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Bonzo 2008-12-09 11:43

Code geass R2Remake.
Hello, how written in my introduction etc...I made some manga about anime with a disappointment ending.
Code geass is one of these, a anime series with a very good idea, but totally ruined by marketing, fanservice, trainwrecks, a lot of secondary stories never closed and a lot of questions without answers.
The end of code geass can work, but they closed everything running and a lot of substories aren't close, and o sort of ridicule message "all end well"...

Then I re-written the final part of the story to explain everything or a big percentage of the stuff (I hope) a result is a total remake of episodes 22-23-24-25 of R2.

I changed a lot of things, events, story, thorough characterization, ending....

The chapter 22-23-24 are done, 25 work in progress, so it's time to start the adventure.
I'm sorry about comic language, but to translate it in english is very long, however google work good to translate the baloon:

Chapter 22:
I fixed the pages,

Tomorrow I'll add chapter 23.

Bonzo 2008-12-10 05:38

Chapter 23:

When I'll finish chapter 25, I'll translate it in english.

Bonzo 2008-12-11 05:50

Chapter 24:

Lolipopo 2008-12-11 13:06

Hmm I like it (even if yes, some people aren't able to read italian so to translate it in english should be a good idea)
(Studying Italian during High school wasn't a bad idea it seems...)

Just one thing though, I didn't like the "CC you don't understand blablabla"
No, just no. Lelouch nothing :D

And lol at Elizabeth, it seems it was the more popular name to CC. Now i'm waiting for the next chapter (and for a happy ending if possible :P)

Good job, really.

Bonzo 2008-12-11 13:17

Thanks, about english translation I think to do it when the comic is end.

I hope levy give me a hand.

Lolipopo 2008-12-11 13:44

I didn't even saw chapter 24 O_o
Wow this is by far the better of the three, awesome artistic skills (seriously, this focus on jeremiah, and some of Kallen's expression were really <3333) and really strong moments; Your way to do the end reminds me what some of us were expecting when we didn't knew the end, especially the Jeremiah/Nunnally confrontation.
And this moment where Nunally is putting kallen's hand in his...really cute (just like this shot where Suzaku is bearing her...really really good)

What's up with this topless Kallen though ? Wouldn't it have been better with bands on her chest ? :p
Hurry up for the next chapter ! Seriously, I even saved your chapters on my laptop, I want the end :P

I'll be glad to help but Italian isn't my first language...and even in english I'm not really skilled -_-
But it's clearly necessary, it's a pity that such a few people can understand it.

Tormenk 2008-12-11 14:31

Have to say it was quite the pleasant surprise when I came across this thread. Wasn't expecting such high quality work from random browsing. While I can't quite understand the story(purely due to the fact I'm not familiar with the language :heh:), the effort and thought behind them are clear enough.

Cookie for the great work. :)

Bonzo 2008-12-11 14:33

Well, in Italy I'm enough famous in the comic convenctions, because I reply often more art style to make commission etc...

However, about jeremiah, in my opinion that was the more obvious scene to save nunnally, the original event when she free herself by geass in my opinion was...a bullshit.
About kallen topless, more thought about fanservice, but instead...
If you must heal a wounded person, the first step is toggle clothes, right?
But in a sort of arranged "hospital" do you have time and stuff to give a pajama or a medical shirt? No, it's obvious.

The end is work in progress, I made 4 pages already, I believe the wait will be few, I make 1 page at day (I'm a busy man) but chapter 25 in more short in comparison with 23 and 24.

Levy 2008-12-12 06:13

LOL, ok then, I'd be glad to review your ballons once I'm done with my lab showdown.

Your story is indeed interesting and has some more 'harsh' sides that won't have hurted also in the original series =)
Saving the pages without opening so that I can read it when I'm offline, since here from work I can't have your nekkid girls shown on screen ^^;
And keep up the good work =)

Bonzo 2008-12-19 09:31

Last chapter is 65% complete.

A couple of art to broke the wait:

Bonzo 2008-12-24 17:40

Merry christmas and happy new year!

Kohei_R 2008-12-25 10:47

This comic is incredibly well drawn :O I see very little flaws... incredible. I love it <3


genryou 2008-12-26 11:37

after reading it so far, i assume you dont like how lelouch being labeled as dictator in the end right?

anyway, i,m agree with your that most of the substories aren't close, for example, the origin of geass. At first, i thought it was came from some sort of military research and C.C is one of their succesfull test subject, but then it end up that she obtained the power from a random sister.

incorrupts 2008-12-27 19:27

The part where Lulu supposedly stab his eye to trick the others was genius, i gotta admit. Great work there, looking forward to the last one ~

Bonzo 2009-01-02 11:22

The last chapter will be online 3-4 january.

Bonzo 2009-01-02 11:24


Originally Posted by genryou (Post 2128053)
after reading it so far, i assume you dont like how lelouch being labeled as dictator in the end right?

Not really, the original ending could work, but they made everything running and the result is 50% good and nothing is really solved, the geass exist again.

For to explain everything, to modify the story was obligatory, geass origin, geass influence in the human story, etc...

aahhsin 2009-01-02 22:13

wow oh wow, that's a lot of drawings

Spectacular_Insanity 2009-01-03 02:04

It's not bad, but it lacks a lot of polish. The basic character drawing are pretty good, but the lines are too thin and hard to see. And the backgrounds are more or less nonexistent. Needs some work, but it's a good start.

And I can't read Italian beyond basic grammar, unfortunately. Some of the longer texts' meanings were lost upon me.

However, though I don't necessarily agree with you about CGR2 having a "disappointing ending", I will say that your manga.... adaption.... has some good moments. Only complaint is the drawings (more so in the earlier chapters) don't look lik they're finished completely.

Bonzo 2009-01-03 05:15


Originally Posted by Spectacular_Insanity (Post 2140318)
It's not bad, but it lacks a lot of polish. The basic character drawing are pretty good, but the lines are too thin and hard to see. And the backgrounds are more or less nonexistent. Needs some work, but it's a good start.

And I can't read Italian beyond basic grammar, unfortunately. Some of the longer texts' meanings were lost upon me.

However, though I don't necessarily agree with you about CGR2 having a "disappointing ending", I will say that your manga.... adaption.... has some good moments. Only complaint is the drawings (more so in the earlier chapters) don't look lik they're finished completely.

Well, about quality and backgrounds...I don't use ink and I made 1 page in about 30 minutes, I cut the backgrounds to spare time, they weren't necessary in my opinion.

Bonzo 2009-01-03 15:35

And finally, chapter 25 online.


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