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4Tran 2009-07-09 08:05

Favorite Valkyria Chronicles Characters (as of Episode 14)
Welcome to the Valkyria Chronicles - Favourite Character(s) Poll , the place when you can adorn you favourite characters and support them expressing all of your love!

You can vote for multiple characters all at once in this poll. Your vote is final once you click on the "vote now" tab. You won't be able to comeback and vote a second time for another character. Choose wisely!

The poll is public which means the votes will be visible to everyone!

Thread Rules
  • No campaigning for votes.

    Any post with "Vote for…/Do not vote for..." verbiage will be deleted. Discuss why you do or don’t like characters without campaigning for votes.

  • Do not insult or harass other members for their choices.
    Please remember: this is for fun. Do not take it so seriously that you end up in an argument with another forum member because they express a fondness for a character you loathe. Discussion and good spirited banter is always welcome, but harassing people won’t be tolerated.

  • Have fun, but post intelligently.
    It’s great to have fun, but please try your best to add substance to what you post and make your thoughts interesting for the generation of fans that will follow after you’re long gone and on to watching some other series.

The Chaos 2009-07-09 08:20

voted for :

- Rosie


JagdPanther 2009-07-09 08:47

I don't know if I really have a favorite character in the anime version of VC. Everything is so unlikeable... Even Alicia is just so different.

I guess I have to just go with Varrot. We've hardly seen her, but that means they haven't ruined her yet. Varrot was one of my favorite game characters.

RWBladewing 2009-07-09 08:50

Welkin - I realize this is the anime poll and he's annoyingly air-headed in this version but I couldn't help but vote for him based on the game.

Alicia - See above but replace air-headed with tsundere, though she seems to have reverted to her more normal personality in the last few episodes.

Largo - A nice guy and pretty intelligent despite initially coming off as a jerk.

Edy - Obvious.

Edelweiss - Because it's hilarious having an inanimate object in a favorite characters poll and it'd be even more hilarious if it got more votes than Ramal.

Berthold Gregor - Don't ask.

Radi - I actually really like how the anime has expanded upon his character. You get the impression he might have this personality from the game but you don't really see him enough to know for sure.

Yu Ominae 2009-07-09 10:54

LOL! We can vote for a tank? :D

JagdPanther 2009-07-09 11:12


Originally Posted by RWBladewing (Post 2502564)
Welkin - I realize this is the anime poll and he's annoyingly air-headed in this version but I couldn't help but vote for him based on the game.

Alicia - See above but replace air-headed with tsundere, though she seems to have reverted to her more normal personality in the last few episodes.

Largo - A nice guy and pretty intelligent despite initially coming off as a jerk.

Radi - I actually really like how the anime has expanded upon his character. You get the impression he might have this personality from the game but you don't really see him enough to know for sure.

I think these are good points. I took the poll solely as the anime given the title of "(as of Episode 14)," but if I had to consider the game aspects then my list greatly expands.

Largo really is a good character. He has a little bit of haughtiness early on because of his experience, but you can tell that he pretty much doesn't have a problem with Isara after a very short time and is very quick to try and keep squad members from bickering. Given his age he's sort of like the grandfather of the squad. Him and his love interest are such an incredibly good couple, too (probably would be considered a spoiler so I won't say who).

And then, yes, Radi seems like a good character. I just passed over Jaeger's Blockade (Chapter 17) in my 2nd play through and his cutscene after the battle is really, really good. Definitely a likable enemy.

justinstrife 2009-07-09 19:47

I have to go with Isara and Marina. The anime versions of Welkin and Alicia just leave a lot to be desired to me. It's a shame since they are my favorite in the game.

Foreshadow 2009-07-09 20:17


Cute Pigs always are the best characters in my book <3

I have yet to play the game, (next on my list, after i beat LBP) but Welkin and Alicia's characters are still enjoyable to watch. There seems to be a lot of bias towards them just because they aren't exactly the same as the game.

don_Durandal 2009-07-10 12:23

I tried to vote strictly based on the anime.

Largo's got my vote too. He's a good character and depicted as a nice and trustworthy guy behind his gruff appearance.
Rosie would come second thanks to being the character with the most character development (alright, small game bias there, but that's already starting in the anime too.).
Jaeger for sheer coolness.
Gregor, because he makes for an interesting villain. He's certainly not likeable, but for once we get a villain depicted as smart.
Eleanor Varrot. I would have liked to vote based on the anime there, but she's really lacking screen time.

Too bad there's no minus points available in the poll though. Was itching to throw tomatoes at Ramal's lame existence.

RWBladewing 2009-07-10 12:55


Originally Posted by don_Durandal (Post 2505815)

Too bad there's no minus points available in the poll though. Was itching to throw tomatoes at Ramal's lame existence.

Same, but there is a small consolation in the fact that Gregor (I honestly thought I would be the only person to ever vote for him, heh), a pig, and a non-sentient fighting vehicle all have more votes than him.

justavisitor 2009-07-10 22:56

Well Alicia was one of the main reasons why I decided to watch this series, and so she hasn't disappointed me one bit--the staff draws her well, and I also like her personality somewhat. Therefore, I vote for Alicia only :D

I don't have the game so my vote is 100% based on the anime :heh:

kalbron 2009-07-11 01:52

Voted for the only well done character in the adaption:

The Edelweiss.

Who 2009-07-11 02:15

I'll go by ranking.
Uber tier- Hans, Edelweiss. Hans would get more points if he were able to drive the Edelweiss/use its weapons but that'd be pure ownage; not even Selvaria would be able to top that combo in combat.
Top tier- Welkin cause I think he's pretty likeable even if from what I hear that the game version beats the anime version.
Middle tier- Alicia. She'd get more if I wasn't irritated by her character at certain points. Selvaria cause she doesn't get enough screen time (which isn't a fair point; I should just move her up)
Lower- Gregor. I admit, I like his character, but the reason why I placed him low is because he reminds me of a high school teacher who hated me and I hated him. Rest of the cast is here as well because not enough screen time to properly judge.
Bottom/loltier No one at the moment.

Snowman24 2009-07-12 16:22

Definatly Marina <3, true she doesn't say much but they nailed her character right on in the anime. to this day one of my favorite parts in the anime is...

Spoiler for favorite Marina moment:

Darknemo2000 2009-07-13 01:20

Ramal is bathing in rays of popularity.

jeroz 2009-07-13 01:25


Haruyasha 2009-07-13 05:11

Lets be honest, the only thing Hans is good for is bacon.

Shiroth 2009-07-13 05:14


Originally Posted by don_Durandal (Post 2505815)
I tried to vote strictly based on the anime.

I was gonna do that, but meh, no one on the poll compares to my wonderful Edy.


Originally Posted by kalbron (Post 2507218)
Voted for the only well done character in the adaption:

The Edelweiss.

So true.

klare 2009-07-13 06:19


Originally Posted by Haruyasha (Post 2511615)
Lets be honest, the only thing Hans is good for is bacon.

be careful, Hans type is not consumable to some ppl

i voted for:

- Welkin: a peace loving and strange guy

- Isara: she is just attractive

- Selveria: simply an amazing character, with such little screen time she still manage to steal the show every time she appears

i hope Alicia will get better after eps 14, gan ba de :)

projectsoul 2009-07-13 06:56

My Tanking fiend Radi Jaeger, Welking Gunther, Alicia, Largo Potters, Rosie, Edelweiss, Hans, and Selvaria

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