I already have a set of AGE colors, which has a black marker, and a black paint type pen. Guess I'll pick up a couple of gray markers. Now wondering whether gray or light gray is better... ...and now I'm wondering about making a custom unit - a black stark jegan... |
By the way, any suggestions on what type of brush to use for painting? I'm currently useing a cheapass chinese calligraphy brush, which isn't quite what I need. I'm also getting the marker color on it by running the marker on the brush, then using the brush on the area I want to paint. :heh:
I suggest standard gray or another color though, it matches the best with the out of the box ECOAS colors Im going to be changing those colors too, but not to gray |
Howdy guys! I'm new to the forums but not to Anime, been a fan of Mecha since I was a child and I even experienced subbing one (TTGL) when it came out! Though I'm new to Gunpla(About 4 months) but this hobby is way too fun and enjoyable :P
Here's my most recent build, my MG Strike Freedom! http://s11.postimg.org/lsv7d5ynn/IMG_0469.jpg http://s11.postimg.org/lsv7d5ynn/IMG_0469.jpg http://s11.postimg.org/ymt96ic37/IMG_0475.jpg http://s11.postimg.org/95aumwucz/IMG_0482.jpg http://s11.postimg.org/oyft3dh9v/IMG_0488.jpg http://s11.postimg.org/ucelax703/IMG_0494.jpg http://s11.postimg.org/h0pzfgtdf/IMG_0496.jpg http://s11.postimg.org/8whvaq6yb/IMG_0498.jpg http://s11.postimg.org/jklm9kgxf/IMG_0505.jpg This was my 1st time Airbrushing, Modding & using Metal Parts :P Let me know what you think! & if you'd like to see more Check out the Full Album here! |
Im assuming you have previous experience building model kits? |
Dude, you are way ahead of me lol. Then again I'm even newer to Gunpla, at just barely two months :p Edit: This really should have been self-explanatory and obvious, but damnt don't mix yellow and white color on the same brush when you're painting, Goose you dumbass. :p Now I gotta buy new brushes and work on my Jegans some more. Next thing to buy will be gray marker - really don't like the beige on the ECOAS. :heh: Anyway yeah I did a bit of painting experiment with my brush and white marker. The end result on the thrusters isn't a solid white, but streaks of solid white and lighter white. I like it, I think I'll keep it - gives a feel to me like the coatings on the thruster have been worn down by thruster wash and this baby's in need of a rebuild fairly soon. ^_^ Then I was derp and applied yellow color because I wanted to color my Stark Jegan's thrusters - without actually remembering I still needed to finish up the other thrusters. :p Derp. Anyway, future gunpla plans: Bro-tier Grunts: Operator GM. Getting the Jesta and the Jesta Cannon, in part because the Jesta cannon can be turned into a normal Jesta. Also planning on another ECOAS Jegan, and also another Stark Jegan. 2nd Stark Jegan is going to be what I call Whiskey Custom - I'm gonna recolor the shit outta it. Thinking of a black and gray scheme, using Gundam markers for marking purposes. From my experience gundam marker don't seem to really need primer. (Also WTF is up with the Age yellow marker, it's a more orangey shade of yellow instead of bright yellow. I'm worried I might have tainted the tip somehow.) Also my first Gundam: Unicorn Normal. Given that it's mostly white, I shouldn't have too many problems with hiding nubs and sanding and other shit. (also jesus christ so many Unicorns. Normal, Red Psychoframe, Green Psychoframe, Full Armor Normal, Full Armor Red Psychoframe, Full Armor Green Psychoframe...) |
Started this about two years ago. Projects kept interfering, and I finally got the sucker done.
http://gamerabaenre.com/images/sd_ka...%20018_JPG.jpg |
Jesta Cannon can NEARLY be converted to a normal Jesta, its missing a few things. but its minor, and I really don't see why you would get the Cannon if you are not going to display it as so (aside from customs) No paint NEED primers, that apply to all paints. Primer HELPS the painting process immensely though, thats why its used 00 and AGE had the same mecha designer, the yellow used for those designs are a orangish yellow, you are fine I suggest you do not line the Unicorn on the white parts at all aside from the face mask slits, it got enough edges and raised surfaces that there is a natural shadow effect. It also gives it a much more pure look imo |
I'll that that advice into consideration. Unicorn without lining, huh? THen again I still have lots of rubber eraser so I can just remove the lines if I need to. :p |
Just decided the no fear kinda tactic that if I mess up I learn and it's fine and careful planning and tons tons of YouTube videos :P Quote:
Those Bro-tier Grunts though! I love how the Jesta's look and same with the Unicorn though I don't fully like how the Regular Destroy Mode looks without the million arnaments. |
...also, not to all aspiring modelers: Working under white light is quite useful. I'm going to find those clip LED light things and get one for my desk, so I can use it for extra light when working. Warm lights don't seem to work so well for me. :heh: |
Char Zaku: "...can I have that back now, PLEASE?" |
Right, so I was building an ECOAS Jegan the other day, and basically converted my Stark Jegan to more or less Jegan D-Type, and my ECOAS Jegan De into a Stark Jegan ECOAS type.
Composite comparison here. Stark Jegan reverted to D-type config, with and without the visor. Note how despite being a plain Jegan, the visor makes it look more badass. http://i.imgur.com/8S0KdErl.jpg Completed, lined and painted ECOAS Jegan. http://i.imgur.com/SPRVsYdl.jpg Target sighted. http://i.imgur.com/otoGid4l.jpg The whole reason I built this thing: Stark Jegan ECOAS. http://i.imgur.com/G0Ms8HGl.jpg Side by side comparison. Yeah, I'm not really sure why they're listing no matter what I do. http://i.imgur.com/BEplh0Fl.jpg I'll probably keep this for a while, then revert them back to standard config. I'll also need to find color marker for the visor - that sticker doesn't really do it justice, IMO. |
Live competition sites listed below for U.S.
Online website for those who can't make it to a live location will be available later this year, likely end of summer. Complete information here: http://www.bluefincorp.com/catalog/gbwc2014 Anime Central, Chicago, Illinois May 16th – 18th Website: http://www.acen.org/ A-Kon, Dallas, Texas, June 6th– June 8th Website: http://a-kon.com/ Anime Expo, Los Angeles, California July 3rd – July 6th Website: www.anime-expo.org Otakon, Baltimore Maryland Aug 8th – 10th Website: www.otakon.com NYAF/NYCC, New York Oct 9th – 12th Website: http://www.newyorkcomiccon.com/ |
Has anyone checking the Reviews for the upcoming Real Grade Exia? I get the feeling it can't rotate its upper body after looking at the pics ... :/
HG F91 Gundam.....
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HG LM314V21 Victory 2 Gundam.....
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