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monir 2009-10-15 14:38

Darker Than Black 2nd Season - Episode 02 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Darker Than Black 2nd Season, Episode 02.

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Zwei 2009-10-15 15:47

Great, a sub-forum. As expected of a series such as DTB.

Now just waiting to watch this episode...

Shiroth 2009-10-15 18:31

Regarding the OP, i hate how out of place Hei is, but yay from me regarding Yin appearing at the end.

qwertyman 2009-10-15 18:35

Just watched it, great episode.

Though I'm not so sure I liked the bit at the end (just before the credits)... :(

Shinji103 2009-10-15 19:31

Oh crap, Yin! :eek: It's not looking good on her end, and it looks like she is indeed the reason for Hei's turn to hobo. At least they aren't killing her character by not mentioning her until they suddenly say she's dead later in the series.

And as mentioned in the generic thread, it does indded look like Suou's power is to attract molesting wierdos.... :heh:

I wonder if Hei's star fading means he lost his Contractor powers. Maybe that field works on the fact that he's not a true Contractoir to take away his powers.

lividsama 2009-10-15 19:48

Hm, I find it strange Shion and Suou's father is in the OP.
I mean, you usually don't put dead people in the OP, like April i.e.

Maybe he's not dead? (the corps is a doll?)

edit: on second look, seems like that was something of the past, since Shion still has the eye patch and wheelchair.

mikoo 2009-10-15 19:56

Does anyone know what weapon Suou was using in the OP?

Shinji103 2009-10-15 19:59


Originally Posted by mikoo (Post 2708310)
Does anyone know what weapon Suou was using in OP?

It's definitely some form of super-rifle or anti-tank rifle, just from the way the muzzle is designed. You can also see the size of the shells on the ground in that little shack where she found it. (supposedly that's the one) Definitely not your standardized ammo. :heh:

Statonxyb 2009-10-15 20:06

The big brother of the Barrett M82? :p

serenade_beta 2009-10-15 20:06

^@Shinji103's post

The incredible difference in length... :heh:


Originally Posted by Battler-kun (Post 2707730)
I mean, happily playing on the beach etc. ....Darker than Black?:heh::uhoh:

Well, can't stop Moe from gaining upperhand in this industry......:upset:

It's... well, it does bring some sadness because of what happened and probably will happen to the characters (besides Sasha). So it isn't actually just a moe or happy scene...
*pulls out a kitchen knife*
Agnh!? Don't dare do something to Sasha! <--at staff

Looking at the recent anime, what has gained the upperhand is pointless fanservice... There is clearly a lot more tasteless fanservice in recent anime than before...


Originally Posted by Arabesque (Post 2707737)
Spoiler for :

Q: How can you so something (touch my breasts) like that so calmly?!
A: Because I'm a Contractor.
^Actual line in episode (mostly)

Conclusion: If you become a Contractor, you get to molest younger girls all you want.
Now then, how to become a Contractor... *goes to Google*

Namihana 2009-10-15 20:09

There's episode 2 already? Wow.

I'd better check it out and revisit this thread again.

Oh, and YAY for new sub-board! xD

Shinji103 2009-10-15 20:11


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 2708329)
^@Shinji103's post

The incredible difference in length... :heh:

Can you imagine trying to find rounds for that thing as Suou? Something tells me the local gunshop owner would be somewhat more worried than usual when a 15 year old girl waltzes in asking for anti-tank ammumnition........... :heh:

And that thing is clearly why she's shown taking trains to travel in the OP. No way you're sneaking that thing on an airplane. :heh:

Zwei 2009-10-15 20:14

She would make a great sidekick for Hei. That's the possibility I'm seeing right now.

Namihana 2009-10-15 20:18

I can see that too, but it looks like this season would be focusing on this new character.

Shinji103 2009-10-15 20:20


Originally Posted by Namihana (Post 2708358)
I can see that too, but it looks like this season would be focusing on this new character.

I agree, and the the cast list indicates this as well. Of course, it's obvious that Hei isn't going to be relegated to being a pointless or support character either.

Namihana 2009-10-15 20:23


Originally Posted by Shinji103 (Post 2708361)
I agree, and the the cast list indicates this as well. Of course, it's obvious that Hei isn't going to be relegated to being a pointless or support character either.

They wouldn't dare. It wouldn't be Darker than Black without BK201. But I can also see some episodes with him being completely absent, or only minor appearances.

Vanehei 2009-10-15 20:47

My good, i loved the episode but.... i dont want a hobo hei all the season... please!!!! ( i want my sexy hei back... clean, and less thinner, he changed the food for alcohol....)

Namihana 2009-10-15 20:53

Btw, was the ED on this episode different from the one last episode? 0.o

Vanehei 2009-10-15 21:13

Yes, the animation wasnt the same, i like this one better....

I rewatch the last scene and i have a feeling
Spoiler for Hei:

UnDeaD 2009-10-15 22:19

Was that Mao's voice that told Suoh to run away near the beginning of the episode?

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