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arias 2006-08-24 15:13

the "Currently Playing" thread.
Alright little bobos, I thought we gamers would want to post abit about the games we're currently working on :D I wanted to make it an RPG thread but that could probably be too narrow a subject field. So just bold the title of the game you're playing and talk a little about it if you wish.

I'm actually playing Final Fantasy Tactics for the original Playstation now :twitch: , and I'm finding it to have an awesome plot. It's quite enjoyable playing it too, despite some flaws. The battles take incredibly long, random enemies everywhere are match-levelled to your strongest character. So far I've put 21 hours into it and am halfway through the game.. I'm more interested in the plot than anything else, but I haven't used a strategy guide yet because I power-levelled my characters and am breezing through the regular plot.

It has a wonderful story, maybe overly dense for a game, but one which is to be expected from Yasumi Matsuno (Vagrant Story, Orge Battle, FFXII). It's still one of the best plots I've experienced in an RPG so far though. Loving it :D

Apart from that I did abit of Star Ocean 3 but found it rather horrible : o I am new to the series and the battle system is really complicated at first sight. The pace of the game in the first 2 hours is awfully slow, and so far the plot fails to intrigue, along with the annoying character animations/voice-acting which aren't to my taste. So I've decided to put it away since I can't spare too much time on games..

So what are you guys working on now?

Js2756 2006-08-24 15:47

Currently working on:

Suikoden II - just recently got into the Suikoden series, and I want to play them in order. Beat Suikoden earlier in the summer. Tons of variety in terms of characters, but I hate getting stuck with really crappy guys like Freed Y.

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness - I sort of put this one on hold awhile back, so I've gone back to play it again.

Megaman X Collection - Mainly for nostalgia reasons, as I've already beaten all the games on the disk when they were releaseed individually (except for the bad racing game). Still have 5 and 6 to beat, and if I feel like it, 4 using X.

Megaman X8 - Another game that I dropped a long time ago, but am replaying again. Not as good or as fluid as the older games.

Vampire Saviour - The best fighting game that rarely anybody plays. I play this just to burn time. If I don't feel like this, I'll dab into the Street Fighter world, usually Alpha 3.

FFTactics is easily my favourite FF game on the PSX. Just incredibly fun. Once you get used to the battle system of Star Ocean: Til the End of Time, it's not bad, except that the AI is incredibly stupid and so will get your uncontrolled characters killed over and over again.

ReAn 2006-08-24 16:45

- Sin Episodes: Episode One Fun use of Physics in a pseudo-futuristic world.
- World of Warcraft Duh... one of the most well put together MMORPGs yet. Content is lacking, but the engine, flexability, features & combat system keep me playing.
- EVE Online Fun little MMO, a tad slow but really nice graphics.

Rengemaru 2006-08-24 17:06

Mainly FF11 online but also playing Fire Emblum and Golden Sun 2

Ryuu-Odjn 2006-08-24 17:16

Currently it's a Tales of... fest for me, playing both Tales of Destiny II and Tales of the Abyss.

Destiny II is great fun, with a good battle system. The 2D is well done to me. It's freaking hard though, alot harder than any of the other Tales games I've played. The battle system is just too geared towards magic damage, whilst the player is focused on physical attacks. I wonder how much of the remake of Destiny I will resemble it's sequel.

Abyss is easily one of my favourite games, despite not knowing much Japanese. The battles are great fun and are possibly my favourite in an RPG. The designs are great, the voice over is amazing, with Anise and Jade being the best sounding. The dungeons can get alittle annoying with some puzzles, but that's almost a standard feature of any jRPG. Currently on the third playthrough and maybe onto the fourth soon :heh:

I've got quite the backlog sitting around, which currently includes Tales of Legendia, Atelier Iris, Zwei!! and Sakura Taisen V. I may also actually try to finish Kingdom Hearts at some point, if I didn't dislike it so much :heh:

OutPhase 2006-08-24 17:38

The "trying to clear V on another" game, I mean, IIDX 7th style and 9th style.

mokoi 2006-08-24 18:41

Currently playing: Shadow Hearts 2 it's fun & so far is alot better than 3.

arias 2006-08-24 18:44


Originally Posted by mokoi
Currently playing: Shadow Hearts 2 it's fun & so far is alot better than 3.

That's what I heard. SH2: Convenant was pretty good.. although it wasn't as good as FFX for me, unlike what alot of gamers seem to think. I won't spoil it for you so I won't talk about it any further.. but I'll tell you that the town music theme with the laid back electric guitar was one of the incredible pieces on that soundtrack :upset: :D I was blown away by it the first time it played, and only later found out that it was composed by Yasunori Mitsuda (that track only).

Is SH3 that bad, though? I'm wanting to play a solid, story-driven but not-too-taxing (read: random-battle-rich) RPG but I think I've run out of good games in my possession. Just sitting and waiting for Okami, .hack and FFXII..

Zhemos 2006-08-24 20:12

Playing Wild arms 4 right now. I just started it, and so far It's a blast.

Varion 2006-08-24 20:16


Originally Posted by Js2756
Suikoden II - just recently got into the Suikoden series, and I want to play them in order. Beat Suikoden earlier in the summer. Tons of variety in terms of characters, but I hate getting stuck with really crappy guys like Freed Y.

Suiko 2 :D Yeah, you'll probably get a bit more enjoyment out of them playing them in order, especially the first 2. On the other hand, people's opinions vary greatly when it comes to 3 and 4 (personally, I skipped them). 5, on the other hand, must not be skipped under any circumstances. Only game I've ever played, took 50 hours to do so dedicating most of my days to it, then the day after finishing booted it up again and played it through again to get all the stars. Really want to play it again too >_>

Anyway, currently playing a nice mix of games, including Xanadu Next, which is a PC action RPG by Falcom mostly mouse-controlled with some simple but effective music, decent difficulty and fair character customisation. Not the best game ever, but plenty of fun. Also Langrisser II for the megadrive, which is a great strategy RPG that's really old but lasts pretty well in terms of gameplay. No towns or anything, just money you accumulate between battles to spend hiring troops for each of your generals or spending on weapons and armour, and finally Lunar : Silver Star Story Complete for the playstation, which I should've played years ago but finally am. Simple and not altogether fun battles but a reasonable difficulty level, good music and a great script = fun classic RPG.

Kamui4356 2006-08-24 20:19


Originally Posted by arias
Apart from that I did abit of Star Ocean 3 but found it rather horrible : o I am new to the series and the battle system is really complicated at first sight. The pace of the game in the first 2 hours is awfully slow, and so far the plot fails to intrigue, along with the annoying character animations/voice-acting which aren't to my taste. So I've decided to put it away since I can't spare too much time on games..

I'd suggest you spend a bit more time on it. Once you get the hang of the battle system, it's one of, if not the best of any rpg series out there. Though the plot, it does get better, but still I suppose you'd have to be a fan of the series. It never reaches great.

As for what I'm playing now, I just started another mmorpg, flyff. There's a link in the anime mmorpg suggestions thread. Apart from that, nothing really.

I haven't been playing console games lately, as my ps2 died a while ago. I have 3 or 4 games sitting on my shelf that I haven't been able to play, and about 7 more I'd like to pick up...:heh:

Varion 2006-08-24 20:30


Originally Posted by Kamui4356
I'd suggest you spend a bit more time on it. Once you get the hang of the battle system, it's one of, if not the best of any rpg series out there. Though the plot, it does get better, but still I suppose you'd have to be a fan of the series. It never reaches great.

Hm, didn't see that bit. Definitely agree with this though, although I remember picking up the battle system quite quickly. If you play with it a bit more and still don't like it then you may as well give up, as the plot never becomes anything fantastic and as for the ending... well, I've heard of it being referred to as 'the biggest change since the menopause' and I'm inclined to agree. Probably my second favourite battle system in any game second to Grandia 3 though, plenty of things you can do (like knocking enemies into the air, backflipping a few times then slashing them on the way down... that never got old) and the 3D battlefield makes it a lot more interesting than the comparatively limited battle systems of the Tales series. Loved the music too, but the voice acting really isn't very good though, so turn that off sharpish. Still haven't got round to playing any of the other games in the series myself :)

arias 2006-08-24 20:42


Originally Posted by Valdra
and finally Lunar : Silver Star Story Complete for the playstation, which I should've played years ago but finally am. Simple and not altogether fun battles but a reasonable difficulty level, good music and a great script = fun classic RPG.

I've heard Suiko II is the best of them all. Which is why I have it ready to play in the future, along with Breath of Fire IV, Front Mission III and Kartia.. all for the Playstation :D

As for Lunar: SSS, I don't even remember whether I completed the game. I think I reached the final dungeon and didn't feel spurred on to complete it.. regardless, it is quite a classic RPG. There is nothing inventive or innovative in it when you play as a modern gamer, but I suspect it was quite great in its time and that RPGs thereafter did take it as a prototype, lending its elements to build on.

For some reason, I still have a great liking for reasonably high-resolution 2D RPGs (Chrono Trigger is an exception despite being low-res). Perhaps the pixel art reflects an anime style more than anything else, and I'm hopeful that some future games will continue to utilize pixel art! : O It's painstaking work, but I really like its aesthetic presentation.


Originally Posted by Kamui4356
I'd suggest you spend a bit more time on it. Once you get the hang of the battle system, it's one of, if not the best of any rpg series out there. Though the plot, it does get better, but still I suppose you'd have to be a fan of the series. It never reaches great.

Then I'll probably not play it :heh: Reason being, as much as I like fighting in the BS of RPGs, I can't spend that much time on it these days. Digital Devil Saga was an exception because it was so darn fresh and good, so I bore through that game despite its ridiculously high and hard (for modern standards) random battles. I've heard the SO3 battle system being lauded, and I've seen my brother play SO2 and it looked really dynamic.. but I wish they had a more gradual learning curve for beginners. The tutorial presented in the beginning of the game taught ALOT with little tiny fonts..

I got through the battles in the first two hours fine, but somehow felt unsatisfied. Perhaps one day I'll pick it up again.. I reallllly like parts of its music though. The one I love most is the save game theme (?). It's like elevator music, but oh so good.. :D

C.A. 2006-08-24 20:54

I just ended a 7 hour SRW Alpha 3 session, its my 5th newgame+ round. I'm on chapter 57 now and my total number of turns till the end of this stage will be 224 turns. My target is completing this newgame+ round under 250 turns.

After completing this round I'll still have to go on a 6th round to finally complete the mecha collection and fully completing the game(All mechs and characters collected/unlocked, all stages cleared, all bonus stages finished).

My first play was with Kusuha, 2nd Cobray (Hard Mode), 3rd Selena (Special Mode), 4th Touma (Special Mode), 5th(this round) Kusuha (Special Mode), 6th(next round) Cobray (Special Mode).

Something extra, you may want to read if you're a SRW Alpha 3 player, its a post of mine on HF forum's 'What's the best accomplishment you've ever done in a video game?' thread. My greatest achievement for Alpha 3, 1387 kills in 7 turns, chapter 53:

Varion 2006-08-24 21:11


Originally Posted by arias
I've heard Suiko II is the best of them all. Which is why I have it ready to play in the future, along with Breath of Fire IV, Front Mission III and Kartia.. all for the Playstation :D

As for Lunar: SSS, I don't even remember whether I completed the game. I think I reached the final dungeon and didn't feel spurred on to complete it.. regardless, it is quite a classic RPG. There is nothing inventive or innovative in it when you play as a modern gamer, but I suspect it was quite great in its time and that RPGs thereafter did take it as a prototype, lending its elements to build on.

For some reason, I still have a great liking for reasonably high-resolution 2D RPGs (Chrono Trigger is an exception despite being low-res). Perhaps the pixel art reflects an anime style more than anything else, and I'm hopeful that some future games will continue to utilize pixel art! : O It's painstaking work, but I really like its aesthetic presentation.

I wouldn't argue with anyone who said Suiko 2 was the best, though I still have more love for 5 for some reason. I'd strongly recommend you play Suiko 1 before 2 though, seen as in many ways it's a direct sequel (although it's not focused around the same hero you do recruit many of the same characters and it's nice to know them already, Viktor and Flik especially). Pretty much the only complaint I could level at Suiko 2 was the major battles were pretty meh. The first game's were simple but fun even if it was just basically a game of rock-paper-scissors. The second game's on the other hand is more like a typical strategy RPG except it's way too random and only any fun if you're some kind of masochist. 5 easily has the best major battles, it's kind of like a miniature Age of Empires style game where you allocate heroes to lead each regiment/fleet of ships which gives them bonuses and spells, then move your units across the map and make them attack each other with certain types being strong against others. Plus the music's a fantastic remix of the first game's major battle music that was a huuge nostalgia trip :) It was the first game I ever bought the OST for and I still don't regret it.

I think everything Lunar stands for really lies in execution to be honest, I don't think it was even innovative for its time. Still, it's got many a genuinely funny moment, the music's great and it's got a very classic feel to it, so I like it :) Probably not as much as people who played it years ago though, I always feel like I'm missing something when they talk about it :p Maybe I'm just not far enough in. As for art, anything works for me so long as it's not cel-shading. God I hate cel-shading :heh:

The SO3 tutorial is useless though. Seriously, I just skimmed through it, learned basically nothing and picked it up later by way of 'ooo this makes me do a cool aerial flip, I'll use that more'. Sakuraba's music tends to be better liked by people who haven't played most of the games he's composed for, because he doesn't vary his style much. Still, I loved SO3's stuff, especially one of the battle themes at the very end of the first disc. Shame they only used that track, what, twice? Oh well...

sedukshun 2006-08-24 21:16

im playin flyff
and abit of habbohotel <--ahahah

arias 2006-08-24 21:20

I'm well aware of the link between Suikoden II and Suikoden I.. I've completed the first game, and my brother completed the second (but I didn't sit through with him so I don't know the plot at all). However, I played and completed Suiko I when I was about 13 years old.. so I'm betting I won't remember much of it :heh:

Cel shading isn't that bad :p I think some games pull it off remarkably well. Look out for Rogue Galaxy.. that one could work.

Varion 2006-08-24 21:37


Originally Posted by arias
I'm well aware of the link between Suikoden II and Suikoden I.. I've completed the first game, and my brother completed the second (but I didn't sit through with him so I don't know the plot at all). However, I played and completed Suiko I when I was about 13 years old.. so I'm betting I won't remember much of it :heh:

Cel shading isn't that bad :p I think some games pull it off remarkably well. Look out for Rogue Galaxy.. that one could work.

Probably not >_> You'd probably be fine if you knew the basics considering you mentioned not having much time though. If you remember who the first hero was and who Viktor and Flik were you'd probably still enjoy it anyway. No previous experience required to acknowledge Luca owns. Glad you have anyway, at least my comment about major battles probably made sense.

In all fairness Rogue Galaxy doesn't look that bad (though I had to look it up because I've never heard of it) because they still seem to have put quite a bit of detail in to it. A lot of the time it just seems to be used as some way to make the game look 'different' when little to no effort's actually been put in. Ever played Tales of Symphonia? The opening video's a beautiful anime-styled cutscene then it just seems to drop and drop. Oh well, hopefully the PS3/Wii generation will bring in something else.


Originally Posted by sedukshun
and abit of habbohotel <--ahahah

Must...resist...urge... to...make...pool...joke...

uLTraCarL- 2006-08-24 23:36

Just played some Mushihimesama
Digicam ran out of memory, but I got to level 5, 2nd form of the last boss.
My highest score so far 197,492,548

Daniel E. 2006-08-24 23:39

Currently playing Breath of Fire IV. It's hardly my favorite from the series, but I decided to play it again just for the heck of it. :p

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