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Kairin 2014-12-13 02:32

Sword Art Online II - Episode 23 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Sword Art Online II, Episode 23.

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Stark700 2014-12-13 10:05

Aww, a daughter and a mother's love <3

Kinda curious to see how the show will wrap up with all the developments from the latest episode.

Flower 2014-12-13 12:18

Now that...I enjoyed that.

Good on the whole, and pretty touching at times too without being hamfisted.

8/10 from me for this ep. :)

RandChua 2014-12-13 12:25

The way they handled asuna and her mother in this episode was good. We can better understand her mother's PoV and relate it better to how our parents are also roughly the same at certain points of our life when we were growing up.

Here's hoping the next episode will end with a bang!

Benigmatica 2014-12-13 12:40

Another "DEM FEELS" trip... I'm glad that Asuna mustered her courage to patch her relationship with her mother!

On the other hand, it's sad that next week will end the second season of Sword Art Online. :(

DOmus 2014-12-13 12:41

Pretty good, now only the final chapter left
I still have hopes that 3 season would be announced at the end of the next week

ookamigirl 2014-12-13 12:59


Spoiler for plot:

Faerie 2014-12-13 13:57

Well. :heh: So much for the mom is unreasonable and mean and a golddigger or whatever people wanted to claim about her.
That lady is not just awesome but perfectly easy to reason with. Only thing is, she's a bad communicator. So what? Runs in the family.

Pretty good ep, liked it also because it toned down the over-the-top sadness a bit. This season went by pretty fast.

The Green One 2014-12-13 14:53

Mom and Daughter were able to reach an understanding, glad to see them reconnect even if it's only on this level.

HandofFate 2014-12-13 16:06

Anyone know more about "The Truck" story bit that was read in part this episode?
What's the story and morale of it about, and does it have some meaning in this story arc?

ChampDream 2014-12-13 16:39

a lot of nice moments in this episode between Asuna and her mother, it was alos nice seeing Yuuki go to school.

Wandering Soul 2014-12-13 17:00

It was nice to see Asuna and her mother finally have an understanding and properly communicate with each other. Yuuki getting to attend school and see her old home again was nice too.

Netto Azure 2014-12-13 17:38

Nice episode. Yuuki teasing Asuna about marrying her xD

Awesome take on the mother-daughter bonding session. Seems the Mom just wants what's best for her daughter in her own way.

larethian 2014-12-13 21:49


Originally Posted by HandofFate (Post 5369410)
Anyone know more about "The Truck" story bit that was read in part this episode?
What's the story and morale of it about, and does it have some meaning in this story arc?

It's a short story used in teaching curriculum in some middle schools (literature I suppose?). The original story apparently talks about a kid seeing into the world of adults (mainly hardship related). There's a movie based on it though not exactly the same. Some English info on the movie:

Note that I merely dug up some info and don't know anything more than that.

nooneagain 2014-12-13 21:51

I was never able to shed a tear during previous eps....but I was close to crying this ep....the ep. in S1 where sachi died and the ep where Asuna "died" were the closest to make me cry. hopefully by next eps I will feel it again.

relentlessflame 2014-12-14 01:42

I would like to remind novel readers (or people who have been spoiled) to not leave any sort of comments or hints about what to expect next week. Posts that made such comments were edited or removed and may result in bans. No hints means none.

(Anyway, that aside, I'll probably come back later and post my thoughts about the episode, but briefly, it was really well done.)

Benigmatica 2014-12-14 01:58

While it's a nice episode seeing both mother and daughter making a reconciliation and bonding, I have a feeling that Kyouko won't accept Kazuto just yet.

As for next week's finale, I'm hoping that Yuuki Konno will leave the world of the living without a single regret!

FlareKnight 2014-12-14 02:01

That was a good episode. Had its own emotional impact, even if I think the last episode had a bit more.

At least Yuuki gave Asuna the confidence and motivation to take the fight to her mother. She just had to find the place and moment to go all out. Not a bad tactic at all to use her grandparents. The one weak spot that came up when it came to that woman was her own parents. Nothing like a comparison in that Asuna's grandparents supported their daughter in the path she chose for her life while protecting a place for her if she ever got tired of it. So a good reason that Asuna's own mother should follow that example and stop trying to force her daughter to live the life she wants her to live. Not to mention going at it from the sense that she wants to be that kind of supportive person who can bring smiles to the lives of those around her. No better way to hit home that she has her own aspirations and intentions.

Nothing wrong with how her mother chose to live her life. Worked her way to prominence, married within that circle, and has continued onward and upward. But, that doesn't mean there aren't other ways to live. Nothing wrong with the logic that Asuna should go as far as possible so she can be the kind of person she wants to be. That's a fair stance in comparison to what we got earlier on.

zero7090 2014-12-14 02:06

Is it just me or moe loli Asuna is just moe-er? oh wait i am a lolicon every loli is moe.

Random Wanderer 2014-12-14 02:49


Originally Posted by Netto Azure (Post 5369495)
Nice episode. Yuuki teasing Asuna about marrying her xD

If only it could happen... :( They're so wonderful together.

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