I assume the model level thing comes from OTHER models. In my limited knowledge, only gunpla are all snap together models. All other major branches of modeling -cars, aircraft, ships- are glue together, save for the beginner snap together ones. And trust me you'll need some skills putting together a Tamiya 1/32 F-14A Tomcat, if you want it to look presentable that is.
I know :( my 1st models were robotechs manufactured at the early 80s the whole thing is glue togther and fully white model
Personally, I find 1/144 kits more difficult than 1/100 kits, because I really hate working with tiny pieces, and they usually require quite a bit of paint. |
it's 20% cheaper than HLJ.com, with same shipping |
Yeah, but their ordering system seems like a hassle, and their site is difficult to navigate. I'll stick to HLJ, it works well for me ^^:
ok, i knew that the higher grade there are more pieces. since gundam models are (well the bandai ones) snap toghether, even the PG, so i was wondering if someone with no experience could assemble ie MG zeta ver 2 or MG freedom. you know, there are resin kits that need to be painted, drilled, glued and things like that, but in a snap together? (you could paint the model so it'll look better right?)
oh i almost forgot, so i'm trying www.rainbowten.co.jp , but i'm wondering about the shipping choices. since we don't have much money we were thinking about using SAL , but since it's not insured we're not sure about that. any1 here used SAL shipping? if yes then it's a good choice? (shipping to europe)
there are sometimes some on ebay but theyr'e getting rarer now
btw: i know this is off topc but i ordered a 1/100 eva ubnit 01 model kit due to arrive in a week or two. can anyone PM me a painting guide please? |
some of you may remember my PG AEUG Mk-II with heavy shadow...
well I finally repainted it in Titanz colour and tried the washing using the light grey for the panel line. Well with dark blue colour you cannot use the black line and easiest way to achieve the panel lining is by using the washing with light grey. Before washing I basically pull apart everything and spray inside and out while some parts I stripped the painting or what little they have. and I salvage some parts off mate's junk PG Mk-II Titanz kit to make up couple of parts I broke or gotten too weak after stripping well enough word, here are the pictures of three modules ready for assembly... Except that I broke one of pin at the waste so till it's cured I could not put it back together... :( Torso Legs Backpack Shield and beam rifle are the next. As I using the old kit I didn't bother to fix the seam line issue with rifle though next time I build PG Mk-II I definately going to do proper job plus full inner metal fram painting... |
Isn't there a rather nasty seam on the inner side of one of the elbows? :O
next time I build another PG Mk-II I will do the proper job including full metal inner frame painting |
This mth Release
http://bandai-hobby.net/plamo/all/kit/43419_k.jpg 1/100スケール ZGMF-X19A インフィニットジャスティスガンダム ○¥2,730(税5%) ○出荷予定は5月8日公開予定 ●「機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY」に登場し、アスランの乗機として活躍した“インフィニットジャスティスガンダム”が、フォ ルム追求と可動範囲拡大を両立させた<新1/100スタイル>で登場! ●ヒジ関節に新可動機構を取り入れることで1/100シリーズでの2重関節を表現、自然なポージングを取ることが可能 ●「ファトゥム-01(バックパック)」は飛行形態への展開と翼の開閉が連動 ●翼と脚部にはクリアパーツで再現されたビームブレードを装着可能 ●シールドに装備されたロケットアンカーは着脱可能、射出時のワイヤーをリード線で再現 ●ビームライフル、ビームサーベル×2、連結状態のビームサーベル、シールド、大型ビームブーメランなど多 彩な武器が付属 ●初回出荷分のみ、特典としてディスプレイスタンドが付属 http://bandai-hobby.net/plamo/all/kit/43420_k.jpg SDガンダムBB戦士 No.290 デスティニーガンダム ○¥840(税5%) ○出荷予定は5月8日公開予定 ●BB戦士に「機動戦士ガンダムSEED DESTINY」の人気MS“デスティニーガンダム”が登場! ●背部大型ウイングは設定通りに可動、光の翼もクリアパーツの着脱により再現 ●「高エネルギー長射程ビーム砲」は背部に装着したまま発射形態へ展開可能 ●大型ビームソード「アロンダイト」は展開し手に装備、大剣を振り回す劇中アクションポーズも再 現可能 ●デスティニーガンダムの特徴的な武器、掌の「パルマ フィオキーナ」を再現した手首パーツ×2(右用・左用)が付属 ●ビームライフル、ビームシールド、ビームブーメランなどの武器も付属 |
New merchandise pics & info From Hobby Shop Midori. The first run of the HG Strike Noir will come with a DVD catalog that features a C.E. 73 Stargazer introductory promo video and a Hobby Division merchandise video clip. The first run of the 1/100 Legend Gundam comes with a new type of stand with connecting parts to support 4 kits (the 1/100 Legend, Infinite Justice, Destiny, and Strike Freedom). Credits to "Gunota Headlines" |
You forgot Gyan MG THE MOST IMPORTANT ITEM OF THE MONTH to be released on the 8th of may
-preordered one- :D |
So with Legend coming with that new stand, I wonder if what they mean is that the single stand will hold 4 kits or if it is capable of holding any of the 4 kits. I'm hoping it would be some sort of 4-armed setup that would hold all 4, but I think thats just wishful thinking.
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