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4Tran 2008-05-21 11:27

Macross Frontier - Episode 08 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Macross Frontier, Episode 08.

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herbert 2008-05-21 19:55

First to post.

No beforehand flaming on animation quality since all needed to say are already said.

Only one thing.

Sheryl!!! I need more Sheryl!!!

Westlo 2008-05-21 20:00

The content in this episode appears to be Sherylicious!

Cadorna 2008-05-21 20:17

Yeah, i want to know why alto has a WTF face

Tsuchiro 2008-05-21 20:25

might be getting made fun of by mikhail again

Wild Goose 2008-05-21 20:42

More likely it's a "WTF what are you doing here and why is God screwing with my life again" face. :P

Westlo 2008-05-21 20:44


Originally Posted by Cadorna (Post 1607268)
Yeah, i want to know why alto has a WTF face

*tries to resist saying that Alto saw the aniamtion quality for this episode*

Seeing Sheryl or getting teased by Michael again, probably the later.

dodgethis_sg 2008-05-21 20:58

Panty-less Sheryl tiem! Reminds me of one of the chief scriptwriter's previous works, Mai Hime, with Natsuki and her missing panty antics :D Was it episode 8 as well?

SymphonicRain 2008-05-21 22:02

Hopefully some scenes gets to be redrawned in the DVD edition. Just by the preview itself, some shots certainly looks out of place and definitely not drawn by the Manila studios upon closer inspection.

encia 2008-05-22 02:36


Originally Posted by dodgethis_sg (Post 1607339)
Panty-less Sheryl tiem! Reminds me of one of the chief scriptwriter's previous works, Mai Hime, with Natsuki and her missing panty antics :D Was it episode 8 as well?

My-HIME Ep04 "Mischief of the Wind" ("Kaze no Itazura"). Didn't anyone notice the similarities with the small green creature in MF Ep08's preview and My-Hime Ep04?

Panty-less incidents also occurred in My Otome where Arika was running around the school without any panties.

There are other similarities with chief scriptwriter's previous My-Hime work e.g. orange colored school uniform, woman’s jewellery (an ear ring in both mai-otome and macross frontier) with special features.

Julao 2008-05-22 09:31

does alto still have sheryl's earring???

StratoSpear 2008-05-22 09:42


Originally Posted by Julao (Post 1608120)
does alto still have sheryl's earring???

Doesn't look like it... He ditched his VF-25 as it goes up, along with the earring... There goes Gilliam's Messiah....

squaresphere 2008-05-22 10:30

We don't know for sure if he grab it on the way out or not.

as for his WTF face, it makes total sense when he finds out that both Ranaka and Sheryl will be at this school. Don't for get there are probably "rumors" going around that he's going out with Sheryl (ie two girls over heard Michel say Alto and Sheryl kissed).

KiNA 2008-05-22 11:29

Haha.. carrot girl :p

Alto WTF face #1 when Ranka registered in his class .


Renegade334 2008-05-22 11:45

Macross Frontier episode 08
Spoiler for 2chan thread for Macross F ep08:
- Do NOT spread the 2chan link.
- If you want to quote my post, then please ERASE THE URL.
- If you want to (re)post screenshots from 2chan, then reload them on Imageshack and kindly supply the new links. In other words, do NOT hotlink.
When the short-lived 2chan threads get junked along with their contents (meaning: the screenshots), the broken urls lead the user to a pageful of adult advertisements, a type of content that goes against Animesuki's policy on inappropriate material.

I'll erase the URL in a few hours (at least until the first raw appears you-know-where) so, if you want to visit the page later on, save my link somewhere (in your bookmarks, whatever) while it's still up.

Notes: average screencap quality is dreadful...sigh. If I find more threads, i'll edit this post and add them to the list.

EDIT: link junked. Please visit Random Curiosity's coverage of this episode for screencaps and a summary instead.

glyph 2008-05-22 11:51

LOL, Luca has a sordid imagination.

AlaAlba 2008-05-22 11:52


Originally Posted by Julao (Post 1608120)
does alto still have sheryl's earring???

no, sheryl angry because of it on this eps :D

Spoiler for sheryl:

KiNA 2008-05-22 11:53

Ahaha.. fun episode lol. Pretty fun episode :D

Brera's is in frontier. Showed up when Ranka singing. Ep end with Sheryl joins hime's class.

And it really seems that he lost the earing in that fight last episode.

Poor Luca, Sheryl totally trashed his Samson :D

dodgethis_sg 2008-05-22 11:54

Voting time!

10/10 for great filler and some humour.


Tabris 2008-05-22 12:12


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