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Kairin 2016-04-30 13:43

Macross Delta - Episode 5 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Macross Delta, Episode 5.

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konart 2016-05-01 08:53

Spoiler for Cameo:

charles883 2016-05-01 08:55


Mikobun 2016-05-01 09:06


Stark700 2016-05-01 09:25

That was....well interesting I guess.


charles883 2016-05-01 09:46

Man, there a lot of world building concerning Windemere kingdom.

Tak 2016-05-01 09:56


Originally Posted by Mikobun (Post 5842693)

Having not seen the episode, is she singing My boyfriend is a pilot? Or My boyfriend is a backup dancer? Or My Prince is shota Jailbait? :heh:

- Tak

charles883 2016-05-01 09:57

It seems that old king once a ace pilot and seems that the King , Captain Johnson and Arad once close friend

Gravitas Free Zone 2016-05-01 10:05

OMG gimmegimmegimme


charles883 2016-05-01 10:14

Also next episode is going to be epic true dogfight Between VF

ReddyRedWolf 2016-05-01 10:16


azarhal 2016-05-01 10:57

An info dump episode. :cool:

Spoiler for ep6 preview:

D-Joe 2016-05-01 11:08


Originally Posted by Mikobun (Post 5842693)

Spoiler for Well:

Tak 2016-05-01 11:08

Now, having seen the episode...

Spoiler for Hmm:

Alright, so Windermere is nothing more than an upstart with... I dunno, nothing of importance that could warrant as a threat to the NUNS, save for being an amplifier for the VAR virus.

I really want to see how and why the NUNS is putting up with this. :heh:

- Tak

Saint X 2016-05-01 11:41


Originally Posted by Mikobun (Post 5842693)

need to make it into a meme again... "haters gonna hate" perhaps?


Originally Posted by Gravitas Free Zone (Post 5842742)
OMG gimmegimmegimme


Spoiler for No wonder.:

Gravitas Free Zone 2016-05-01 11:48


Originally Posted by Saint X (Post 5842814)
Spoiler for No wonder.:

While there's a few bits of that other Sv in there, details in the tail and the inlets look much more like...


AkitoW013 2016-05-01 11:57

Nice episode, I really loved the DYRL Max and Milia cameo and Messer is so edgy, can Keith satisfy his thirst?:D

Saint X 2016-05-01 12:06


Originally Posted by Gravitas Free Zone (Post 5842820)
While there's a few bits of that other Sv in there, details in the tail and the inlets look much more like...


If you can imagine a bit, you can actually compress the SV-51's workings into a profile similar to that of the Starfighter, giving us this (recently retired) predecessor to their draken. They must have thought that "oooh this tail so looks like a shield, we must use it!"

I'm wondering how in flying seacats would a Lightning or a Mig-21 based VF would be.

Gravitas Free Zone 2016-05-01 12:38


Originally Posted by Saint X (Post 5842840)
If you can imagine a bit, you can actually compress the SV-51's workings into a profile similar to that of the Starfighter, giving us this (recently retired) predecessor to their draken. They must have thought that "oooh this tail so looks like a shield, we must use it!"

I'm wondering how in flying seacats would a Lightning or a Mig-21 based VF would be.

Funny part about using the EE Lighting, MiG-21, or F-104 is that all of them are that most basic of airplane shapes, a tube with wings.

I could see a little SV-51 lineage in the VF in the picture, but only in the wings. Everything else about the design screams F-104 at me, and it's a great historical reference overall, because the other major design choice of the Saab Draken and the F-104 is that both were single engine, an effect duplicated in their variable fighter analogues, and markedly different from the F-14/Su-27 style of twin widely-separated engines as copied by the VF-n series and the SV-51.

The Battroid mode looking like the SV-51 I can understand. I'm hammering on the F-104 comparison because this single picture of an old Windermere fighter confirms to me that Kawamori and the design team really thought out a way to make Windermere's aircraft unique and distinct and did it through a particular aeronautical history choice, which is awesome.

Tak 2016-05-01 13:01

Or basically the NUNS dropped a Macross on Windies... :heh:

- Tak

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