Gogg are fairly simple, but that's still a fast build time :p
Skilled and/or very experienced modeler can assemble their Hg kit in 4-7 hour average, lines included. I completed my fastest build that is SD Dendrobium, the main body alone took 1.5 hour, the entire assembly was like 3 hour. Yesterday took me 6-7 hour to assemble a Tieren Taozi, and Sinanju took about 11 to 13 hour total with accessories. And since I like to paint my model... |
For example I can just cut cut cut, not caring where or how it looks then put everything together OR I can cut like you typically would, which is cut away from the piece leaving a bit of the nub behind, then after that cutting flush on the piece surface for a neater cut and end result (no parts sticking out like in case 1), then put it all together And of course everyone works at different speeds based on preference and time, then there is the factor of which kit is being built So times can vary from 1 to about 5 hours tops with these two methods, which is about as simple as it gets |
4 hours is really fast!
I was making two Ex-S kits, way back since November 2013, and they're still not completed because I absolutely hated making the backpacks and guns. I still don't know when I'll pick it back up. Now, I'm making an AGE-FX Burst, and after making the stand and the bits effect, I'm feeling lazy cause the colour coat of the plastic for the dark blue feels so thick. I also completed the head part for AGE-3 Orbital but everything else is undone. Next, an Ez-8 torso completed but no limbs nor equipment. Other than the really slow builds mentioned above, I've cases of very fast finish. There's the metallic Sinanju and Delta Gundam, of which took only a day each for me complete, from 10 am to 10 pm since it was only cutting parts and putting it on. The RGs are much faster for me (average 2 days) than HGs (average 1 week) cause I don't have to do much to add the details. Overall, I would say, my building speed is very dependant on the easy factor and how much I desire to see the final kit. The type of Gundam doesn't even matter, for example; I really, really love the design of Master Gundam, Unicorn FA, Hrairoo, Kshatriya and ZZ but I just don't feel motivated to start them. Don't even start on decalling :( |
Speaking of which, Tieren Taozi is one hell of a badass kit, holding and posing it feels heavy and sturdy. True walking brick down the core, it's joints are all tightly bound unlike the rest of my HGs, not even Sinanju comes close.
I think I'll get Sergei's version later. |
what took me the longest is not gundam but this
http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o...3.jpg~original |
Work in Progress (just one hour ago):
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) I could go faster but there's just too many small pieces for my fat fingers. |
I hate parts fitting, especially when multiple polycaps involved (such as Tieren's hip)
Is that a dynames or I misidentify it completely? |
That's the Cherudim.
^Cherudim GNHW/R to be more precise, got it at a nice price along with a 1/144 Destiny.
Wish I was willing to battle damage it though.....cuz it would have made the display I had it in previously much more awesome (Cherudim on stand holding a "battle damaged" Gadess like in the end of S2 20, and by that I mean I removed a few parts lol) Also considering getting all the 1/100 Designer 00 S2 kits, already got the Arios, so Cherudim is next on my list for those |
Well, managed to assemble the Cherudim. I had some troubles with the Rifle Bits (very fragile) & the hip joint (the damn thing kept falling appart). Also I noticed that the base for the shield bits was cracked so maybe I'll fix it later.
the result of try gundam marker weathering on the HG ground type, it really easy to use
Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) hope after Exia the next RG will be the ground type or Ez8 |
I justy saw a probability poll on Gundam Guy on what might bereleased next year in model country.I was wondering what people here would absolutely want and buy instantly if it came out.
For myself i'd jump on an 1/100 MG Woolf enacle suit, the G-exes or the G-bouncer. I always wondered why the also never appeard in Robot Damashii, must exist a prototype of the G-exes, it's easily more popular then AGE-1. |
So on curiosity I bought my friend Momoko AGE-1 Razor for his birthday
He has all three AGE-1 units already, turns out it wasn't out of place at all. I'm sad Bandai never release the kit en masse, and that a bootleg of all things is better engineered than the original kit. |
HG Woundwort HG Gundam MK-V HG Wing Zero EW HG Xi Gundam Of course, if you were to really ask me, I'll also list HG stuff like MK-III, Z-II, Re-GZ Custom, Devil Gundam, GP04 and Deepstriker but that will just be wishful thinking. Anyway, first completed kit for 2014: AGE-FX Burst Mode Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread) I think Bandai did a great job in giving the stand and the funnel effects as it makes the kit stand out. It's also a simple kit with little detailing required but the finished product looked really great with minimal effort in my opinion. I didn't even bother with the rifle as I felt that it limits the hand movement, and that the FX looked better with the simple setup. One beef I had was that, they bothered to give the optional hands like open fist, closed fist and equipment-wielding fist, but they can't do that for newer HG kits. What gives man, the All Gundam Project has those ugly hands with gaping holes, just so the weapons are compatible... |
1. Most are smaller kits, so to further promote them they try to keep down the costs 2. Limited accessories, if you have not noticed, most of the kits being released so far have very little going on for accessories, so most of the time they are expecting you to have the same sort of setup, so extra hands hardly matter if you are going to be having them holding the same stuff all the time Many of the AGE kits, in particular the lead Gundams (standard 18+m), used near exactly the same hands (albeit the covers), and a large amount of them came with their own stands to store the extra hands. And most being transformable as well, keeping costs to an extremely low point was out of the question aside from the first 3 AGE-1 kits |
Hmm, curiosity speaking, do MG unicorn suddenly grew taller in NTD form?
Because lolwut, HGUC Unicorn (U) is TINY |
Unicorn: 19m Destroy: 21m Going off the top of my head for head heights EDIT: 19.7 and 21.7 overall height for both Head height wise for the Unicorn gundam its actually not that much taller than your standard 18m gundam, approx only 1 meter difference |
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