There's almost nowhere to buy Gunpla where I live, there's this one store with an extremely limited selection of stuff like a Perfect Grade Zaku II, High Grade Wing Zero Custom and a really (Really!) tiny Dunbine, L-Gaim and Layzner model each sold seperately.
That is quite bad. There's quite a number here, but at times overpriced.
The modellers from Core-Works have left to found their own venture, Vicious Project.
Their first model: a conversion kit to make the Destiny Gundam. |
If it's your first time with a PG, I would suggest Strike or Strike Rouge (easy compare to the others). Zeta is one of the best lookers to me, but popular opinion is Wing Zero Custom. To your second question.... YES, airbrush and compressor is diffently good if you want to do this hobby full time. |
So I just 15 mins ago ordered my very first gunpla, 1/100 scale Blaze Zaku Phantom (Rey version) and now I have some questions:
For those who own same kit : Is this kit any good, has it lot of errors/wrong scaled parts? How posable it is (or gunpla in general)? Is it good without painting or do i need to weather it or add nice little stuff? Do I need to do some scratchbuilding? I Have been modelling for about 9 years with varying results but this is my first time with gunpla! :D And please drop some nice tips/tricks ofcourse :D Thanks in advance! |
The following pics are of my own completed 1/100 zaku phantom kits: Rey Za burrel heine version |
I got this image from Child of Mecha... fake or real? post away... |
I see a typo there >.> . But if it's for real, then good.
Yeah.. Strike Freeddom Gundam? Looks like a fake to me.
I do think that we'll get those two in MG form eventually.. but that picture looks like a bad photoshop. |
I wouldn't count on the typo being THE reason its a chop, I have "Core Brock" and Mount Lutch" on my MG GM manual... (Block and Latch) And the stargazer site had "SOTRY" for 'story' before they fixed it.
Wait, looking at it carefuly it does look a bit real. Especially the way the 2 MSes were drawn, typical art.
Well, it's true that Bandai isn't exactly known for their english skills.. Phase Shit Armor comes to mind.
But I think I've seen that picture somewhere before.. I'm not completely sure though. |
It's fake, it would've been news from way before if they were to release this summer which this pic addresses.
i want to ask is there anywhere i can get a gundam Destiny MG 1/100? i found alot of HGs around but i prefer the MGs. OH i heard there's alot of fake model kits now, how to tell em apart?
There is a new resin conversion kit being produced by a group of former Core-Works people, but there isn't any confirmed release of a MG Destiny.
nightbringer360 posted the link to the site at the top of the page. |
lol... my manual says '∞ Jusutice Gundam' on the back page as well.
oh right no wonder thanks.. hm.. how about strike freedom MG? i can find strike freedom on ebay or places but its a 1/60scale and a lightning edition i wud like to get it but it's expensive.
just found some pictures on cff release Destiny. what is the difference in a cff release? |
Oh yeah, do anyone have pictures of this custom Zeta Gundam model called the Strike Zeta Gundam? It's one from an old magazine some time ago, showing a Zeta with a dark colour scheme, a shield with sharp plane-like shape intead of the angular one, have an inverted Waverider mode (the wing plate on top instead of bottom), and have a 'U.N.T. Spacy' sticker on the shield or something like that.
dbj: That's a Cosmic Region figure, CE-verse version of the Gundam Fix Figuration. |
Since I havent finished any Gundam related kits in a while.. here's something I pulled out of storage and sorta got back into working on this: |
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