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Calvin329 2010-09-30 18:07


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3272877)

Robot Damashii Jagd Arche and Seravee 3/G spotted, though unsure whether they're planned for release, limited or display only. :heh:

Well, the Jagd Arche, as I recall, was shown a long time ago at another convention. Back then it said it wasn't for sale, it's only a "sample piece".

The Seravee 3/G, however, is new.

So we can't actually confirm whether they're releasing it or not.

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-09-30 18:16

Jagd Arche was NEVER shown at any other convention. I'd know, I keep up with any and all Robot Damashii updates.

This is the first time, it's been shown as an action figure.

Kitaeryu 2010-09-30 21:29


Originally Posted by duotiga (Post 3272933)
but can you make the 00V MS into kits pls???? =x

I agree. I would much rather prefer kits than RD models, mostly because the RD models are much more expensive.

I'm still waiting for my 1/100 7S and other 1/100 00V models.

Speaking of which, I can't help but be annoyed at how the XN Raiser and Full Saber addons don't get regular releases, and sadly not on the 1/100 scale.

I would think that Bandai in its milking schemes would just release variants of the preexisting molds and release them hopefully =]

Calvin329 2010-09-30 23:20


Originally Posted by GN0010 Nosferatu (Post 3273785)
Jagd Arche was NEVER shown at any other convention. I'd know, I keep up with any and all Robot Damashii updates.

This is the first time, it's been shown as an action figure.

I've totally seen it before...

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-09-30 23:57


Originally Posted by Calvin329 (Post 3274200)
I've totally seen it before...

You might of seen a fan made build, one made from scratch. But Bandai hasn't OFFICIALLY produced one before.

LoweGear 2010-10-01 00:25

I think he may have seen that Hobby Japan Jagd Arche scratchbuild, which was shown off along with the other 00V scratchbuilds at a convention once, don't remember which one. It wasn't a Robot Damashii Jagd Arche though.

LoweGear 2010-10-01 09:32

Ngeekhiong Blogspot Closing Down


Originally Posted by Ngeekhiong
Earlier this year I was hoping that this blog of mine would last longer than Gunota Headlines, and just a few days ago when I announced that I'm reviewing my interest to continue the blog, I was still hanging on to the idea that I could do that, but the answer was very clear since a long time ago, going on like this till March next year will be a dragging pain for me for another 6 months.

So, my greatest apology to my friends, loyal readers, frequent visitors and friends of this blog, I would like to formally announce that this blog, Ngee Khiong will end today (October 1st). There will be another posting coming up, a very long writeup on the decision to quit,which I pondered since September last year, coming up after this to provide some justification to this harsh outcome. In between this and that upcoming posting, there will be no more updates on hobby related news - something I need to remind myself of as well (bitter smile ^^;)

In before that posting, I would like to thank everyone who visit my blog. I understand that there are many people who read my blog "intensely" - several times a day. I thank you for that. And I thank all the forums, websites and blogs who linked to mine on certain news, and I would also like to give my biggest thanks to all the forums and websites, first Gunota Headlines before it closed in 2008, then Toysdaily, CyberGundam, ToyWorld Forum, Futaba Imageboard, Muso's Photo Album and many other Japanese hobby websites that you can find from the links I posted in all my previous postings. I do believe that the people who run those sites are far more respectable than me, because they get the news faster than I do, but they always go low profile, unsung heroes that they are. My thanks to all of them, and many others I can't list out here for the great news all these years.

I would also like to thank all the people who sent me emails regarding my decision to close the blog since the announcement. Thank you for your concern. I hope the next posting will answer all your questions about this decision to quit.

Lastly, in before that last posting of this blog, I would like to clear off some guesses as to why the sudden end. It's not about having no time to maintain it; not about having other priorities or work; definitely not about money. The truth is, I'm extremely disappointed with the development of the Gundam and Gunpla community as I see it now, so tired I don't want to share my interest in Gundam and Gunpla anymore on this blog. I used to think that things would be better with more timely information on various products and news, but the segregation, discrimination and general perception of many so-called Gundam and Gunpla fans is worse than 5 years ago, despite my effort of showing objectivity in whatever I say through the blog, and I don't want to be part of this anymore. Fact: I have all the time and energy in the world to update my blog - just see how many posting I did last month, but I have zero intention to do so now. I will shut up about anything about Gundam from now on, except through emails and comments on some of my friends' blogs.

I will discuss about all that displeasure in the next posting, but before that, maybe you would like to think about some of these issues as well:
- "UC fans", "Gundam SEED & SEED Destiny fans", "Gundam UC fans", Gundam fans
- Pirated Gunplas
- What is the value of your Gunpla in your life?
- Websites seeking publicity, profit, hits and visitor number over real interest in Gundam and related hobby.

Gunota Headlines closed down graciously, but I don't think I can have that luxury. ^^; The next posting is going to be a great bashing on many people, as least that's how I envisioned it to be. But the bottom line is, this is the end of this blog. Thank you.

First Gunota, and now Ngeekhiong... goddamnit, where are we going to go for news now?!

duotiga 2010-10-01 10:03

super robot war news....but with limited gunpla news headlines

BurningChaos 2010-10-01 10:04


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3274724)
Ngeekhiong Blogspot Closing Down

First Gunota, and now Ngeekhiong... goddamnit, where are we going to go for news now?!

I understand him, His reasons are valid enough for me.

I know the feeling of someone that done his best but in the end sees no progress for what he have done for and instead ended up disappointed and discouraged. I know some people will say, "I already gave credits to him" but this is not enough. Some people only take what he posted for granted and for credits but doesn't really value them at all. It can be basically called as "leeching", Although leeching for good use and with seeking progress on the leeched subject is valid, L\leeching and not giving importance to the leeched subject is very disappointing and discouraging. This leads the person to be discouraged and disappointed because the person that always do his best seeks enough gratitude and progress for his work and effort. However, Some people still continue not to value his effort and work and that they don't continue to progress the work of the person. Although some of the posters of news from his blog give credits to him, Still the subject/news posted is not talked about much.

justsomeguy 2010-10-01 10:05

I suppose he's tired of the bashing among different groups of fans too. Legitimate criticism of things like plot have devolved into people referring to others as "UCfags" or "Seedfags," etc.

On the plus side, I'll be able to save more money if I'm not aware of new product releases.

SonicSP 2010-10-01 10:14


Originally Posted by Kitaeryu (Post 3274036)
I would think that Bandai in its milking schemes would just release variants of the preexisting molds and release them hopefully =]

The problem is, Anno Domini 1/100 scale does not sell generally AFAIK.

Hell, look at 00 Qan(T) its getting an MG release before we heard a peep about the 1/100. I'm not sure whether any model have gotten a 1/100 after getting an MG. (though I could be wrong) And if theoretically 00Q does not get a 1/100, I don't think it bodes well to the other 3.


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3274724)
Ngeekhiong Blogspot Closing Down

First Gunota, and now Ngeekhiong... goddamnit, where are we going to go for news now?!

Ask the dude where he got it from.......?

Oh well, I guess we should thank him for all the contributions. I'm sure we don't do it as often as we should. so I'll say it now, THANKKKSSSS from a fellow Malaysian dude!!!

BurningChaos 2010-10-01 10:22


Originally Posted by justsomeguy (Post 3274782)
I suppose he's tired of the bashing among different groups of fans too. Legitimate criticism of things like plot have devolved into people referring to others as "UCfags" or "Seedfags," etc.

I forgot that one O_O...

RAVNEN 2010-10-01 11:34

Hopefully NK does'nt close his EX blog, it has tons of Gunpla tips in it. Here really want to see him finish the 1/100 Legend Gundam.

solidvanz 2010-10-01 11:34


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 3274724)
Ngeekhiong Blogspot Closing Down

First Gunota, and now Ngeekhiong... goddamnit, where are we going to go for news now?!

Well, like the old say, everything will come to end. I thought he will close down his blog next year. Alas, he has his own reason for that decision. So, everyone must respect and appreciate what he has done for 5 years for the net community.

Anyway, from 2chan:

LightningZERO 2010-10-01 11:38

There's still Cybergundam blog

SonicSP 2010-10-01 12:16

GN-008RE Seravee Gundam II scratchbuild

Credit homelessgirl

Kuroi Hadou 2010-10-01 14:40


Originally Posted by SonicSP (Post 3274985)
GN-008RE Seravee Gundam II scratchbuild

Credit homelessgirl

That looks really good. Goddammit Bandai, I want my HG Seravee II.:bash:

EDIT: So are the beam sabers stored in the arms like the original Seravee?

SonicSP 2010-10-01 16:04

I think so.

GrimmReaperNL 2010-10-01 16:37

so only semi model related.

now that ngeekhiong died, a blog i used to check multiple times a day (i know.. i know.). What would be the next best thing? anyone have any suggestions?

GN0010 Nosferatu 2010-10-01 17:14

I'm gonna miss Ngee, you seriously have no idea.

If not for that site, my return to Gundam would of never happened. His blog helped me get back into the program.

I know it's a futile hope, but...I hope he one day changes his mind.

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