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Zu Ra 2010-04-03 11:17

Recent Movies you Watched
Well we have a thread to bitch about movies and we have a thread to talk about underrated movies .

Yes I am talking about Underrated and Overrated movie threads .. But we dont have a thread to talk about movies we watched , which dont fall under that category . The movies we watched at cinema or on DVD which are just okay neither underrated or overrated . This is a thread to discuss the recent movies we watched and by recent I dont mean brand new . Something on TV or in Theaters or on DVD . This is a thread to talk about them and grade/state your opinions on them . Remember One man's meat is another man's poison . So liking or disliking a movie is SUBJECTIVE can differ from person to person . Lets keep that in mind ....

The recent movie I watched is Hot Tub Time Machine . The movies I caught on DVD are Slammin Salmon and High Kick Girl ..... H.K.Girl is funny for all the wrong reasons : /

-Sho- 2010-04-03 11:36

Recently (yesterday) i watched "Ninja" , and i rather prefer this movie than "Ninja Assassin" .
Both got good actions and special effects and the story is different , i will say that the plot is reversed between the two .

Zu Ra 2010-04-03 11:53

I really liked the first half of Ninja Assassin but the second part is nothing short of a disaster . The fights towards the end look childish at times even comical . Was a huge fan of Ninja Movies as a kid so might check Ninja (2009) out . Checking out the trailer as we speak ...

Bonta Kun 2010-04-03 13:58

Oh I was gonna make a thread like this a whiles back but could never be arsed to do so:p

anyway recent flick I went ot see was KICK ASS and indeed it KICKED ASS!!!
While Kick Ass himself was great(it's a pretty awesome anme really for a super hero) the one that stole the show was without a doubt Hitgirl!
Any self respecting comic book fan just has to love her, totally and utterly made of win!:bow:

Another movie I seen recently was Terminator Salvation(2 for £25 on Bluray). It was pretty good and thats about all I can say on it really.
Kinda did wish there was some sorta epic battle at one point but was a good watch none the less.

Waiting on Iron Man 2 now!:D

Haladflire65 2010-04-03 14:04

Sherlock Holmes on TV yesterday, for the second time. It's so awesomely entertaining. Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law were great, and I was drooling from the badassery of some of the scenes, just like I did in the theatre :D

james0246 2010-04-03 14:53

I know we are not supposed to name recent film, but I have to offer up "How to Train Your Dragon". It has little to do with the soon-to-be-classic English book series from which the name of the movie and characters are derived, but this stellar 3D film has a very good and well directed story, with good (sometimes even great) voice acting, and wonderful cinematography and amazing environment animation (the hair and clothing were also phenomenal). This is probably the best overall 3D I have seen since the stupendous “Coraline” from earlier last year (the 3D isn't just for effect (i.e. the "wow" moments), as in "Avatar", it is purposeful to the characters and the situations (though it still manages a few "wow" moments :))). I highly recommend individuals and families to go and see this fun and exhilarating film.

Zu Ra 2010-04-04 09:15


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 2985913)
I know we are not supposed to name recent film,

Sorry about the misunderstanding James . I used the word recent broadly and yes it does include brand new movies .

I also meant recent movies you have watched brand new or on DVD/Blu Ray or on TV .

Kyero Fox 2010-04-04 10:10

Release the kraken!

Tsuyoshi 2010-04-04 14:03


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 2985913)
I know we are not supposed to name recent film, but I have to offer up "How to Train Your Dragon". It has little to do with the soon-to-be-classic English book series from which the name of the movie and characters are derived, but this stellar 3D film has a very good and well directed story, with good (sometimes even great) voice acting, and wonderful cinematography and amazing environment animation (the hair and clothing were also phenomenal). This is probably the best overall 3D I have seen since the stupendous “Coraline” from earlier last year (the 3D isn't just for effect (i.e. the "wow" moments), as in "Avatar", it is purposeful to the characters and the situations (though it still manages a few "wow" moments :))). I highly recommend individuals and families to go and see this fun and exhilarating film.

Give this man a medal. I just came back from watching this and was more than just a little impressed. I wasn't expecting this, but this movie could very well be one of the top 3 movies of the year for me along with Ironman. In fact, considering its superhero nature, I doubt Ironman could even compare with this, and that's a lot coming from me. I really loved this movie and also recommend it.

zebra 2010-04-04 14:06

Saw some nice children books adaptations~ Haven't read the corresponding books, though.
Yes, my inner child will never die I guess :D Won't complain about it~

Where the wild things are
Saw it on the plane a while ago. Quite embaressing to tear up in your seat when the stewardess comes to throw breakfast at you: "I want the omelette :T_T:" .... :heh:
The story about the little boy, who poses as a wolf, who poses as a king was simply beautiful. I didn't expect it, but it really touched me. Breathtaking visuals, too. I loved their fort. The animatronics seemed to be alive and were very believable in their roles.
Since I don't know the book, I can't really say how well they captured it's spirit, but I liked the spirit of the movie and it's message.

And I'm totally getting a little wolf costume for my kid if I ever have one XD (and the book! :P)

Bridge to Terabithia
Catched it on TV today :D Tears again at the end ;_;
Strangely, I could really relate to that movie. I was in my fantasy world all the time as a kid, where I fought evil with my cousins or friends or by myself. I still like to dream or delve into fiction when I need a break from reality.
I really felt for the characters. I was happy when they were and I was crushed when they suffered. Thus the end broke me inside with sadness and 'awww'ing. Bad thing happen, but life still goes on. And you can always be the king/queen of Terabithia.
Awesome movie!

Oooh and I rewatched Corpse Bride a few days ago. Reminded me why a Tim Burton film is always a must-check-out. Love the OST, too. The after life is funky~

HayashiTakara 2010-04-04 15:10

Late last night, went to see Clash of the Titans.

It was good, worth watching once at least. But the story was extremely rushed and a lot of parts were cut out for the sake of time constraint. But overall despite that it was still an enjoyable movie with a "fun" cast and awesome special effects.

GuidoHunter_Toki 2010-04-04 15:21


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 2985913)
I know we are not supposed to name recent film, but I have to offer up "How to Train Your Dragon". It has little to do with the soon-to-be-classic English book series from which the name of the movie and characters are derived, but this stellar 3D film has a very good and well directed story, with good (sometimes even great) voice acting, and wonderful cinematography and amazing environment animation (the hair and clothing were also phenomenal). This is probably the best overall 3D I have seen since the stupendous “Coraline” from earlier last year (the 3D isn't just for effect (i.e. the "wow" moments), as in "Avatar", it is purposeful to the characters and the situations (though it still manages a few "wow" moments :))). I highly recommend individuals and families to go and see this fun and exhilarating film.

Same movie I would have put down. I absolutely loved this film and want to see it again in theaters. The camera work, 3d, characters, acting, action, everything was executed well. One of the most fun I've had watching an animated film in quite a while.

JRendell 2010-04-04 15:37

I re-watched Kurosawa Akira's Seven Samurai last night.

God I love his films.

GreatTeacherKen 2010-04-04 18:46

Last movie I watched was the Japanese action movie Versus.

I thought it was okay overall. The acting sometimes went a bit over the top like the cowardly gangster, and the main villain's evil laugh towards the end. Though admittedly, I found Kenji Mitsuda's green suited gangster amusing. And I think the movie could be shortened a bit. There's this really long awkward pause after the first zombie attack that I thought was unnecessary and the police subplot is pointless (though I think that's part of the joke, but the movie's already two hours long and doesn't really need subplots that don't go anywhere)

However, in spite of these flaws, the thing that makes this movie stand out (and probably why it has cult popularity) is the fight scenes. I've seen many action movies with significantly larger budgets than this movie had, but the action scenes in those movies aren't nearly as cool and creative as the fights in this movie. The standouts definitely being the big zombie battle scene that happens right after the main character (by the way, none of the characters are given names) fights the ponytail guy which has the over the top cool moment when the hero carries three guns at the same time, firing two at once and carrying a third one with his mouth, and the final showdown.

Although I thought the movie was okay, I'd still be interested in seeing a sequel, and apparently there was one announced a long time ago, but it seems to be in development hell, so I don't know if it's going to happen.

RadiantBeam 2010-04-04 22:02

Saw How To Train Your Dragon last Saturday. Awesome movie, I loved it to bits. I will definitely be getting it when it comes out on DVD.

Spectacular_Insanity 2010-04-04 23:37

I watched Ninja Assassin this Easter weekend. It was awesome. In my opinion, the bloodier and gorier the movie, the better. :heh:

I also rewatched The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen this weekend, too. I'm still pretty sure that I'm one of the only people that liked this movie. Everyone else that I've talked to that's seen it either found it boring or outright hated it.

-KarumA- 2010-04-06 01:04


Originally Posted by HayashiTakara (Post 2987263)
Late last night, went to see Clash of the Titans.

I am going to watch the older movie first X3
I remember seeing it as a kid and it was awesome.. however the main actor int he new one.. I'm not so sure, I just don't like him that's all

I bought a big load of movies this weekend, watched several of them
Ronin was awesome, such a thrill pack
And Fistful of Dollars was very enjoyable as well
Next up is a rewatch session of The good, the bad and the ugly because I love that movie X3

Tsuyoshi 2010-04-06 01:18


Originally Posted by Spectacular_Insanity (Post 2987812)
I watched Ninja Assassin this Easter weekend. It was awesome. In my opinion, the bloodier and gorier the movie, the better. :heh:

I also rewatched The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen this weekend, too. I'm still pretty sure that I'm one of the only people that liked this movie. Everyone else that I've talked to that's seen it either found it boring or outright hated it.

Just wondering, have you read the comic books?

xKeen 2010-04-06 01:38

Just watched Thank you for smoking a couple of days ago. I feel like I understand what is happening, but at the same time I do not. Anyone watched it care to tell me what happened at the end? Why was nick happy when he lost the argument...?

Nervous Venus 2010-04-06 02:24

Picked up Haru (1996) with Fukatsu Eri as Hoshi and Masaaki Uchino as Haru and watched it yesterday. Coincidentally, the characters chat on a "movie forum". I was a bit excited to see the film's small but perceptive nod to Haruki Murakami. Some of my friends christened it the Japanese "You've Got Mail", but Haru is a decidely better and more moving film. I thought You've Got Mail was pretty terrible, actually.

Also watched Lagaan with Aamir Khan and Gracy Singh with my sister and some of her girl pals. Wow, the British actors were awful, and some of the songs brought out a giggle or two, but otherwise it was the first decent Hindi film I had seen in a while. I didn't have half a clue what they were saying half of the time (the subtitles flew by really quickly), but what I did catch was very lyrical.

The cricket match during the second half reeled in my brother-in-law and nephew, who are opposed to all things musical, so I guess it was good on a certain level.

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