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Sheba 2008-01-24 10:20

BlazBlue (Calamity Trigger, Continuum Shift, Chrono Phantasma)
Yes, not another revision of Guilty Gear. It may be a new franchise, depending on its success when it'll be released.

System: The game uses three attack buttons + extra button pattern featured in doujin games, Arcana Heart and Sengoku Basara X, the fourth button is the EX button used for unique character abilities. The danger about the three attack buttons configuration is to turn it into a mindless jab spam a la Melty Blood, where you jab and pray it open into a B&B combo. Eternal Fighter Zero somewhat got it right, where doing so could get yourself hurt. Badly hurt.

Gauges: There are two types of gauges, a Heat Guage and a Barrier Gauge. The Heat Gauge deals with offense, while the Barrier Gauge deals with defense. It.

It sounds like Rumble Fish.

Setting: It takes place in 2199. It looks like Guilty Gear universe, but I'll hold my judgement on it.

Music: Daisuke Ishiwatari. Expect rock!


Ragna the Bloodedge is voiced by Tomokazu Sugita (Kyon from Suzumiya Haruhi, Gintoki from Gintama, Yuichi Aizawa from Kanon 2006, That Man from GG2 Overture). Apparently, he is some kind of criminal (because he have a bounty on his head) and is looking to be the balanced character with an emphasis on power, just like.... Sol! His unique EX ability is called “Soul Eater”, which can be used to drain physical strength from his opponent. Heidern's "drain" or Omega Red's "drain"?

I dunno about you, but am I the only one thinking that he look kinda like Sanger Zonvolt from the SRW series, meeting Sol and stealing Geese's pants? I think about almost everyone screamed "LOLOLOL Square-Enix design!"... And as far as I am concerned, I thought of this SRW character.

Jin Kisaragi is voiced by Kakihara Tetsuya (Graf Eisen/Laeventin from Nanoha, Fujioka from Minami-ke, Simon from Gurenn Lagann). He fights with a sword and may fight like Ky. His EX ability allows him to freeze the enemy, like Kenshin Uesugi from Sengoku Basara X. As expected from a Ky clone, he is very likely Ragna's rival.

And now my personal favorite, at this stage of development:

Noel Vermillion, voiced by Kondou Kanako, fights using two guns and has special moves that involve shooting and have invincibility times (Gun Kata Style, yeap like Equilibrium or Anonym from Akatsuki Blitzkampf). Her EX ability is called “Chain Revolver”, and works by pressing the joystick along with the EX button (like Hol Horse from JoJo's Bizarre Adventures?).

What do I love about her? Guns as long and big as Beyond the Grave's from Gun Grave! Gun-kata style! And Zettai Ryouiki

Js2756 2008-01-24 10:44

Is the name of the game really BluBlaze? The logo in one of the pictures says BlazBlue...:uhoh:

Sheba 2008-01-24 10:46


Originally Posted by Js2756 (Post 1359757)
Is the name of the game really BluBlaze? The logo in one of the pictures says BlazBlue...:uhoh:

Oh right, I got mixed up.
Can someone edit the title?

Nite 2008-01-24 14:18

BluBlaze would've been a better name though.

I haven't played many fighters with 3 button system but I don't like the sound of it so far. Though I always end up liking most fighters made by ASW anyways. Glad theyre keeping 2d alive.

OT: Tomokazu Sugita was That Man? I always thought his voice sounded really familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who it was.

Kisuke06 2008-02-15 09:28

AOU 2008:

This is what a true next-gen F-game is. :cool:

Demongod86 2008-02-15 10:19

Guilty Gear all over again. This is a GOOD thing.

Ragna=Sol. No doubt about it.

U<3Anime 2008-02-15 13:33


Originally Posted by Kisuke06 (Post 1400619)
AOU 2008:

This is what a true next-gen F-game is. :cool:


Have you seen the kOFXII trailer yet?

Nite 2008-02-15 16:51

Both trailers were really impressive, but BlazBlue prolly got my attention more because of the awesome music, bright visuals, and longer trailer. Not to take anything away from KOFXI though, those sprites are incredible, I'm glad they didn't take the 3d or 2.5d route. I'll gladly take back all the bad things I said about SNK Playmore in the past few months.

2008 is a good year to be a fighting game fan.

Sheba 2008-02-16 17:13

Yeah, with Street Fighter 4, KoF XII, Sengoku Basara X and BlazBlue around the corner, this is going to be a good time to be a "2D school" fighting game fan.

"2D school": 3D fighters never offered the same feeling as 2D fighters. With this sluggish and lowish pathetic jump, no way you can hope for an actual aerial combat in a 3D game a la SC and Tekken ever. Dont get me started on button mashing scrub Mitsurugi or Jin, I'd rather fight a scrubby Ryu/Ken/Akuma or the abomination that is Toki from Arc Systems' Hokuto no Ken.
Do I need to elaborate on fireballs, trap games, mix-up games and tick throws that makes 2D fighters much more appealing to me than SC and tekken can ever hope to be?

So I'll have SF4 for the good old footsie, poking and fireball trap game, KoFXII for a slightly more offensive-minded pace and BlazBlue for over-the-top rock & roll fights.

Demongod86 2008-02-16 21:54

I'm wondering what console will get this game...ps3 if I had to guess. That said, Daisuke Ishiwatari music=hardcore ownage.

C.A. 2008-02-17 06:10

I'm interested.

Anyway, the katakana of 'Blazeblu' reads 'bureiburuu' or Bleyblu', silent 'z'.

Sheba 2008-02-17 07:28

As for the systems, I'll say Wii and PS3. I am holding my prediction for the 360 after the news about the HD-DVD. Now if the 360 don't pull a Dreamcast on us, seeing BlazBlue on it may not be unlikely if Sammy/Arc Systems implement an online battle mode.

PS: I've been a lot on GGPO to play KoF98.

Duo Maxwell 2008-02-18 03:06

Wonder when will they reveal the rest of the bet goes to the "gothic lolita" look-alike girl with scythe is the 3rd shadow from the left :D.

Sheba 2008-02-18 19:26

Girl on the right seems to be ninja girl, and top hat guy on the right seems to be the cast's joke character a la Faust.

Westlo 2008-02-19 09:38

Noel = awesome

Topcowimagehitman21 2008-02-20 14:23

This game game looks really good, so I see it's for ps3 and arcade looks like i'll be buying a ps3 soon. Ragna > Sol so far I like his style/

WanderingKnight 2008-02-20 15:40


"2D school": 3D fighters never offered the same feeling as 2D fighters. With this sluggish and lowish pathetic jump, no way you can hope for an actual aerial combat in a 3D game a la SC and Tekken ever. Dont get me started on button mashing scrub Mitsurugi or Jin, I'd rather fight a scrubby Ryu/Ken/Akuma or the abomination that is Toki from Arc Systems' Hokuto no Ken.
Do I need to elaborate on fireballs, trap games, mix-up games and tick throws that makes 2D fighters much more appealing to me than SC and tekken can ever hope to be?
Well, being a player of both 2D and 3D fighting games, I like to think that what 3D games like SC usually offer is a much better balance between intuitiveness and complexity. 2D fighting games tend to be much much more complex in terms of playing style--not that it's a bad thing, but it can turn off casual players very easily. Soul Calibur, on the other hand, is simple enough to make a button-mashing newbie fest really good fun, and also provide enough complexity to satisfy the needs of more hardcore players. 2D fighters require much more knowledge of the mechanics and enough practice.

To put it simply, I can kick any of my newbie friends' asses at any time in any Street Fighter battle imaginable (especially in the Crossover series :D), but there's a higher chance they'll beat me a couple of times in Soul Calibur.

PS: BTW, I love Soul Calibur. I had been a 2D fighter player all of my life until I discovered the beauty of its simple yet complex system.

Demongod86 2008-02-21 17:19


Originally Posted by kayos (Post 1411628)
Why couldn't they just incorporate BlazBlue with Guilty Gear... it's not like anyone was actually following the storyline.

Now we get BlazBlue with a few selection of characters, but don't worry... wait till BlazBlue 2 for 2 extra characters and so on.

Is it just me or some of the BB char. does exactly the same moves as some GG char., like when the big guy lifts his opponent into the air and break them over his shoulder. I know it's the same studio but come on, it just look rushed out.

Actually BB takes place *in* the GG universe.

So I'm thinking we hopefully would see Sol in BB sometime...

Sol vs. Ragna would be a nice fight ^_^

As for KOF, I saw the trailer and it in no way can beat this IMO. The graphics simply aren't anywhere near as good and the music just gets outdone. Daisuke Ishiwatari is a god with music topped potentially only by Nobuo Uematsu. Though a FF with Uematsu/Ishiwatari doing the music would be O_O

Nite 2008-02-21 18:28


Originally Posted by Demongod86 (Post 1414117)
Actually BB takes place *in* the GG universe.

Are you sure about that? From what I've seen, that was a mistranslation of a scan that was commenting that it was from the same creators of GG.

Rey Za Burrel 2008-02-22 00:38

Ain't it 10 year later? I don't remember where I read this, but somehow it's confirm that the story take place 10 year after the latest GG.

And, don't quote me on that, I'm not sure <_<.

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