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Ialdaboth 2005-12-18 15:41

Staff :
Director: Hiroshi Nagahama
Music: Toshio Masuda
Original Manga: Yuki Urushibara
Character Design: Yoshihiko Umakoshi
Art director: Takeshi Waki
Chief Animation Director: Yoshihiko Umakoshi
OP : "The Sore Feet Song" by Ally Kerr

Animation Production: Artland
Production: Mushishi Production Committee

Cast :
Yuto Nakano : Ginko

DVD edition :

DVD limited edition :

Official site :
Avex site :

Listing on CDjapan

Information on ANN

Tommy 2005-12-18 16:34

I watched episode 8 and it was great. What I really love about this series and what I think makes it stand out above the rest is that since theres no real continuious story arc like other anime they have to build a story from sctach every episode and hope it pulls the viewer in.

And they always pull it off, every episode about 2-3 minutes in my thoughts are drifting I'm not too heavily into it because they are introducing the characters, setting, and plot of that episode. But after 7-10 minutes I'm tottaly engulfed into the world of the Mushihi's and the tragic story of the human intertwined with them.

I really don't know of any other animes that can pull off such brillant 20 minutes short stories time and time again.

Chronissz 2005-12-18 16:37


Originally Posted by Tommy
I watched episode 8 and it was great. What I really love about this series and what I think makes it stand out above the rest is that since theres no real continuious story arc like other anime they have to build a story from sctach every episode and hope it pulls the viewer in.

And they always pull it off, every episode about 2-3 minutes in my thoughts are drifting I'm not too heavily into it because they are introducing the characters, setting, and plot of that episode. But after 7-10 minutes I'm tottaly engulfed into the world of the Mushihi's and the tragic story of the human intertwined with them.

I really don't know of any other animes that can pull off such brillant 20 minutes short stories time and time again.

Yeah I feel the same way, at first I'm thinking okay new chars new story, wonder if I will enjoy this...but I always do, and another great episode where the guy just had to move on with his life, and I'm glad that unlike some of the previous eps he made that tough decision, and cherished what he still had rather then clinging onto what he had already lost.

KingSchwill 2005-12-18 19:46

The story telling style is mind boggling. It's so simple a formula that you are tempted to dismiss it off hand. I almost didn't start this series when it first was released, but I had a slow week so I gave it a chance and am constantly kicking myself for almost letting it pass. Episode eight contianed one of the best stories to date. The subtlty of the story, no playing for simple melodrama, allowed me to really humanize the characters.

justicek 2005-12-20 17:24

When is Mushishi?
I wonder when Mushishi takes place? The only character I've noticed so far wearing Western clothes is Ginko, and his backpack isn't exactly modern. I'm guessing late 1800s or early 1900s? Thanks if anyone knows!

EmptySoul 2005-12-20 17:28

I'm not exactly sure... judging from a lot of things in the episodes... I'd say that it is definitely not modern... and it seems the main mode of travel is probably by boat, and in episode 8 the boats we saw weren't very advanced... Also the style of the houses seems to be old, and they all have that thatched roofing type of thing going on... So I'd say its set around the 1800's... but that's just my guess.

SlugZilla 2005-12-20 17:40

I think it is right before the Meiji revolution in the 1850s when Japan just opened up to the west(hence why you see a trace of the west in Ginko's clothing). By the 1900s they were heavily industrialized. RK which took place in late 1800s was pretty industrial so I think it was before or during Bakumatsu.

Mr. Guy 2005-12-20 22:32

I must say, I'm with the general consensus regarding this series. Originally (after the first episode) I had found it pretty boring and was going to leave it. Then someone over at 4chan likened the series to a story that an old story teller would tell a younger person, with each story having an underlying meaning. With this mindset I went back and loved it. Odd how one's mindset can bring about such a change ;)

Just one question...
Spoiler for Regarding episode 8...:

Aristophanes 2005-12-20 23:48

Wow this series is great guys! C1 is releasing top notch subs. I just love travelling anime like this. Despite the dangerous nature of mushi, I still find this series very light-hearted. Ginko rules!

evil-samurai 2005-12-21 02:43

Started watching a later then most other shows, lost a fair bit of interest in some of the newer shows been watching last season, though I've only watch the first two Episodes of Mushishi It stands out from the rest, Mushishi is story telling at its best A true jem so far. Well I'm a little worried if I will like all other single story Episodes, but after hearing good feedback in this thread, I'm looking forward to it.

Alot of shows I watch only for a few reason, but Mushishi has alot going for it. :) ~ one thing is the animation, its really pleasant to watch, nice backgroud detail & the use of colour Green is done Extremely well.

Yudan Taiteki 2005-12-21 11:15

Some people asked about the time period. Urushibara Yuki addressed this in the notes to the first volume of the manga. She said that it takes place in an imaginary time period between Edo and Meiji; when Japan was still a closed country.

The one exception is episode 2 (chapter 4 of the manga) -- Ginko's use of a syringe, and the references to eye doctors and other modern medical terminology suggest a different time period. Urushibara said that at first, the chapters were coming out quarterly, so she didn't put much stock in continuity. This chapter takes place in present day (supposedly).

In the same place, Urushibara said that Ginko's modern clothes are meant to be a visual representation of how he never seems to fit in with the places he visits.

orion 2005-12-21 12:28

So then does this mean that Ginko is an immortal? :D

arias 2005-12-27 01:08

Watched the first episode and it BLEW ME AWAY. Oh god, this is quality storytelling, the music and concept is great, although reading this thread made me aware that this was really an episodic sort of anime. Regardless, I hope the quality is sustained in successive episodes; I'm going to watch as much as I can tonight.

It's also suprising despite it being in episode 8 or so, there are only 11 posts in this thread. Seems like it doesn't have much of a fanbase. That's mind blowing, as well.

DaFool 2005-12-27 01:19


Originally Posted by arias
It's also suprising despite it being in episode 8 or so, there are only 11 posts in this thread. Seems like it doesn't have much of a fanbase. That's mind blowing, as well.

You can thank the hacking incident which basically destroyed my poetic oodles of praise for this show. It is a quiet type of excellent show for me, and it is by far my favorite for 2005. However, there is minimal opportunity for me to scream "Waaah! boobies! She's so cute! I wanna marry her! :D :D " This show is just not that type to generate rabid fanboyism.

arias 2005-12-27 01:27


Originally Posted by DaFool
You can thank the hacking incident which basically destroyed my poetic oodles of praise for this show. It is a quiet type of excellent show for me, and it is by far my favorite for 2005. However, there is minimal opportunity for me to scream "Waaah! boobies! She's so cute! I wanna marry her! :D :D " This show is just not that type to generate rabid fanboyism.

I guess, but I'd expect a larger following regardless. Ep1 was really very cohesive, and perfect as a whole. It obviously has a budget -- a nondescript OP and ED, but it's quite well animated in its normal sequences. Ai, I just got me ma ep2.. here I go.. :D

arias 2005-12-27 04:35

I've watched all currently released episodes, and Mushishi is nothing less than OUTSTANDING.

Probably one of the best series I've ever watched, and it's very consistent too. I thought with all the great initial stories, it'd have to flap later, but so far all eight have been great tales. I'm also one that prefers a developing storyline, but the case-by-case episode structure here works really well. No complaints.

I need more. :D

wao 2005-12-27 04:43

I'd say a helluva lot more on it if I wasn't quietened by the hacking. Somehow I can't bring up the spirit to post a lot (and like mentioned, this isn't the kind of show that can generate rabid fanboyism, it calls for quiet reflection.).

But I can tell you I really am loving this show right now; as a reader of the manga (I actually got all the 6 volumes that are out right now, and I don't even have any other manga) I am extremely happy with the treatment it's getting.

So I shall write what I think about it so far. (Now I can conjure up some spirit...)

The animation, while not "ZOMG FANTASTIC", is actually quite smartly handled, by having restrained movement (but not so much that it is very unnatrual) and making it careful and smooth. In some eps it's actually quite good (episode 8's snakes and water). Anyway, this way they can save money but not make it look really bad. It fits the series, too. Slow, careful movement...
There's some nice background work and great colour coordination, also. There's usually some kind of predominant colour scheme that is evident in the animation colours and the background. It's nice, because for once there is no disparity between the colours and you get a complete kind of picture. The colour also suits the story/mood...
But what I'm most happy with is the music. The music adds a great deal of flavour and character to the show and it has worked brilliantly so far, I feel. It's simple and yet effective. I like how there is a 'theme music' for each episode, too.
I also think the undramatic voice acting is working extremely well; it is quite convincing and realistic. One of the most remarkable jobs, IMO, was in episode 6 by Yuka Imai as Nagi in episode 6 (island episode). I think Yuka Imai's one of the best seiyuus out there anyway; her Jinto Lin in the BotS series is just awesome and is one of the voices that can convincingly bring me to tears (BotS II...). Ginko's seiyuu Yuuto Nakano is also a perfect fit for Ginko's character, IMO, and he sounds very different from the usual easygoing guy in anime. He can convincingly sound serious and yet have an air of affability around him. I don't know how he does it...

Episode 10 is going to be nice too, I hope they do the steam/fog effects nicely. But I'm just really hoping they do the episode with the shadow that eats memories.
EDIT: But I REALLY want to watch episode 13... Hitoyobashi!! I loved the art in that chapter, I hope they do it rightly... The first thing I thought when I finished it was "If done properly, this could possibly be near Ghibli-level".
Ep 12 is also one to watch out for, alright... it's about the 銀蠱.

s'my 2005-12-29 08:29

Didn't realize Nagi was voiced by Yuka Imai, one of my favourite seiyuus ^^' - thanks wao.
Am slowly savouring this series, and have only watched till ep 6. And I have to say out of the 6 I was most disturbed and unsettled by this one. The story, the presentation, and yes the seiyuu - the whole mood was incredible. I don't know if it's only my imagination but there were certain moments, Nagi's determined tone, just the look on Akoya's face - so understated and yet so powerful.
Love this show, one of my favourites of the season.

Altharion 2005-12-29 09:11

i like everything, its really a nice anime to relax with and enjoy.

Fighter Volk 2005-12-31 12:22

Wao: as you seem to know what episodes 10, 11, 12, and 13 will be... can you tell me which manga chapters they correspond with? I'm curious as to whether the rest of volume 2 will be animated or whether the series will just leave the "missed" chapters alone...

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