on the back of the back most wings tho none of the current kits can do this theres always things they will add if they feel it will benifit if they really wanted to they could have done both cockpits on wzc they just felt one was enough.:D

p.s the ground type gundam deff has ejection seats hence when shiro bailed out while free falling off a mountain cliff prob saved his life.:heh:

well, I really do hope they do such a thing as an escape hatch later. =) for only 1 reason, i'm very interested to know how can they engineer such thing into a gundam model. now that the master grade gundams are already packed with a lot of things inside.

what does a gundam deff look like? just for information sake, because i have not seen 1 and my knowledge of gundams are quite limited. thks in advance.

Meehlimo 2007-06-12 23:08


Originally Posted by trowa babeliii (Post 991438)
well, I really do hope they do such a thing as an escape hatch later. =) for only 1 reason, i'm very interested to know how can they engineer such thing into a gundam model. now that the master grade gundams are already packed with a lot of things inside.

what does a gundam deff look like? just for information sake, because i have not seen 1 and my knowledge of gundams are quite limited. thks in advance.

i was saying the ground type gundam DEFFINETLY has a ejection seat lol its not a new kind of ms :heh:

trowa babeliii 2007-06-13 01:27


Originally Posted by Meehlimo (Post 991470)
i was saying the ground type gundam DEFFINETLY has a ejection seat lol its not a new kind of ms :heh:

I trust you for that, what i meant was a escape hatch. To me they are quite different. the escape hatch to me will be more complicated, and can allow the pilot to like be ejected as a escape pod or something, hmmmm

dodgethis_sg 2007-06-13 05:57


Courtesy of 4chan.

bagelsncheesey 2007-06-13 19:44

Hey everbody, i'm a noob here and just getting into building Gundams. I really need your help to identify the image below. What model is it, what scale, and how do I get my hands on one? I really wanna build this Gundam!!! Also, is there any kind of list showing what Gundam models are available? Maybe even a release date list? Thanks guys.

dodgethis_sg 2007-06-13 20:02

Forgor the name but you can search for it as that's a resin kit. You have a choice of a conversion for one of the MG RX-78s or a complete kit. And as 'noob', it's best you do not start with this unless you have prior experience.

thephreak 2007-06-13 20:20


Originally Posted by bagelsncheesey (Post 992818)
Also, is there any kind of list showing what Gundam models are available? Maybe even a release date list? Thanks guys.

for a list of various Gundam models, you can try, although its in Korean, it shows you detailed pictures of the model, kits, and other stuff. the site is easy to navigate as well. for release dates and stuff like that, try hobby link japan.

bagelsncheesey 2007-06-13 20:20


Originally Posted by dodgethis_sg (Post 992840)
Forgor the name but you can search for it as that's a resin kit. You have a choice of a conversion for one of the MG RX-78s or a complete kit. And as 'noob', it's best you do not start with this unless you have prior experience.

Thanks for the link man! Found it.

Only a noob to Gundam, not to model building. :D

aikming 2007-06-13 21:59

Anyone knows if Bandai action base can be used for MG Strike Freedom.

The action base has a shape of ||_|| while MG Strike Freedom requires _-|.

I found the current MG Strike Freedom stand to be very unstable. crap

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